Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Make KINK Not War
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Come join Capt’n Max and me on another riveting, rollicking ride into mushroom mindscapes, emo-territories and body parts unknown through the Tunnel of Love. Though after an intensive Februa fortnight of the High Holidays of Love, Love, Love, we’re ready for a little kink.
Kink is in the air, or maybe I’m just feeling kinky, having just released “Kink: Another Guide for the Perplexed (with apologies to Maimonides).” This show features an excerpt, but you really should read the whole Kink Manifesto.
We the People of the world really should make kink, not war.
Speaking of war, are we on the verge of a big one? A little one? Something between a military exercise and total nuclear annihilation? I don’t know about you, but I’m in a state of Ukraine confusion. You’d think I’d have a feel for Ukraine since my great grandfather was from Kiev, but I doubt he had much of a feel for Ukraine either, which is why he left. Between Putin, Biden, neo-Nazis in Ukraine, neo-Romanovs in Russia and NATO, there are no heroes in this mess. As I muse about Zelensky reminding me of Woody Allen’s Zelig, wondering if I can utter that taboo name without getting “canceled,” several listeners proclaim their Zelig love. So much is confusing these days. Have we graduated from pandemic to endemic? Are we canceling kissing? Are we marching off to war? All I know is I am against war and for love. And this week, I’m for kink.
In that spirit, check out our exciting bacchanalian throwback Drop Bras Not Bombs (2013) featuring the fabulous Amor Hilton (who called in to last Saturday’s “Lupercalian Bonobo Valentine”) and several other hot ladies dropping their bras, along with Moe the Monster dropping his drawers… and more!
We also discuss some of the “wars” at home, including war on the homeless. Max lays into LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva, and we bring you more or less up to date on our Arcadia situation, including the new revelation of the City Inspectors’ incriminating emails to each other about how to build a fraudulent “case” against Bonoboville.
Plus: Tucker Carlson’s pathetic but poisonous crush on AOC; how to "talk dirty" with your girlfriend if she asks you to; the kinky fantasy of Jesus having sex with nuns; my 2022 Sexual State of the Union address; why I married a man whose mother never did the dishes; how the Earn It act sucks worse than SESTA/FOSTA; how Max’s multi-colored, paisley, flower-powered shirt makes me feel like I’m on acid… and much more!
Just as we reach our station destination, “Most Bonobo-Sexy Couple” 2021 SUZY award winners, Daniele Watts and Chef BeLive, call in to gush cacaphonic but symphonic and super-psychedelic soundwaves of love—what a trip!
Read more prose and watch the show(s) they won’t let us show you on Youtube: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-kink-not-war
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Lupercalian Bonobo Valentine
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Wednesday Feb 16, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Bookending the High Holidays of Love with a little romantic V-Day sex (starting and climaxing the V-Day weekend), My Valentine and I take the Love Train between orgasms, celebrating Lupercalia, the original, pagan, februa-flogging Holiday of the Heart, and World Bonobo Day, honoring humanity’s closest Great Ape cousins, the Make-Love-Not-War, female-empowered, male-nurturing, sharing, caring, peace-through-pleasure-loving bonobos.
Valentine’s Day exalts romantic love between couples, which Capt’n Max ((whom I'm now calling my "V-Day Senior Sex Machine") and I have been blessed to enjoy—even in marriage!—for over 30 years. But I’ve never liked the pressure, commercialism and exclusivity of V-Day, which is one of many reasons I enjoy Lupercalia and World Bonobo Day, celebrating a more inclusive love—on the kinky, consensual, pan-sensual, polyamorous Pan-Horns of Lust—in the community.
In that spirit of communal ecstasy, we are delighted to reconnect with old friends and lovers from orgiastic Lupercalias past on this ride, like SUZY award-winning “Most Bonobo-Sexy Couple” stars of the legendary Lupercal of 2018, Daniele Watts and Chef Belive (currently grappling with mistreatment by an Atlanta yoga studio!), and that “Most Adorable” Valentine Princess, Amor “Baby Block” Hilton. We hope to see them all soon in Bonoboville when Vice-TV comes to film a documentary about what “icons” we are.
We also help caller “Jack” get on the path to releasing his inner bonobo, and we review current events in our inimitable F.D.R. fashion, as well as censorship and the sexual counter-revolution, including the awful anti-Free Speech “Earn It” act, and my recent State of the Sexual Union address on Hartley Pleshaw’s Lowell, Massachusetts-based “Active Radio” show on WCAP-AM.
This week’s exciting throwback is "LUPERCALIA MMXIII: Rising & Squirting," celebrating love, lust, impact play, Roman history, comparative religions and the fine art of female ejaculation. That should stimulate you into a gloriously lusty celebration of whatever High Holiday of Love you prefer this year, next year or anytime you feel the spirit of Pan within you.
Read more prose and watch the show(s): https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-lupercalia
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Valentine Fantasy & NeoPuritan Nightmare
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Censored by Youtube and harassed by Arcadia, our Love Train winds through a hailstorm of Neopuritanical suppression, fear, loathing, bugs and bullets… But there’s always something to enjoy on F.D.R! We’re still celebrating Lunar Nude Rear (Mooning the Moon), and it’s Black History Month, plus Valentine Season featuring V-Day, Lupercalia (the original pagan Valentine’s Day) and World Bonobo Day honoring the Make-Love-Not-War Apes who show us The Way to Peace through Pleasure. #GoBonobos for The High Holidays of Love! More Highlights of our sapiosexual ride…
--Lovely, luminous Kat, a sexy blast from Speakeasies Past, star of several DrSuzy-Tv shows and orgies, calls in, and our conversation almost melts down the studio…
--It’s infuriating, especially in Black History Month, to see ABC professionally spank Whoopi Goldberg (whom I met through the late great Scott Kelman) for saying that the “Holocaust was not about race.” She’s actually right; there’s no such scientific thing as different human “races,” and even if there were, Judaism’s a religion, not a “race.” She’s also wrong; Hitler was all about the Aryan “race.” So, it’s complicated. It’s also intriguing enough for Donald (no, not that Donald) to call in and say The Bonobo Way could have stopped the Holocaust. That’s pretty grandiose, but in a way, true!
--Neil Young’s Rockin’ Geezer Revolt against Joe Rogaine’s bad hair products and Covid malarkey exploded into a viral video featuring Mr. Rogaine using the “N-word” 47 times. This one’s NOT complicated. Happy Black History Month Joe!
--The Holy Trinity of the High Holidays of Love—Valentine’s Day, Lupercalia and World Bonobo Day—are underway, and this week’s throwback is the fantastic, orgiastic Lupercalia 2019.
--Gearing up for WCAP, I deliver my State of the Sexual Union address, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s great “I have a Dream” speech, except in my case, I have a Fantasy…
--The Arcadia Kangaroo Court continues to harass us. Thank you, "Most Bonobo-Sexy Couple" SUZY award winners Daniele Watts and Rawkstar Chef Be*Live, for sending us the great Lana del Rey song, Arcadia.
--Many people we know are being censored for dumb reasons, so we don’t take it personally that Youtube censored the SUZY awards. I feel we’ve been sucker-punched, but this is the way the METAverse rolls, controlled by a few nervous billionaires and a few billion dumb bots.
--Hugh Hefner, aka Hef, aka Mr. Playboy, is demonized as a bloodless Charlie Manson in a new documentary series because there’s money in generating erotophobia. Some ex-Pets are defending poor dead Hef.
--We continue to discuss our hopes and fears for Julian Assange, the world’s most famous victim of censorship right now. FREE ASSANGE!
--Vice says we’re “icons” and they’re coming to Bonoboville to make a documentary. If you want to be in it, call us at 626.461.5950 and ask for Max.
Read more Prose and watch the show(s): https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-valentine
Get set to celebrate sex, love, lust and life in the midst of all the death, greed, hate and madness. Or forget “getting set,” and just start celebrating now!
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU all through 2022…
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Naked TIGER
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Kung Hei Fat Choi! Happy Lunar New Year! In 2020, our Chinese New Year of the Rat festivities ushered in the Coronapocalypse. Now we’re roaring into the Year of the Tiger through the Tunnel of Love (Not War) into (hopefully!) Healthier Times! But it’s such a dark tunnel… Spoiled reactionary pundit Bari Weiss tells Bill Mahr she is “so done” with Covid (but is Covid “so done” with her—or us?) makes me want to throw up my Chinese Tiger Tail soup. Though everyone misses something about their pre-pandemic lives. For me, it’s the orgies.
Always a little dangerous, orgies are now a high-risk concern for any safety-conscious person who isn’t on mushrooms. So, in the spirit of the communal ecstasy I so now miss, I #GoBonobos for this week’s throwback, “Erotique Orgy in the Womb Room: Group Sex in the Digital Age,” featuring the amazing Eric John—well-hung MIT grad and former Boeing executive who turned his back on the sordid, death-dealing Military-Industrial Complex to become an honest porn mogul—plus Eric’s lovely wife Vicki Chase (whom he met at Chase bank) and about a dozen Sexual Olympic athletes, all engaging in one of our biggest orgies ever on my big brass bed.
This brings us back to the perjurious Mattress Madness of the Arcadia City Council’s Kangaroo Court, and then onto Neil Young and the Rockin’ Geezer Revolt boycotting Joe Rogaine hair-growth tonic and Dr. Jordan Peterson’s “tan”; Julian Assange’s glimmer of hope (#FreeAssange!); America’s build-up to war (yikes!), smack-down of sex (sad!) and serious Ammosexual Incel problem. Also, Vice is coming to Bonoboville… so, calling all Pro-Bonobo Exhibitionists!
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube): https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-tiger
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU all through 2022…
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s our first live broadcast of the year from the Soul of Downtown Arcadia. It’s also from the sole, since I make a few high heel, boot, stocking and foot fetishists happy. It’s also from the heart, as I kick off this spin around the sun with my heartfelt New Year’s resolution, my sexy-lefty Bonobo Manifesto, #GoBonobos in 2022. Well, part of it... Between the foot lovers, pop-up questions about female ejaculation and so-called “addiction” to vibrators, Trumpty Dumpty’s Golden Storm, the return of Vice, my new “Sexologist of the Year” award (thanks Glennys!), the story of Eros Day and the Arcadia City Council’s Kangaroo Court… Capt’n Max and I have a LOT to juggle on our first night train into 2022. We also look back on four amazing bacchanalian DrSuzy.Tv throwbacks, “NYE in Bonoboville,” the “Anti-Inaugural Circus,” “Too $hort in tha $peakeasy” and “Eros Day XIV: Human Couple Become Gods Through Sex.” We tell a bit of the Story of Eros, aka Cupid, the ancient Greek God of Lust, the Planetoid Eros 433 as well as Eros Man, Lasse Braun, Axel Braun and the Magic of Eros, including the Lust God’s intense and controversial romance with his immortal Mother, Aphrodite aka Venus, Goddess of Love, Sex and Beauty. Hey, Oedipus wasn’t the only Mama’s Boy; those Greeks practically invented Mommy fantasies. Celebrate Eros Day the Bonobo Way!
This being our first live broadcast after our recent mistreatment at the neo-Puritanical hands of the Arcadia City Council, we rant about their absurd and hypocritical Kangaroo Court of Mattress Madness.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, we take some serious hairpin turns this ride; but also, as always, we have lots of fun on the Love Train! Fun fuels the Revolution.
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube): https://drsusanblock.com/go-bonobos-eros-day
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU all through 2022…
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Drum roll, please… It's the SUZY awards!
Are YOU a winner? Maybe you won a Boobie Prize…
Check out the Winners' and Losers’ List and watch this amazing show (plus more we can’t show you on Youtube) uncensored and free: https://drsusanblock.com/awards2021
Honoring excellence in broadcast artistry and exhibitionism for the 10th consecutive year, the DrSusanBlock.tv Awards, a.k.a., The SUZYS, recognize erotic performance, sexual intelligence and Weapons of Mass Seduction, celebrating The Bonobo Way of female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources, ecosexuality and peace through pleasure in all kinds of weather, while paying tribute, with love, humor and deep respect, to those who work and play in the fields of sexuality, equality and world peace. There’s never been a more urgent time to honor Peace over War, Community over Capitalism, Sex-Positivity over Puritanism and “Lust Over Greed” than right now.
Well before the Oscars, XBIZ, the AVNs, the TEAs, the Grammys, the Tonys, the Emmys and the Golden Globes trot out their awards, our last podcast of 2021 is here to acknowledge what we loved and loathed in that crazy year on “The Greatest Sexuality Show on Earth.” Honoring the winners of such diverse categories as “Most Bonobo Humanitarian,” “Best Sex Education,” “Hottest Interracial Orgy Lifestyle” and “Most Caring Domme,” and presenting a bevy of Boobie prizes like “Miss Ammosexual,” “Worst Cuckold,” “Miss QAnonsensical” and “Nastiest Billionaire,” the SUZYs are certainly the Most Interesting Awards on Earth.
Our goal, as always (besides having a cum-ton of fun), is to 1) advance the cause of sex education, health and research, 2) inspire better erotic art and porn with a more sex-positive, ecosexual and sapiosexually stimulating aesthetic, 3) support sex workers and political activists fighting for peace, equality and sexual freedom, and 4) to save the real bonobos from extinction while 5) supporting a more bonoboëque ethos in the world. #GoBonobos for the fabulous SUZY Award winners of 2021, and for real bonobos. Save the bonobos and they will help us save ourselves.
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU all through 2022…
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Krampus Hanukkah Arcadia Erotica
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Fires of desire light up the confluence of Krampus, Hanukkah and Bonoboville erotica among the Churches of Arcadia! The Miracle of Hanukkah is the Everlasting Light that had just enough oil to burn 24 hours, yet miraculously lasted 8 days, giving the Maccabees time to defeat their so-called “enemies” and get fresh oil. So, we light 8 candles (plus one for good luck) and give gifts for 8 days to placate Jewish kids jealous of their Christian friends’ Xmas trees. But the fundamentalist, militaristic Maccabees were the Taliban of their times, and though they won that battle and replenished the oil, they soon lost the war AND the Temple.
All Things Must Pass, Brothers and Sisters of the Church of the Bonobo Way, including these Hanukkah candles. Over the years, we didn’t just light the candles; we also dripped melting wax onto bared buns, breasts and other body parts at big bacchanalian Hot-Wax Hanukkah party shows, including this week’s throwback, Squirting Hot Wax Hanukkah (2018) featuring the miracle of female “Holy Water” as well as hot wax. No orgies for Hanukkah 2021; just riding with Capt’n Max through our candlelit Tunnel of Love, foreplay for big fiery orgasms, a “mitzvah” (good deed) to share on Hanukkah. The red candle is our light for Palestine, shedding light upon the struggles of the Palestinian people, displaced in their own lands by over-zealous Maccabean Israelis.
It’s also Krampusnacht, when Krampus, the hornèd horny dark side of Santa, wreaks hornèd horny havoc on the “naughty.” Krampus resembles Pan, Greek God of the Wild who lends his horns, hooves, long tongue and tail to the Christian Satan and his name to the Latin classification for bonobos, Pan paniscus. But Krampus is a BAD Pan, and Krampus’ horrid, haunting incarnation is the demonic Loser-in-Chief who refuses to lose, Tyrannosaurus Narcissist, Krampus Trumpus Rumpus. It’s not just the Trumpus himself, though the Insurrection Anti-Santa is bad enough; it’s also Trumpism, aka Fascism with an American swagger, QAnonsense and the deadly ammosexual bent embodied by young Killer Kyle Rittenhouse, and even younger super-killer Ethan Crumbley and his crumbling Crumbley family values. What an American travesty that Killer Kyle roams free, inspiring fresh killers, while the Exposer of Killers, Julian Assange, remains in prison. FREE ASSANGE!
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Our personal Krampus Monster is currently a certain perversely obsessed Arcadia zoning inspector who is discriminating against us, having harassed, raided, manhandled, grossly misunderstood and traumatized our staff. We are fighting the power!
Meanwhile, more sex, politics and the Bonobo Way for the Holydaze. Merry Xmas! Peace on earth, pleasure for all, and many happy orgasms!
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube): https:// drsusanblock .com/ fdr-krampus-hanukkah.
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): MetaSex, Meta Politics & a Perverse Metaverse @DrSuzy
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s the last Love Train of Naughty November 2021 out of the Bonoboville Station, and we are riding through Techno-Feudal Lord Zuckerberg’s fright-filled META-Manor!
If Zuck and a handful of other billionaires are techno-feudal lords of the Perverse Metaverse, what are we? Serfs forced to Surf Capitalogenic Fake Worlds? What about Meta-Sex? Meta-Politics? Meta-Malarkey?
Then we’re onto a stimulating, sapiosexual exploration of interracial group sex in Pilgrim times and now; justice for Ahmaud Arbery (yay!); Killer Kyle doing the Tucker/tRump Ammosexual Media Circuit shuffle while Killer-Exposing Julian Assange remains imprisoned (boo!); Omicron around the bend; RIP Stephen Sondheim and Capt’n Max’s friend Milva; Italian-accented senior romance; Thomas Morton the Orgiastic Anti-Pilgrim; continuing Mattress Madness from the Arcadia Zoning Politburo; the piquant pleasures of audio erotica; Abby Martin trying to confront Nancy Pelosi about the U.S. Military’s part in Climate Catastrophes; why The Bonobo Way is the best way; an early Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate; a crash course in “How to Initiate Phone Sex (for Dummies)”… and another stupendous, star-studded bacchanalian Spanksgiving throwback (Seasons Beatings!) and more.
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube): https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-meta
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.