Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Falling in love in Fall flows like sweet sap from the maple tree, the sun rising later and nights lasting longer, optimal conditions for cuddling up with someone you love and falling deeper into the warmth between you. Of course, long-term love has its ups and downs, hair-raising twists and hairpin turns, and so does our Love Train as we ride through some of the glories (gorillas going downtown!) and hazards (climate catastrophes everywhere!) of Autumn Equinox, 2021.
At a couple points, this ride gets so intense, our little Love Train almost goes off the rails (like that poor Amtrak Train in Montana, RIP), but we get back on track, choo-choo’ing through the floods, fires and relationship issues of the obscene Anthropocene, the era we’re now living through when “human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.” The world’s worst polluter is the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex (MIC). The devastating effects are already upon us, waves of refugees streaming into U.S. borders from Haiti, Guatemala and other places displaced by climate catastrophe, violence, corruption and war, much of it stirred up by the U.S. MIC, as well as its “secret police,” the CIA.
It seems like secret police of one kind or another are everywhere—from the LA County Sheriff’s office (Sheriff Alex Villaneuva’s personal spy force) to Bonoboville’s backyard where we’re currently being harassed by city inspectors and police (secret & not). If they’re not secret, they’re often rather stupid police, like the Keystone Cops that let Brian “Dirty” Laundrie get away after he came home with Gabby Petito’s van and no Gabby. We also talk about the MSM’s (and our own) “Gabby Petito Syndrome,” as well as the sad loss of the world’s only official Vagina Museum; Bronx Zoo Gorillas going downtown; Cuomosexual problems and the ridiculous but ominous Trump Virus rally.
We contrast the MAGAt cult with a very different kind of human community, a “healing biotope” on a communal, organic, sustainable and very bonoboësque farm in Portugal, living the dream of peace and “free love,” featured on this week’s throwback, “Tamera in Bonoboville on Supermoon Eve,” with Terra Nova “global peace ambassador” & Tamera founder Sabine Lichtenfels and Tamera “Next Generation” leader Benjamin von Mendelssohn. Many thanks to UPRM Professor SerenaGaia Anderlini D’Onofrio who arranged Tamera’s visit exactly six years ago. What a fantastic show!
Read more (Free Assange!) AND watch the Tamera throwback: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-fall-equinox-anthropocene
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): 9/11 20th Anniversary
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
9/11: A date almost everyone knows, yet it’s still shrouded in mystery, like it was a dream, a myth or a movie. It sure looked like a movie, something no one had ever seen before... and hasn’t since. The appalling spectacle of passenger planes flying into the World Trade Centers crumbling to dust live and on repeat—one fiery, phantasmagorical special effect after another—from every different angle, felt totally surreal.
Unfortunately, it was real.
It was also very deadly. At least 2997 human beings lost their lives that dreadful day, and thousands more were poisoned by the fumes. And it was traumatic. Certainly, the harrowing experience is seared into the psyches of the actual survivors who somehow escaped the Nightmare on Fulton Street. But you didn’t have to have been there to be traumatized. Millions of us were shocked senseless, and we still exhibit symptoms of 9/11 PTSD: chronic fear, anxiety, despair, delusion, confusion, anger and terror, and even a kind of sexual trauma, a peculiar feeling of impotency, pain and rage from having witnessed America’s biggest phallic buildings—Dick 1 & Dick 2—virtually castrated by box-cutters and blowback.
Have we healed from the wounds of 9/11? Not really; how can we? Though it was the Crime of the Century, 9/11 is one of America’s greatest (mostly) unsolved mysteries, partly because “Da Rich” cover their crimes. So, on this special, almost sacred 20th anniversary, when most mainstream media is just feeding us the usual hogwash, F.D.R. explores the truth of 9/11, such that we know. We're not “Truthers" - it wasn't an "inside job," though it turned into a con job... And we have questions: Why did it happen? Why was the Bush administration so ill-prepared (despite warnings), and yet so ready to wage wars in response to 9/11 against peoples that had nothing to do with 9/11? With 15 out of 19 hijackers Saudi, plus Osama bin Laden (plus more), why is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia one of the only Middle Eastern countries America hasn’t attacked? Why haven't we solved or tried the terrible crime of 9/11 instead of just waging perma-wars with drones and bombs? Bombing never helps anyone but the bomb-makers.
Unfortunately, the bomb-makers are in charge…
We are asking obvious questions, and yet they are so taboo that Reddit censored this show, shutting it down twice as we broadcast live. But we have other platforms and we will not be intimidated, so the F.D.R. Love Train rolls on down the tracks of truth.
We also talk about the generally lousy effect that 9/11 (especially coming right after the Clinton Impeachment) had on good consenting adult sexuality. Sex took a beating, while beating became “sexy,” and torture in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo went off the charts. On the one hand, our APA-sanctioned “enhanced interrogations” destroyed innocent people, and on the other, now we can’t even try the self-confessed 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, because we tortured him too much for his confessions to be admissible.
Of course, 9/11-inspired sex doesn't HAVE to be bad... for instance, when I fly through the air and make Max's tower explode. Wheeeee!
Put on your headphones to listen to the show and celebrate Self-Love September! Make Self-Love (or any kind of love), Not War. It's the Bonobo Way.
And don’t miss our fabulous star-studded throwback, 9/11 Anniversary Eve Bonoboville Bacchanal, from exactly five years ago (when we also went to the Emmys which we missed this year due to Covid-fears), on the 15th anniversary of the greatest American Crime Story never (fully) told.
Watch all the exciting stuff we can’t show you on Youtube, and read more about everything here: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-911
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
As the Texas Taliban begin their crackdown on female sexuality, virtually outlawing a woman’s right to choose with the help of a right-wing extremist Supreme Court, floods, fires and plagues rage—rather Biblically—while heavily armed, deeply confused, ammosexual incels roam the land, some in uniform, others not—shooting it up and beating the drums for war in the streets and overseas. Meanwhile, as we broadcast live from our beautiful little village of Bonoboville, the 20th anniversary of America’s greatest unsolved mystery, 9/11, looms before us.
We also say farewell to the late great “Ed Asner: Man of Spunk & Socialism,” loveable curmudgeon star of “Lou Grant,” “Mary Tyler Moore,” “Up,” and more, seven-time Emmy and Eugene V. Debs award winner, SAG Union President and courageous nemesis of Ronald Reagan. And we talk about how the new FX “Impeachment” movie might skewer Bill (again!) over consensual adult sex, victimize Monica (a co-producer) and reflect the “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” that Hillary warned us about, and that has since metastasized into leagues of ammosexual MAGAts spouting QAnonsense, at the highest and lowest levels. We also take a call from Chris in New Jersey who praises Ed Asner’s activism in the autism community and tells the harrowing tale of surviving the horrific floods of Tropical Storm Ida. So many sad, disturbing topics for this Love Train…
But it’s also Labia Day 2021!
Like a vibrant Georgia O’Keeffe pussy flower blooming in a toxic junkyard, Labia Day opens us to pleasure, giving us something beautiful to celebrate (as well as the great labia-loving, senior sex we had that morning), as we assess all the misery, insanity and sex-negativity that is now flooding, burning, drowning, droning and oppressing the world. So, if you’re looking for sexy sex education, don’t miss this week’s throwback, our very first Labia Day in 2015 when, fed up with the Da Rich exploiting our labor, I decided to read between the lines—and lips—of Labor Day to find a similar, onomatopoetic, but far more suitable and bonoboësque name for this early September time off from the daily grind. It’s a celebration of female sexuality, but since labia can be transformed into testicles in trans men, this could be Testicle Day too, which takes me onto a tangent about testicles and testament having the same root that I’m sure all the testifying-on-their -testament, anti-abortion, anti-woman, anti-sex Bible thumpers appreciate. “Dubai Guy” on Reddit wishes us a “Happy Testicles Day,” one of many comments and questions on this ride through time on the Love Train.
Oh, and sorry for the video glitches on this one, but the audio is fine… and quite eargasmic!
Watch Labia Day (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read more about everything here: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-tex-ed
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):OnlyFans Flips! Wars Suck! Bonobos Rock!
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
We start with the Good News: OnlyFans surrenders! It may not last, but it’s a victory for sex workers. Also Good News: U.S. troops are finally leaving Afghanistan! Though ending a misbegotten Perma-War is like trying to straighten out a bad perm; it’s a mess. Biden is no genius, but Dubya and the Dick are the big adult babies who made this mess. Also Carter arming the muhajideen against Soviet Russia kickstarted it 40 years ago, around the time I was in Afghanistan. So, we #GoBonobos for pulling out now, better late and messy than never and messier!
Other Questions of the Night include: Will the U.S. finally learn its lesson (the one about not invading other countries that we didn’t learn in Vietnam)? Are suicide bombers the ISIS version of ammosexual incels? What about the no-vax, no-mask folks who willfully spread Covid? What’s religion got to do with it? Why is censorship almost always bad for society, not to mention ineffective? Why do we need sex education? Why are some people identifying as “asexual”? What’s better—flipflop politics or flipflop shoes? How can we get the billionaires to pay their fair share? Are we communists? Am I cosplaying Lady Dimitrescu Mods from Resident Evil Village? Is she cosplaying me? What is Generation Q? Is humanity going as bananas as it seems like we’re going—or does the media just emphasize the crazy for clickbait? Or is the media driving us bananas?
Don’t go bananas; go bonobos! Listen and learn the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure in all kinds of weather… and this is some crazy weather… Climate Change is real, and the Coronapocalypse is in the thick of it. We also talk about some of the wild shows and orgiastic bacchanals of Bonoboville’s pre-pandemic past, including this week’s amazing, orgasmic throwback, Labia Day 2018 featuring “Most Bonobo” and “Most Sapiosexual” SUZY award winner Riley Reyes and adorable Eva Yi.
Watch Labia Day (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read more about everything here: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-onlyfans-war-bonobos.
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): OnlyFans, Afghanistan
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Reddit censored this show’s title because it contained the word “incels.” We deleted the word and went on with the show, playing footsie yet again with Big Tech censorship. Of course, we weren’t encouraging incels! We were exploring solutions to the growing ammosexual incel problem. But the bots can’t tell whether you’re using a word to promote or critique, so they just censor first and ask questions… never.
At least, Big Tech Bots aren’t the Taliban. They don’t amputate your hand if you’re caught stealing. But they do cut off your voice if you use certain words.
Moving along from censoring words to images… Known for its sexually explicit content, #OnlyFans announced the other day that they will no longer allow sexually explicit content! We discuss their mean and stupid choice to bite the hand that strokes them. And TODAY they reversed their decision (they must have been listening to this show!) & they WILL allow sexually explicit content… for NOW. Though some creators are rejoicing, others are pulling out anyway, as OnlyFans has proven itself to be a fickle pimp.
From OnlyFans to Afghanistan… pulling out is good, but pulling out is messy. We should never have let Dubya and Dick lie our way into invading that Graveyard of Empires 20 years ago, but 40 years back, the U.S. (under Jimmy Carter) was already financing the Mujahedeen against the Soviets (who actually empowered Afghan women the most). The American invasion(s) and occupation were no good for anyone or anything except the weapons business.
We also talk about Weimar-ish Quarreling Lefties and how the Bonobo Way might help Make Friends Before the Fascists Gas Us All; the MAGAt Horse Dewormer Follies; the Orgasmic Pleasures and Challenges of Senior Sex; Cougar Dating; Witchy Girlfriends; Foot Fetish Fun and GasMaskGirl Kink. Which brings us to this week’s amazing Bacchanalian throwback show, “Hot Summer Kink with GasMaskGirl!” With the Domina Delta Variant on the loose, the gasmask—or some kind of mask—is not *just* a kink, it’s a lifesaver!
Watch the Bacchanal (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read more about everything here: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-onlyfans-afghanistan .
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): The Pink Duct Tape Dialogues
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Slipping into a slinky pink latex, I pledge my love & send my regrets to DomCon, the Comic-Con of Kink and the Met Gala of Fetish, where I was so excited to be Mistress of Ceremonies and see all my favorite FemDoms who I’ve been missing like crazy all year. But these are crazy times, and as much as I long to whip it good with fellow kinksters, I’m not about to challenge Domina Delta Variant to a wrestling match. Not even a friendly erotic catfight. So My Pomeranian Familiar, Chico, & I send our best wishes for fab play parties & classy classes. Speaking of classes, I suggest DomCon offer a class in “Duct Tape Bondage for Flight Attendants,” & I’m only half-kidding. Apparently, the most effective method for handling unruly passengers—of which there are a lot lately—is to duct tape them in their seats. Maybe they like it (freedom is the greatest aphrodisiac, but restraint is a close second). But don’t be harassing your beleaguered flight attendants just so they’ll tie you up!
Fortunately, Capt’n Max & I don’t have to duct tape anyone on the Love Train, but when we turn the live Reddit cam on me, the Redditors call me a hot MILF, Mistress, Goddess, sexy Auntie, etc., my favorite being “Jane Goodall in Vegas.”
Which brings us back to bonobos, including our amazing new “Survival of the Friendliest” interview, and how there are no ammosexual incels in Bonoboville. Unfortunately, there are quite a few ammosexual incels in Humanville. One of them, Trump supporter Jake Davison, just mass-murdered five people, including his own mother, before turning his (legal owned) gun on himself in the first mass shooting in the U.K. in 11 years. How can the Bonobo Way treat our growing ammosexual incel virus (it’s very contagious)?
We also talk about the awful pain but long-overdue necessity of U.S. military forces pulling out of Afghanistan—which we never should have invaded in the first place. Defense Attorney Brian from Kentucky calls in to suggest that I, being a sex-positive feminist, should take up arms to help oppressed Afghan women, but loses momentum when I ask what to do about oppressed Saudi women? Let’s share our wealth, not our firearms and bombs. Let’s make like bonobos, not baboons.
And we update you on our response to last month’s unconstitutional Police Raid on F.D.R. studios. Over 20 years ago, when we were raided by the LAPD on equally bogus pretexts, we created “The Dildo Dialogues.” This show is “The Duct Tape Dialogues.” Plus les choses changent, plus elles restent les mêmes…
We also have a kinktastic DomCon Bound (2018) throwback show to get you into a spanking-hot DomCon mood, if you’re brave enough to go this year. Or, if you’re a Covid-Sissy like me, just savor those vicarious thrills. If you’ve ever been to DomCon before, it will certainly trigger wonderful memories—with mammaries!
Watch the DomCon Bound Bacchanalia (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read more about everything here: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-duct-tape
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Is your dog smarter than you? Can bonobos show you how to share your love? And what did Darwin really mean by “Survival of the Fittest”? That only the strong survive in the race to the top? Or does “fittest” really mean friendliest and, in a way, sexiest? If so, what does that say about the history and precarious future of humanity?
In this fascinating, fun, science-rich Bedside Chat of the Coronapocalypse (#25), I interview Duke University Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, Dr. Brian Hare, & award-winning journalist/research scientist, Vanessa Woods (married bonobo and dog experts whom I’ve known over ten years!) about their amazing new book “Survival of the Friendliest: Understanding Our Origins and Rediscovering Our Common Humanity.”
Learn the natural, evolutionary secrets of our closest Great Ape cousins, the Make-Love-Not-War bonobos, and our four-legged best friends, our very own amazing dogs, that will help you be a friendlier, sexier, more peaceful and sustainable human being… AND help save the world from imminent Anthropocene dissolution!
Also featuring Chico the Pomeranian Power Puppy, Congo the Retired Service Dog (Golden Lab Mix) and a lot of friendly bonobos in the wild, at Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary and in the San Diego Zoo.
Read more on https://drsusanblock.com/survival-of-the-friendliest.
Save the bonobos! Donate to bonobos .org
Need to talk? Call the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime 24/7: 626.461.5950
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Sex, Politics & Horsepower
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
From Horseracing to Horseplay to Horse Abuse to Hot Sex on Horseback to Anthropocene Horsepower taking us for a Ride into Jacked-Up Ammosexual War Without Peace & Various Climate Crises (Drought! Floods! Fires!), the F.D.R. Love Train penetrates the Tunnel of Love at 7000 Horsepower on a Hot Night. Yeeha! “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” (Cowgirl-Style), & Listen Up for another Great Ride—Straight from the Horse’s Mouth… with Horseradish: Choo-Choo!
And we continue to mock the Billionaire Dicks in Space Race (over a million horsepower!), and we mourn the victims of the 76th Anniversary of (perhaps) the Worst of America’s many Ammosexual War Crimes, Dropping the A-Bomb on Hiroshima. Plus We Deliver the Good (and Bad) News about Senior Sex; Lesbian Peach & Apple PussyFruits; Our Recent Ridiculous, Unconstitutional, Illegal, Erotophobic Police Raid; the Deadly Drunk-Driving Accident in Front of Bonoboville; Vaxxing News & Anti-Vax Blues in the Still-Raging Coronapocalypse; Pleasure, Pain & Orgasm; #GoBonobos for American Shero Cori Bush; Free Britney from Her Demonic Daddy! Free Assange! Free Yourself…
And stick around for this week’s Bacchanalian post-show throwback, our “Last Show in the Old DTLA Speakeasy” featuring Porn Stars, Comics, Artists and Realtors, including Kat Dior, Selma Sins, Jayden Lee, Natalie Moore. Joe Munkey-Barz, Selena White, Isiah King James IV (now Super Pornstar Isiah Maxwell), Lotus Lain, Moe the Monster, Fawnia the Realtor, Daryl Wright, JuxLii, Amanda, Pappi, Chris Gore, & My Caricature of the Night by Stripperella Comic Book Artist Anthony Winn. Watch the show (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read more about everything: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-horsepower
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.