The Dr Susan Block Show

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Drum roll, please… It's the SUZY awards!
Are YOU a winner? Maybe you won a Boobie Prize…
Check out the Winners' and Losers’ List and watch this amazing show (plus more we can’t show you on Youtube) uncensored and free:
Honoring excellence in broadcast artistry and exhibitionism for the 10th consecutive year, the Awards, a.k.a., The SUZYS, recognize erotic performance, sexual intelligence and Weapons of Mass Seduction, celebrating The Bonobo Way of female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources, ecosexuality and peace through pleasure in all kinds of weather, while paying tribute, with love, humor and deep respect, to those who work and play in the fields of sexuality, equality and world peace. There’s never been a more urgent time to honor Peace over War, Community over Capitalism, Sex-Positivity over Puritanism and “Lust Over Greed” than right now.
Well before the Oscars, XBIZ, the AVNs, the TEAs, the Grammys, the Tonys, the Emmys and the Golden Globes trot out their awards, our last podcast of 2021 is here to acknowledge what we loved and loathed in that crazy year on “The Greatest Sexuality Show on Earth.” Honoring the winners of such diverse categories as “Most Bonobo Humanitarian,” “Best Sex Education,” “Hottest Interracial Orgy Lifestyle” and “Most Caring Domme,” and presenting a bevy of Boobie prizes like “Miss Ammosexual,” “Worst Cuckold,” “Miss QAnonsensical” and “Nastiest Billionaire,” the SUZYs are certainly the Most Interesting Awards on Earth.
Our goal, as always (besides having a cum-ton of fun), is to 1) advance the cause of sex education, health and research, 2) inspire better erotic art and porn with a more sex-positive, ecosexual and sapiosexually stimulating aesthetic, 3) support sex workers and political activists fighting for peace, equality and sexual freedom, and 4) to save the real bonobos from extinction while 5) supporting a more bonoboëque ethos in the world. #GoBonobos for the fabulous SUZY Award winners of 2021, and for real bonobos. Save the bonobos and they will help us save ourselves.
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU all through 2022…

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Krampus Hanukkah Arcadia Erotica
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Tuesday Dec 07, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Fires of desire light up the confluence of Krampus, Hanukkah and Bonoboville erotica among the Churches of Arcadia! The Miracle of Hanukkah is the Everlasting Light that had just enough oil to burn 24 hours, yet miraculously lasted 8 days, giving the Maccabees time to defeat their so-called “enemies” and get fresh oil. So, we light 8 candles (plus one for good luck) and give gifts for 8 days to placate Jewish kids jealous of their Christian friends’ Xmas trees. But the fundamentalist, militaristic Maccabees were the Taliban of their times, and though they won that battle and replenished the oil, they soon lost the war AND the Temple.
All Things Must Pass, Brothers and Sisters of the Church of the Bonobo Way, including these Hanukkah candles. Over the years, we didn’t just light the candles; we also dripped melting wax onto bared buns, breasts and other body parts at big bacchanalian Hot-Wax Hanukkah party shows, including this week’s throwback, Squirting Hot Wax Hanukkah (2018) featuring the miracle of female “Holy Water” as well as hot wax. No orgies for Hanukkah 2021; just riding with Capt’n Max through our candlelit Tunnel of Love, foreplay for big fiery orgasms, a “mitzvah” (good deed) to share on Hanukkah. The red candle is our light for Palestine, shedding light upon the struggles of the Palestinian people, displaced in their own lands by over-zealous Maccabean Israelis.
It’s also Krampusnacht, when Krampus, the hornèd horny dark side of Santa, wreaks hornèd horny havoc on the “naughty.” Krampus resembles Pan, Greek God of the Wild who lends his horns, hooves, long tongue and tail to the Christian Satan and his name to the Latin classification for bonobos, Pan paniscus. But Krampus is a BAD Pan, and Krampus’ horrid, haunting incarnation is the demonic Loser-in-Chief who refuses to lose, Tyrannosaurus Narcissist, Krampus Trumpus Rumpus. It’s not just the Trumpus himself, though the Insurrection Anti-Santa is bad enough; it’s also Trumpism, aka Fascism with an American swagger, QAnonsense and the deadly ammosexual bent embodied by young Killer Kyle Rittenhouse, and even younger super-killer Ethan Crumbley and his crumbling Crumbley family values. What an American travesty that Killer Kyle roams free, inspiring fresh killers, while the Exposer of Killers, Julian Assange, remains in prison. FREE ASSANGE!
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Our personal Krampus Monster is currently a certain perversely obsessed Arcadia zoning inspector who is discriminating against us, having harassed, raided, manhandled, grossly misunderstood and traumatized our staff. We are fighting the power!
Meanwhile, more sex, politics and the Bonobo Way for the Holydaze. Merry Xmas! Peace on earth, pleasure for all, and many happy orgasms!
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube): https:// drsusanblock .com/ fdr-krampus-hanukkah.
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): MetaSex, Meta Politics & a Perverse Metaverse @DrSuzy
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s the last Love Train of Naughty November 2021 out of the Bonoboville Station, and we are riding through Techno-Feudal Lord Zuckerberg’s fright-filled META-Manor!
If Zuck and a handful of other billionaires are techno-feudal lords of the Perverse Metaverse, what are we? Serfs forced to Surf Capitalogenic Fake Worlds? What about Meta-Sex? Meta-Politics? Meta-Malarkey?
Then we’re onto a stimulating, sapiosexual exploration of interracial group sex in Pilgrim times and now; justice for Ahmaud Arbery (yay!); Killer Kyle doing the Tucker/tRump Ammosexual Media Circuit shuffle while Killer-Exposing Julian Assange remains imprisoned (boo!); Omicron around the bend; RIP Stephen Sondheim and Capt’n Max’s friend Milva; Italian-accented senior romance; Thomas Morton the Orgiastic Anti-Pilgrim; continuing Mattress Madness from the Arcadia Zoning Politburo; the piquant pleasures of audio erotica; Abby Martin trying to confront Nancy Pelosi about the U.S. Military’s part in Climate Catastrophes; why The Bonobo Way is the best way; an early Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate; a crash course in “How to Initiate Phone Sex (for Dummies)”… and another stupendous, star-studded bacchanalian Spanksgiving throwback (Seasons Beatings!) and more.
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube):
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Slappy Spankgiving 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Happy Thanksgiving (get stuffed from both ends!) and Slappy Spanksgiving! It’s our duty to spank booty on Spanksgiving! Consenting adults only please. Don’t spank kids. The Bible says, “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” I say: Spare the child and save that rod for your (consenting adult) lover.
Indeed, SPANKSgiving is more authentic than THANKSgiving. Most historians agree that the Thanksgiving Story of a feel-good gathering of friendly Pilgrims and Wampanoag Native Americans is whitewashed hogwash, aka “Fake News.” Sure, those Pilgrims ate Squanto’s corn when they were starving, but then they slaughtered as many “savages” as they could with their matchbox muskets and blankets filled with smallpox.
SPANKSgiving is not Fake News. Those Pilgrims (and Puritans) were into punishment—especially of sexual sins. According to their own town records, they administered many spankings, paddlings, canings, whippings, stocks, tar and feathering, “public disgrace,” Pilgrim-style.
Here in Bonoboville, we enjoy roleplaying our erotic vision of such historic Puritanical punishments; the big difference being that our “sinners” are consensually spanked. Watch this week’s spanking-hot bacchanalian throwback, Spanksgiving 2012, featuring a galaxy of fetish, porn and mainstream stars, including Goddess Soma Snakeoil, Fat Mike of NoFX, Ed Furlong, Danny De La Paz, Monica Keena, Teal Conrad, Natasha Star, Sinn Sage, Starry Knight, Dane Cross, Shay Golden, Brock Hard, naughty little Pippi and more. What a sizzling rump roast of a show!
Spanksgiving 2021 is more low-key, just Capt’n Max and me exploring the therapeutic benefits of spanking, flogging and other impact play, as well as the evolution of Pilgrim muskets into much deadlier AR-15s. Too bad the NRA doesn’t profit from spanking paddle sales.
This brings us to ammosexual poster boy Kyle Rittenhouse, whose Brett Kavanaugh-style blubbering (and a MAGAt judge) got him acquitted. No punishment—not even a spanking. As Killer Kyle walks free, Julian Assange, who exposed killers, rots in prison. FREE ASSANGE! We also take calls and comments from old friends—maybe it’s because of the Holy Daze, but it’s FRIENDSgiving on F.D.R. —and review our adventures with the Arcadia Politburo and the specter of Techno-Feudalism. What if our future is feudal, making it futile to even try to speak out?
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube): https://drsusanblock .com/fdr-spanksgiving-2021
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Naughty November 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Navigating between the nice and nasty parts of Naughty November in the wild worlds of sex, politics and bonobos, F.D.R. rolls merrily down the tracks, through the Tunnel of Love and into the Great and Quivering Unknown… High (and low) points include:--Capt’n Max (still Birthday Boy through Naughty November) lurks under a rock, Scorpio-style, stewing over our lovers’ quarrel, then turns into a tiger! But we “make like bonobos, not baboons,” and out of the tiger’s snarling mouth steps my handsome prime mate, brimming with wit, wisdom and stories galore.--MAGAt Insurrection Fist-Pump Dude Josh Hawley is pumping his little fist at feminism(!) for driving “manly,” ammosexual men to porn and video games; so we attack him back, which is easy, because Naughty Hawley’s such a posturing sissy (with apologies to sissies), though his misogynistic, anti-porn fascism is not funny at all. This sparks a naughty chat about Nudist Magazines and the Venus of Willendorf.--Joining the anti-porn brigade from the opposing flank, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jada Pinkett-Smith say “porn is harmful to women.” Not only do they harm sex workers, but what rank hypocrisy coming from Princess Paltrow, born-into-Hollywood-privilege, who’s made movies where women are viciously murdered, and Pinkett-Smith, whose tales of her active sex life are click-bait porn. --Christo-fascist, QAnonsense-spewing General Michael Flynn, proclaimed that “one nation under God” really means “one religion under God,” and we all know which “one religion” Flynn means: the so-called Christian one where the cross is a sword, and Jesus open-carries an AR-15. --Stop calling Travis Scott’s Astroworld horror “Satanic”! If anything, it was Kardashianic. And Kylie-Jenneric. Don’t drag Satan—the Church’s *evil* depiction of the great horny, horned, Greco-Roman goat god Pan, Lord of the Wild and patron saint of bonobos (pan paniscus)—into that awful, human-error-riddled tragedy. --Dave M., who thanked the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute for “saving [his] life” last Saturday, how his other therapists have erroneously labeled his “hypersexuality,” aka sex addiction (NOT a valid DSM diagnosis). Dave fantasizes that Max and I emerge from Superman’s Bizarro World to wage guerrilla war without weapons against anti-sex capitalism, saying “important dangerous things,” though (he imagines) we are “unattackable”… which is the most Bizarro part, since we’re constantly being attacked.--“Sock Job” Gabriel stops pretending to have a girlfriend, and now just wants tips on solo sock jobbing. Moving on to stockings, high heels and bare feet, the foot fetishists flock to this show like a Loubotin and Savage X Fenti sale, and I trample them (virtually) with love (and a little glitter)… sporting shady shades, from pineapple (eat it for better-tasting semen!) sunglasses to Mammon Dollar Eyes. --Britney is FREE—yay! Finally, she can get married and do what the f*ck she wants. Now FREE ASSANGE! At least Belmarsh prison gave him permission to marry his partner Stella Moris, the mother of his two sons, at the prison. Yay! We may be Bizarro, but we love marriage… for people who want to get married.--Kyle Rittenhouse’s blubbering performance in the Brett Kavanaugh tradition of lying male ammosexual self-pity, coupled with the judge’s blatantly racist rulings, might just get that little crying killer off the hook for the crimes he committed that we all have witnessed. Yikes!--The new Dune remake is a beautiful bore (I wanted more worms!), but it’s nice to know that we are all welcome to have public sex in the Spanish Canary Island dunes. Just please don’t leave your used condoms in the sand. Speaking of sand, we are sinking into Capitalogenic quicksand, going down deeper and faster every day, mentally (peeps be going nuts), physically (the nuts be killing the rest of us) and in terms of climate change. The sands of time are pouring in on us, but we’re too busy staring worshipfully at celebrities like Kylie to hear truthtellers like Greta. Of course, that’s the way the billionaires like us to be.--Some commenters express support for our struggle with the City of Arcadia inspector and disdain for their continuing harassment of Bonoboville. What a travesty of zoning justice! What Mattress Madness! More developments developing soon…--In this week’s orgiastic throwback, Capt’n Max’s Bday & Bonobo Way 3rd Anniversary 2017, sexy Onyx Muse spanks Chimesmaker Jacob, & the amazing Goddess Soma turns Miss Antoinette into a human birthday candle. #GoBonobos for Hot Wax.
Happy Friendsgiving and have a nice (not too nasty) Naughty November. Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube): https://drsusanblock .com/fdr-naughty-november
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Ahoy there, Mates and Primates! Happiest of Happy Birthdays to Capt’n Max, Captain of My Heart, Love of My Life, My Prime Mate, My Witness, My Husband, My Hero, one of history’s greatest revolutionary publishers—publishing the first “reader-written” media—decades before the Internet transformed the great majority of media that most of us consume into “reader-written,” aka social media—and co-host of F.D.R (F*ck Da Rich).
AND Happy 7th Anniversary to The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, which was my birthday present to Max—and which he published—seven years ago (this birthday, I gave him a newish RV). We’ve held many big birthday bacchanals for Max (including this week’s orgiastic throwback, “V” Without Violence: Happy Bday Capt’n Max! Happy Anniversary Bonobo Way from 11/5/16, “Remember, Remember the 5th of November…), but this podcast focuses on Max himself, aka Prince Maximillian Rudolf Leblovic di Lobkowicz di Filangieri (including his most famous ancestor Gaetano Filangieri), and his great passion for publishing, for which he has been prosecuted, persecuted, incarcerated and tortured, but always prevailed.
Speaking of unjustly incarcerated publishers, FREE JULIAN ASSANGE! His fate could have been—and could still be— Max’s fate, and if you’re a non-corporate journalist of any kind, it could be yours.
Calls and comments come in on various subjects from Orgasmic Birthday Sex (Max got his!) to Consensual Gangbangs (my most is 6 dudes at once) to “Conscious Capitalism” (better to sell patchouli oil than motor oil, but we prefer our capitalism—conscious or sleepwalking into space—with a generous helping of socialism) to asking me to show off My Stiletto High Heels to amazing testimonials from both therapists and clients about the healing phone sex therapy work we do at the Dr. Susan Block Institute. Dave M. from Dana Point declares “It saved my life… rocked me out of my gloom… I am grateful to you forever!”
As for the Bonobo Way, in these times of divisive politics, ammosexual violence, widening economic disparities, deadly social irresponsibility, misogyny and mounting Climate Catastrophes, its message of peace through pleasure, female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources and ecosexual engagement with our environment is more important than ever.
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube):
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Halloween Eve in BOOnoBOOville 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Flying into BOOnoBOOville on my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom (self-censoring the dildonic part with a Day of the Dead cooking mitt, lest the Ghost Bots of Big Tech Censorship shut us down!) for our Halloween Eve Kink Month Climax, I release the Samhain spirits for Uncle Satan’s Birthday and wonder: What or Whooooo is Haunting You?
Currently, the Ghost Bots are haunting us. We’ve won big censorship battles against Adelphia Cable TV (see the Fall of the House of Rigas) and more, but it’s tricky when your attackers are ghosts. Max recalls being haunted—and hunted—by police who didn’t *just* censor his words; they locked him up. This brings us to Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, haunted, hunted, locked up and tortured by hired ghouls for publishing important and disturbing truths about American empire. And we’re haunted by the Anthropocene, ammosexual culture, the Arcadia Zoning Politburo, Squid Games (“They Shoot Horses Don’t They” for the Digital Age), and the obscene enriching of the Already Rich (that’s why we’re F.D.R: F*ck Da Rich!). Though it’s not all bad… We’re also haunted by hot erotic memories, like first sexual experiences—good, bad or “the one that got away.” Many cuckold fetishists are haunted by their cheating ex. “Steve” calls in from London, haunted by taboo desires, so we explore the haunted house of his libido, as well as the spooky haunts of Death itself… The ancient Celtic witches conjured All Hallows Eve as a sacred mix of Eros and Thanatos when we can pass through the barriers between the living and the dead. As we cross over the Halloween Eve Witching Hour, I take you on a short spin through the sexy spirit world with a reprise of my Scary Sex Ode to Halloween. As joyrides go, it’s a lot cheaper and less toxic than the Billionaire Space Dick trip—more fun too!
Even more fun: Immerse yourself in the wild Witch’s Brew of this week’s spooktacular throwback, “Halloween 2015’s Kink Month Climax in BOOnoBOOville,” featuring an autumn sky of stars, some of whom CLIMAX on the Sybian—another great vehicle to take you over the moon without leaving the room.
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube):
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):Halloween Fantasies vs. Spooky Realities
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Season’s Beatings! We’re creeping up on a haunted, hot Halloween climax to Kink Month 2021 with a big “boo” from BOOnoBOOville on the Love Train, sharing “Halloween Fantasies vs. Spooky Realities.”
We start with some fantasies, like seductive strangers; sex with Satan; sperm-wars-fueled cuckold desires; Jehovah’s Witness Catwoman adventures; Squid Game beds (without the bullets); Witchy dreams that take me flying around the Womb Room on my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom (the vibrations make you fly)…
What about spooky realities? Like being killed by your boyfriend (RIP Gabby Petito), or a Hollywood film star (RIP Halyna Hutchins), or a charming war criminal (RIP to victims of Colin Powell’s charming lies), an officious inspector (Good Morning Arcadia!), a scared cop (way too many to name), a dumb drone (lookout!)… Aaaaaggggghhhh! Fantasy is safer… yet fantasy feeds reality, like scary entertainment inspires future killers.
They say “sex sells,” but in our ammosexual culture, gore sells more. Squid Game is pretty gory, but we appreciate the dystopian theme and surreal sets, especially the one with 500 beds. Apparently, the Arcadia Zoning Politburo inspectors are not the only ones afflicted with Mattress Madness. Meanwhile, here in BOOnoBOOville, we’re just trying to survive the collapse of capitalism, as well as steer humanity’s future closer to The Bonobo Way than a Squid Game.
A witch’s brew of funny, sexy, scary stories flow down the tracks of this show, along with my traditional Halloween “Ode to Scary Sex,” to get you into that sexy hex-y Samhein spirit. And don’t miss this week’s throwback, our star-studded, orgiastic, bacchanalian and wild “Magical Para-Pervy Halloween 2016 Kink Month Climax in BOOnoBOOville.” Ah yes, those were the days of carefree trick-or-treats and orgies…
Read more prose and watch the shows (that are too kinky for Youtube):
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.