The Dr Susan Block Show

Friday Jun 17, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy BIRTHDAY KiNK
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Ah birthdays… Everyone’s got (at least) one, and mine lands on the weekend of my return to F.D.R. with this rollicking rainbow live broadcast. It’s also Reunion Season, and “Birthday Kink: Tales of Sex, Death, Love, War, Pleasure, Pain, Vice TV, DomCon, Yale & More” is a bit of a reunion for me with YOU, my darling viewer… But first out the gate of Coronapocalyptic hibernation was our Bonoboville Reunion with VICE TV—exciting, erotic, intimate and blessedly Covid-free, as VICE tested guests, but not for colds (!), so one sweet sniffler gave me pneumonia, and a few days later, I had a reunion with my doctors who *cured* me just in time for my next reunion with DomCon where I delivered “Make Kink Not War: Be Bonobo.” Next was a more traditional college reunion at a very traditional college—my alma mater, Mother Yale—where I led a roundtable discussion of “Peace, Bonobos and Sex Week at Yale” and, while staying in the dorms, Max and I pretended to be college sophomores enjoying a few sophomoric, slightly cramped but very deep and rather nostalgic orgasms in our tiny little dormitory single bed. Ah, the pleasures and pains of boarding school sex! Even seniors can enjoy it… and suffer from it—though that kind of pain is kind of awesome.
Speaking of reunions, this birthday (like all birthdays) is a reunion of me—in the present moment—with the rest of that thing we call life—past and future, hopes and fears, fantasies and reality. There are no name tags or goodie bags for this reunion… just memories (including this year’s equestrian bday at the historic and horsey Derby in Arcadia), dreams fulfilled (and not), and that bittersweet birthday awareness of time passing beyond your control. We also take a few calls, including one from Amor Hilton, birthday messages and appreciation for my Rainbow Pride high heels and custom-made “Doctor Susan” cowgirl hat. I’ve celebrated many birthdays with big bacchanals, but I don’t invite anybody to this one. But Handsome Hollywood Jake (fresh from volunteering to help refugees in and out of Ukraine) and his beautiful girlfriend Rica show up, and once again, we are impressed by Jake’s casual courage and bonoboësque care for helping those in need. We also take a call from Daniel in SF who complains that his comedienne GF is too “mean,” but whenever he tries to break up with her, she gives him such a fantastic blowjob, he can’t bring himself to leave. We also discuss why being called a “pussy” should NOT be an insult, open some cool presents, and Max gets lei’ed the Rainbow Bonobo Way.
Read more prose and watch more shows uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Call the kink-positive Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Saturday Jun 11, 2022
The No Name Show with Capt. Max
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Saturday Jun 11, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Capt. Max speaks his mind, check it out!

Sunday May 15, 2022
DomCon Bound on DrSuzy.Tv @DrSuzy
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
We're BOUND for DomCon 2022, where I will deliver “Make Kink Not War: Be BONOBO” and hobnob with the world’s finest FemDoms at the Met Gala of Latex and the Comic Con of Kink... so let’s get in the mood with ‘DomCon Bound” (2018). This amazing spank-tastic splosh-irific throwback features DomCon and Sanctuary royalty, including Mistress Cyan, Goddess Phoenix, Lady Remedy Ann and Madame Rose plus adult film star Alix Lovell and the beautiful artistic family of Daniele Watts, Chef Belive & Zivu + Bday Boy Jux Lii & Ikkor the Wolf! Plus impact play orgasms, electric flogging, snaketail-whipping, five pairs of boots, four kinds of spanking, three types of twerking, butt bongo and a big naked birthday cake splosh. Also, anti-tRump talk and kink - all kinds of kink. Make Kink Not War!
This version is audio-only (otherwise Youtube would censor us and shut us down!), but you can watch it uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Call the kink-positive Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Monday May 09, 2022
Masturbation Month Kick-Off 2016 @DrSuzy
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Merry Masturbation Month, Brothers and Sinners, Wankers, Yankers, Sperm-Bankers and Monkey-Spankers… In this bubbly celebration of self-pleasure, broadcasting live from Bonoboville, we kick off the M Month with a bang, a buzz, an orgasm, a squirt and a rush of pink-and-blue May-Day-infused communal ecstasy. We also lick up some luscious Bonoboville Communion, take in a little M Month history, share funny masturbation stories and present my 8 Great Benefits of Masturbation… because self-pleasure doesn’t *just* feel good; it IS good for you... and the Earth (Masturbation is Ecosexual).
I open our blast-off into the Mmmm Month straddling the Sybian—an excellent mechanical device that, without attachments, makes me feel like I’m riding an extra-special vibrating horsey on a magical Merry-Go-Round—which I continue to ride merrily throughout much of the evening featuring Alana Cruise aka Savannah Fyre, Dayton Raines and more.
Watch this show uncensored and free:
Need to talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for you.

Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Opening up our new Womb Room, celebrating 3 DECADES of lawfully-wedded love and sex-revolutionary marriage from our broadcast bed, Capt’n and I are back in the sack, cranking up the Mattress Madness, even as the Arcadia Politburo Kangaroo Court tries to repress our right to lie down.
Hallelujah. Praise the bed! You can do a lot on a bed, even while awake, as we demonstrate on this Bedside Chat, chatting away, showing off our April 12, 1992 Wedding Album, testing equipment, ranting, reminiscing, researching, taking selfies, making out, smoking, drinking, horsing around, reading old diaries, making new jokes, dishing silly celebrities, protesting the war(s), goosing each other, welcoming the anniversary cake, playing with the dog and more making out… all in bed! We don’t even get to the sleeping part. Though, since we’re on the F.D.R. radio Love Train, you could say we’re in the Sleeper Car. Choo-choo! Have bed will travel…
True to our motto of making love first in order to make love last—for at least 30 years—we kick off this auspicious anniversary weekend with a little lovemaking, aka sex. It was just *Old People Sex,* so nothing too strenuous, but an essential aspect of keeping lust and trust alive long-term. The older you get, the truer this is. So, have sex first (if you want to make love last), and then, if you feel like it, you can always do it again… and again (and yes, we did). Capt’n Max shoots blessed blanks, so no pearl necklaces—at least not the ejaculatory kind. But we’re both decked out in oodles of real and fake pearl necklaces, strands, earrings, belly chains and bracelets, pearls of wisdom, purity and pure silliness, the pearl being the sexy symbol of the 30th Wedding Anniversary, the lustrous symbol of lust plus trust, crystalized into a shining little ball of beauty within the 30-year marriage oyster.
Besides celebrating our own crazy long marriage, we talk about other people’s marriages. We’re inspired by newlyweds Julian Assange and Stella Moris, disturbed by Will and Jada (who gives a bad name to good cuckolding!) and even more disturbed by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and MAGAt Coup Queen Ginny Thomas.
Though our 30th Anniversary Bedside Chat is tons of fun, our actual anniversary at Le Meridian with its exhibitionism-friendly window plan and awesome mattress takes us right back into the Love Zone.
Read more prose and watch the (uncensored) show(s):
Need to talk? Call our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
ART of the TEESE @DrSuzy with Dita Von Teese on DrSuzy.Tv
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
“Art of the Teese” aired live on The Dr. Susan Block Show three years before there was a Youtube! Circa December 1, 2001—as American forces invaded Afghanistan—we preferred to “Make Kink, Not War” and penetrate the beautiful mind of one of the greatest kink models ever: the fabulous Dita Von Teese. Due to unforeseen circumstances, after the live broadcast, this remarkable interview was never posted… until now!
On the cusp of kinky superstardom crossed with mainstream celebrity when she joined me in my broadcast bed, Dita Von Teese was a fetish model, burlesque princess and budding lingerie mogul just starting to design what would grow into her multi-million dollar #DitaVonTeese brand—and all while dating controversial rock superstar Marilyn Manson.
Now, Marilyn Manson is much more controversial, accused of terrible crimes by his ex-fiancé Evan Rachel Wood and others (not Dita), which he denies and for which he has sued his accusers. Both Manson’s fans and foes may find something of interest in this in-depth interview.
This was Dita’s second appearance on DrSuzy . Tv; her first (with Mistress Antoinette) was on my 1996 interview with the one and only Bettie Page. Dita takes it to the next level in “Art of the Teese,” not only speaking freely, thoughtfully and yes, teasingly, about her life, loves and art; she also lets us tie her up… while we continue our interview (though we can't show you that part on Youtube)! Promoting the old Pink Bubble Bath Film Festival (where she was the host and I was a judge), Dita shares the kinky pleasures of vintage stockings, corsets, striptease, ballet, bondage, bisexuality, catfighting, spanking, red lipstick (a Manson fetish) and the torrid tale of her first climax. She also helps me handle callers into bondage and Dirt Devil self-love and flogs a couple of lucky audience members. Plus, she shares some very intimate details of her relationship with Manson—from first kiss to groupie games to court cases.
“Art of the Teese” is #26 in My Bedside Chat series on DrSusanBlock . Tv. Introduced by BlockFilms executive producer, Maximillian R. Lobkowicz, aka Capt’n Max live from Cannes, France, and my own erotic philosophy of teasing, it then puts the spotlight where it should be: on the dazzling Dita Von Teese, for a uniquely fascinating, in-depth look into the playful yet powerful spirit of this 21st century kink icon.
Watch this show uncensored:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Iraq to Ukraine: WARS SUCK (but not in the good way)
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Ever get the feeling you’ve seen this movie before? I have, and it sucks. I really don’t want to see it again, and I’m pretty sure you don’t either, unless you get off on war porn. Yet here we are seeing it again… and again.
At least, we have good sex to keep us warm and somewhat happy to be alive!
Well, some of us do. Capt’n Max and I are so blessed, but on this live 3/19/22 broadcast, we remember March 19, 2003 as the start of Bush’s “preemptive” invasion. I called it the Rape of Iraq, and in retrospect, it seems like a blueprint for Putin’s current Rape of Ukraine. Besides monstrous death and destruction, the “collateral damage” of these rapacious, loser wars includes the Rape of Free Speech by Big Tech against so-called “disinformation,” which winds up destroying the work of a lot of great leftists, like our friend Abby Martin.
Not that we spend this whole show mired in war, censorship and bad sex. We also talk about good sex! We get set to celebrate almost 30 years of sexy lefty marriage, first-time sex and orgasms… did I mention orgasms? And EARgasms (this is radio) that lead to braingasms (maybe a sexual revelation!) and hopefully heartgasms that will help us to Be BONOBO and open our hearts to our friends and so-called enemies, to stop the violence against one another and the health of our home, the Earth.
More topics:• Almost 20 years ago, as Dubya dropped “smart bombs” on Baghdad, we brought Art Bombs to Cannes: American Libertines for Peace. A month later, as Bush put on that silly flight suit to preemptively declare “Mission Accomplished,” we accomplished more by parasailing in Cannes.• Question: Did Putin see Bush’s Rape of Iraq as a playbook for his Rape of Ukraine?• Ammosexual “war porn” of guns, missiles, jets and aircraft carriers is everywhere while regular porn is demonized and women’s sexuality comes under “Handmaid’s Tale”-style attacks. Yikes!• In a rare conflict, Max calls American Republicans “Soviet,” while I say they’re not like the Soviets (who tried—and failed—to practice communism), but more like the Russian Tsars that Putin admires. Well, we practice Bonobo Conflict Resolution: kiss and make-up (it works)!• The only thing Putin hates more than Communism is wrinkles. Thanks Botox maker AbbVie for making Putin crack! I’m against some sanctions that hurt the Russian poor, but a Botox Sanction is perfect!• So much for skin-smoothies… onto Sex Tips! Jake (22) calls in from Indiana for help with “first time” sexual intercourse. There’s a first time for everything, but there’s only one first time for anything; you never get to have a second first time, so hopefully, our ideas for good sex and romance will make it a beautiful experience for Jake and his GF. • Sarah Ann, who asked me to help her quick-on-the-trigger BF on last week’s “Be BONOBO” show, writes back with a success story, “Hey Dr. Susie [sic], I wuz the one with the one minute man who dont last. we did what you said and made him push dat rope and it worked!!! Now we have good nubbin! THANX YOU SO MUCH” [sic]• “Richsplaining”—when someone who was born rich tells you how to get out of poverty. This is the Mother of Disinformation.• Arcadia continues to harass Bonoboville, which isn’t as bad as being bombed by Putin, so we are not complaining! Well, actually we are. And in the midst of our complaints, our electricity goes out! So, we wonder—in the dark—where are we? Caught in the new WWIII? Censored again? Is the Arcadia Politburo after us? Are the Russians coming?• We talk pearls, symbol of our impending 30th wedding anniversary, gem of Aphrodite, representing the clitoris, the pearl in the luscious oyster of female genitalia, not to mention that pre-come “pearl” that emerges from some guys. • Happy Spring Equinox! Vice is coming to Bonoboville right after our anniversary, then we’re off to DomCon 2022 where I will deliver “Make Kink Not War: Be Bonobo,” then it’s “Good Morning New Haven!” for my Yale reunion, and then back for another birthday, kicking off a Bonobo Summer of Love—after two straight years of Coronapocalyptic isolation. Not that we haven’t enjoyed the erotic hibernation, but it’s time to get out… maybe. There’s always the possibility we’ll be bombed by Putin, shot by neo-Nazis or felled by the latest oddly-named strain of Covid. Meantime… enjoy the show!
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Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU

Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Be BONOBO (Save the Humans)
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Wednesday Mar 16, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Rumbling through the fog of war, violence, pestilence and greed, we fear no evil, guided by the light of peace, love and good sex along the bumpy but beautiful Bonobo Way. Be Bonobo. Save the Humans. It’s about sharing power and peace through pleasure, like the bonobos, something we humans have found elusive, much to the detriment of most of life on earth. The news is appalling, the sky is falling, so, in a way, there is nothing to say. But we do have a lot to talk about, for instance…• With our 30th wedding anniversary coming up, Capt’n Max and I reminisce about falling in lust over our mutual opposition to a very popular war (Gulf War 1)—and here we are in another one. To be fair (to the millions murdered), there have been a lot of wars in between, all for the greed of the Military-Industrial Complex and its cheerleader, the Media. Though we didn’t actually stop any wars, our antiwar romance has flourished and grown into our Bonoboville community and more.• Meanwhile, violence, war, murder in Ukraine, Yemen and at the NY Museum of Modern Art rise like floodwaters of blood, Ammosexual War Porn gushing across our screens as Russian billionaires play “Hide the Yacht”• We realize that while I read Nancy Drew for the female empowerment, Max saw the plucky young detective as a sex symbol. So bonobo!• Lots of sex tips this show! Danicka calls in from Texas for a mini lesson in how to slow down an eager lover via erotic teasing, and I give Sarah Ann, whose quick-on-the-trigger boyfriend explodes in her mouth before she’s even warmed up, premature ejaculation “combat” techniques.” I also suggest she give him a “snowball.” Questions, explanations, reactions and snowball fights ensue. • Sarah Ann, whose quick-on-the-trigger boyfriend explodes in her mouth before she’s even warmed up, gets a lesson in premature ejaculation “combat” techniques,” also prompting me to suggest she give him a “snowball.” Questions, explanations, reactions and sexy snowball fights ensue. • Cute Karl Marx-reading Grimes—having had a second baby with Elon Musk after their alleged break-up—is dating Wikileaks Whistleblower Chelsea Manning, and hopefully, those two hot girls can siphon some of that Musky Money into freeing Julian Assange.• Celebrity Idiocracy crossed with Billionaire Hypocrisy Gone Wild: Kim Kardashian’s latest *advice* to budding businesswomen: “Get your f*cking ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.” How dare she? Skete-Pete Davidson, please keep Kim K’s mouth filled with snowballs so she can’t speak such vile nonsense. • More dramatic erotic readings of Daniele Watts (DaLove) poetry inspired by F.D.R. and if anyone can “Be Bonobo,” it’s BeLive and DaLove.• We support the Ukrainian people, but American Russophobia is getting out of hand. Youtube just took down all of Abby Martin‘s historic “Breaking the Set” episodes on RT (Russian TV). Censorship is ballooning. Soon we won’t be able to find each other…• As I write this, we're on the cusp of Purim and St. Paddy's Day which we usually celebrate with bacchanals which we’re now featuring as throwbacks. So “Sláinte” and “L’chayim” ya'll! And whatever you do, through the darkness, confusion, war, war talk and relentless war porn, keep your faith in sex and don’t lose touch with your sexuality, your life force, your LOVE force, the essence of your being. #BeBonobo.
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Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU