The Dr Susan Block Show

Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Hot Summer Kink @DrSuzy with GasMaskGirl
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
We broadcast “GasMaskGirl Summer Kink” live during the very hot summer of 2018, though it’s now hotter than ever. Looking into my crystal ball, I predict everyone will soon be masking up, and now here we are. At the time, I felt we were inhaling the toxic ashes of an incinerating civilization, so we’d all need gasmasks just to breathe. Covid is a little different—germ warfare waged by Mother Nature against us for destroying her—and we’re in facemasks instead of gasmasks—but still it’s a very prescient show! It’s also a very sexy, funny show featuring latex-clad GasMaskGirl’s Coralee Summers, cute “Buddha Ho” pornstar Eva Yi (father from China & mother from Taiwan, showing they can get along!), wry Philly comic Lamar D. Sol, sensuous sexual healer Shana Lay, hot model Larissa and Bonoboville’s favorite rapper Ikkor the Wolf, plus a surprise visit from award-winning actor Luzer Twersky. It’s quite a varied bunch, but we all get along like bonobos—chatting, stripping, OTK spanking, dancing, foot fetish fun, ice cube play, bondage, boob therapy, latex, Bonoboville Communion, telling funny stories and arguing. Hey, conflict is the spice of life. The key is to resolve conflicts in peace through pleasure. It’s the Bonobo Way. For the most part, sex is “sustainable” pleasure, especially when you compare engaging in sexual activity with other human pleasures, like food, driving, sailing, flying, gaming and just about everything else we do for fun. I’m talking recreational not procreational sex which is actually at the root of a lot of human problems. Too many people. No offense to all the beautiful people and their spoiled kids, but Mother Earth is hemorrhaging from the weight of all the teeming, gas-guzzling, plastic-using humans—more than when we did this show! We also spank our surrogate tRumpy—gagged on the Russian flag!—for his Space Farce, among other things and we cheer AOC for supporting sex workers’ rights, predicting (also correctly) that she will win her seat in Congress. Also on display: a tRump Puppy Pee Pad by the artist Jeffrey Vallance. #GoBonobos
Of course, we have to censor this version for Youtube. Watch it all uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to talk PRIVATELY? Call our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re Here for You.

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy The Prince of Pegging & the Sheriff of Beatings
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
All Aboard F.D.R. as Capt’n Max and I penetrate the Tunnel of Love, exploring Sleeper Car sex, “Pulling a Train”—with Consent, of course—and the fine art of “pegging” with a special focus on the “Prince of Pegging.” Guess which Royal we’re talking about! Hint: It’s not that Prince who fantasized he was a tampon inside his lover’s vagina (that’s the Prince of Begging) nor the one with the Princess of Montecito nor the one who was BFFs with Jeffrey Epstein. His Highness (His Heiny?) Prince WILL get pegged occasionally, according to rumors, and maybe this is why the upright Prince William walks like he’s got a stick up his butt… because he literally does. Perhaps a discreet, tampon-sized butt plug (like father, like son, but in reverse) is what keeps him serene during those long regal ceremonies. In any case, Kate is fine with it, and so are we. Actually we love pegging! (though for Max, who’s also Prince Lobkowicz di Filangieri, it’s a royal pain in the butt); it’s the Royal Family Corruption that bothers us (alongside the popular #PrinceofPegging hashtag is often #AbolishtheMonarchy). Though truth be told, we Americans have a worse Royal Problem than the Brits, with our billionaire Family Values, pampered celebrities, rampant nepotism and politicians who command princely sums brimming with Royal Corruption, thanks to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling. We also condemn fake “progressive” LA Sheriff Alex Villaneuva for his Deputy Gangs, homeless sweeps and the sadistic beatings in LA’s infamous Twin Towers Jail (Max tells stories of having seen Sheriff-approved jail beatings like this firsthand). Finally, we dive into the riveting tale of a poor little tRump supporter who’s not as bad as most – maybe BECAUSE he receives excellent Phone Sex Therapy from the Dr. Susan Block Institute. Mitigate your MAGAt ways The Bonobo Way with a little sex therapy (you know you need it!) & listen to this sapiosexual and very sex educational (especially if you’re into anal) radio podcast.
Read more prose and watch more shows uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Coup Anon Kink
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
A “Coup Anon” is when QAnon tries to do a coup, and—love it or loathe it—America’s got a Coup Anon Kink. So hop aboard the Love Train as we explore the political, comical, Christofascist and calamitous kinks of the American “Coup Anon” Crusade. It’s depressing—at least for anyone not a billionaire—though I personally am no longer depressed, partly because I got some deep rest. Of course, depression can always return, so I don’t keep guns in the house. As guns get easier to obtain, thanks to our Supreme Injustices, the murders and mass murders mount—and that’s not “mounting” in the fun way. Good thing most of those depressed cosplay-clown Coup Anon’ers weren’t carrying guns on Jan 6, 2021, or the “Rape of the Capitol” would have been a bloodbath. The hearings show us Clown Commander Trumpty-Dumpty, sitting in the White House watching his Coup Anon unfold like a giant wrestling match on Fox TV, hoping they’d soon call him in to declare Martial Law and be crowned President for Life. Once he realized his “wild” Coup Anon was failing miserably, he reluctantly agreed tell his hordes to go home, but not that he lost the election. He also appears to have poisoned the Secret Service, turning a couple into Coup Anon accomplices. And then there’s Coup Anon lieutenant Josh Hawley, the erotophobic Senator from Missouri who recently boasted, “I’m not gonna cower, I’m not gonna run,” as footage went viral of Chickenhawk Hawley running away from the Capitol-crashing Coup Anon’ers—just after he’d fist-pumped them into a fighting frenzy. As Capitol Cop Michael Fanone put it, “Josh Hawley ran like a little bitch.” Though that's an unintended insult to girl-dogs, sissies and women who take no shit, it's an apt description of the cowardly fist-pumper from Missouri. But will anyone important—especially the Big Orange Cheesebrain—be held accountable for this criminal Coup Anon?
We also talk about Public Access TV—which had more Free Speech than YouTube—and which I’ll soon be discussing on HBO (!), the Climate Criminal KarTRASHians (especially jet fuel-spewing Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott), yummy Armie Hammer and cannibalism kink, the unconscionable extradition of journalist Julian Assange and how we really need to quit this Coup Anon Kink Crusade and just “Be Bonobo” on The Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure, ecosexuality, female empowerment, male well-being, great consensual sex and sharing everything.
Read more prose and watch the shows uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for you.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Sex, Fascism & the Bonobo Way
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
We use the “F” word a lot on this ride, though not the fun one. Unfortunately, it’s Fascism on the March (Fascismo in Marcia!) in America. Though the American brand isn’t the same as fascism in Italy (birthplace of fascismo), Germany, Japan or Chile. So some say “it can’t happen here,” but it can, and it IS happening here. With a civilian “army” of racist, misogynist, religious fanatics, corrupt police, Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and ammosexual incel mass shooters at the bottom, the power-mad, illegitimate, forced breeding-fetishist Supreme Court Injustices at the top, and unscrupulous politicians in the middle, this new all-American fascism is a growing menace to our society, our sexuality, our democracy and the very future of life on Earth… It’s pretty depressing, and I’m pretty depressed about it. I almost called this show “Sex, Depression & the Bonobo Way,” but “depression” sounds too depressing, and “fascism” sounds sexier. That’s how f’ed up fascism is! All those hot kinky uniforms and lethal phallic weapons look hot. Of course, American fascists aren’t hot. They’re mostly out-of-shape slobs with BBQ stains on their “Let’s go Brandon” shirts. Not even cum stains for these winners…. Yes, they’re bigtime losers, but they lie and cheat, and they plan to lie and cheat some more, so these raging, Christofascist losers—along with their cynical and boundlessly greedy billionaire and corporate sponsors—can walk and poop all over the rest of us…. What to do? How about The Bonobo Way? Unfortunately, with the increasingly hostile corporate (and rather fascist) takeover of all popular social media, our message of bonoboesque peace, love, good sex and socialism usually gets censored or shadow-banned… But we’re trying—for all our sakes!
Both Capt’n Max and I get pretty fired up on this show (one way to relieve your depression is to release it on your podcast!) and our commenters are also pretty fired up, so we don’t have time for calls. Max and I are both pretty disturbed by current events, but Max manifests his rage as righteous anger, and mine tends to drop precipitously down into depression. We also talk about the Coronapocalypse (it’s baaack!), Israel’s awful apartheid treatment of Palestinians; Elon Musk vs. Errol Musk (who’s worse?); Coup Anon & other tRump trash; the Perma Wars; hot Senior Sex (at least we have that!); Orgasms (they can relieve depression… temporarily!); and how important it is to get out and PROTEST the Supreme Wrongs of these illegitimate Injustices. At first, I apologize for not going out to protest, but then recall that I was just recently protesting on the front lines of the Anti-Supreme Court demonstration at Yale, focusing much of our collegial wrath on infamous Yale alumnus Brett Kavanaugh, one of the two men (the other being Clarence Thomas) credibly accused of sexual abuse during their confirmation hearings that are now sexually abusing the entire country.
It's all very disturbing… but we cheer up by gazing at the galaxies (courtesy of the Webb Telescope!) as well as our amazing show and the beautiful photos streaming throughout the live podcast from our erotic exotic orgiastic fantastic Bonoboville Reunion, Class of 2022 (which is too hot for Youtube, but you can see it all here: with Vice TV, in the Womb Room sanctuary of the little Love Church of The Bonobo Way. Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, the best antidote to this creeping—and very creepy—neofascism in America is to #GoBonobos, to follow The Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure, ecosexuality, female empowerment, male well-being, great consensual sex and sharing everything… because everything and everyone is connected, and nothing is really just “ours” and ours alone.
Read more prose and watch more shows uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Summer Sex & Politics
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
As we choo-choo through the Tunnel of Love in the Heat of the Night, we try to enjoy a little hot Summer Sex and maintain a healthy, pro-sex attitude in our increasingly anti-sex, war-loving, gun-slinging, Christofascist and misogynistic culture.
Attempting to handle the mounting madness without inhaling recreational carcinogens, Capt’n Max ingests edibles and “bubbly” that cause the Love Train to turn into something more akin to the Yellow Submarine—at least for him. Me, I’m just riding along, humming a little French Revolutionary song. Ah oui, oui, oui… mes freres et mes soeurs… mes coquettes et mes baguettes… le Marquis de Sade et le Moulin Rouge… Bonne Fête Nationale du Joyeux Quatorze Juillet pour Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité! Ou comme nous disons dans l’anglais… “Happy Bastille Day!” Vive la France! Sainte bonne heure! It’s also Danièle Watts and Chef Be*Live’s 6th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary DaLove & Belive!
We compare the storming of the Bastille with the Sri Lanka people’s revolt, America’s scary clown Coup Anon and those folks outside Morton’s steakhouse peacefully protesting Supreme Injustice Brett Kavanaugh killing their abortion rights, causing him to miss dessert (Poor Baby! What was it Marie Antoinette was said to have quipped? “Let ‘em eat cake!”). Forced Breeding is a lot worse than being forced to forgo your crème brulee. Abort the Court!
Our Bonobo Summer of Love must be a Summer of Protest… and kink, the Bonobo Way. With kinky and dazzling Goddess Phoenix lighting up our message boards, we talk about why we need to Make Kink NOT War. Chris calls in from Alabama to report on how taking my excellent advice a couple years ago led to an excellent threesome… but now he wants to start a new Bonoboville in Alabama! Will he? Tune in for more..
Then there’s Delta DOWN. Hundreds of planes down. Joining the #MileHighClub appears to be another casualty of the #Capitalocene… Speaking of Climate Change, why don’t more working people seem to care? One reason is that capitalism forces us to be intensely competitive, cutting off our natural compassion for our fellow humans suffering from climate catastrophes now as well as in the future. This is one reason why students should serve on school boards (and some are running to serve!)—because climate change directly affects their future, and they care.
Certainly, a lot of us care passionately about the ongoing Judicial Coup, the Supreme clitorectomy that sliced off our power (and our pleasure), and we read some of the impassioned responses we received to “Forced Breeding” on F.D.R. and in Counterpunch. Lots more of the good, the bad, the awful and the eargasmic on F.D.R… Listen up!
Read more prose and watch more shows uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU… all hot summer long and beyond.

Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Orgasms for The Eyes on the 4th of July
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Fireworks Not Bombs🎆 Enjoy "Orgasms for the Eye on the 4th of July" 🎇 a Dr. Susan Block Show throwback filmed on the Bonoboville Rooftop as well as inside the Womb Room of the Little Love Church of The Bonobo Way 💒 featuring Biz Bonobo, Chelsea, Capt'n Max & my beautiful akeeta corn snake Eve. Of course, this is the censored version which has photos of lots of other great humans and other animals who have passed through the Dr. Susan Block Institute. It's called "Orgasms for the Eyes," but the Censored-for-Youtube version is more eargasms than eyegasms..
For the eyegasms, and to read more prose and watch the shows uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for you.

Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
We knew it was coming (so to speak), thanks to Alito’s leaky d*ck—I mean, draft. Still, when the Supreme Guillotine came down, it hurt like the Constitutional Cliterectomy it is. A Trumpublican Judicial Coup led by a Gang of Five radical, religious, right-wing Supreme Court Justices hit “delete” on the reproductive rights of millions, directly thwarting the will of the majority of the American people, endangering women’s and other pregnant people’s lives, and just generally pooping on our party. Adding insult to cliterectomy, they did this the day after they hit “go” on Americans shooting each other AND “delete” on our Miranda rights, showing they are not “pro-life” at all, but anti-sex, anti-female and ammosexual. As for the Dems, sadly, they let it happen. Now “forced breeding” is back in America, with much of the suffering and injustice it entailed when this literal “forced labor” was integral to American slavery. It’s also a fetish, often connected to cuckolding and so-called “alpha” male dominance, that some people find arousing, including some of my sex therapy clients. While the “forced breeding” fantasy is just a fantasy (hopefully!), the reality is a horror of reproductive slavery that we thought we put behind us, but is taking shape on our land in real time, as our Love Train rolls back to the future.
It’s the 1970s all over again… or is it? We contrast 1973, when the progressive Roe v. Wade was part of the Sexual Revolution, with 2022, when Roe’s regressive rollback is part of a neo-Puritanical Ammosexual Incel Revolution… or Revolt (because it’s revolting). One key difference revolves around straight men. During the Sexual Revolution of the 70s, straight men—from the seven male justices who made the ruling to the guys in the street who understood its benefits—supported Roe v Wade. Now four straight men (and one handmaid) at the top took our freedoms away, as many more (Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, incels in their parent’s basements, etc.) roar their violent misogyny and shoot their guns from the bottom. I’m not saying it’s the guys’ fault, or even the gals. I’m saying we need to go the Bonobo Way of female empowerment, male well-being and peace through pleasure… non-procreative sexual pleasure.
We also take a couple of great calls from 1) Adriana, a young sex-positive woman furious about how the ruling affects her, as well as how some members of her conservative North Carolina are now celebrating and 2) Don aka Polybi, our old activist friend trying to activate us to VOTE for the lesser of two evils… or at least the slower of two evils.
On top of war, climate catastrophes, Julian Assange being extradited to the U.S., and growing economic inequities, it’s a challenge! But don’t give up! Listen up! #BeBonobo.
Our “Forced Breeding” show banner includes images of protests at the Supreme Court and at My Yale Reunion (Class of ’77) with My Fellow Yale Women appalled to see their daughters and granddaughters stripped of reproductive rights than they had—and often fought for.
Read more prose and watch more shows uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Bonobo Summer Solstice
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s Summer Solstice, and we’re crossing our fingers (but not our legs) for a Bonobo Summer of Love... though we’re bracing for a Summer of Fear. Everyone has their own way of handling the fear. Capt’n Max gets stoned. Which makes this FDR an interesting communications challenge, but it’s also kind of cool and a LOT better than toting your “Man Card” AR-15 to the local mall or town hall, which is how more and more of our fellow Americans—at least the ammosexual ones—are handling the fear.
It’s also the 157th anniversary of Juneteenth, commemorating the freeing of the slaves that built this nation on land stolen from the Natives. We compare America’s brazen property heist with Israel’s Palestinian land grab, and Putin’s war on Ukraine with American mass murders. It’s uncanny how much violence is perpetrated by frustrated and humiliated (but not in a good way) men who need bonobo liberation and sex education… not easy access to guns, let alone “tactical” nuclear weapons.
Why can’t we be more bonobo?
We also talk about how Americans are getting progressively less religious, as our leaders get regressively more religious (religion being the handmaid of tyranny); regular porn (which can be bad) vs. gun porn (which is always horrible); Abby Martin’s galvanizing Peoples Summit speech; the kooky 1/6 Coup-Anon hearings; and how to free yourself—and maybe the world—the Bonobo Way.
Congrats “Go Boy” on Youtube who wins “top commenter” of the night! Read more prose and watch more shows uncensored and free on DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU throughout the long hot summer and beyond…