The Dr Susan Block Show

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): OnlyFans, Afghanistan
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Reddit censored this show’s title because it contained the word “incels.” We deleted the word and went on with the show, playing footsie yet again with Big Tech censorship. Of course, we weren’t encouraging incels! We were exploring solutions to the growing ammosexual incel problem. But the bots can’t tell whether you’re using a word to promote or critique, so they just censor first and ask questions… never.
At least, Big Tech Bots aren’t the Taliban. They don’t amputate your hand if you’re caught stealing. But they do cut off your voice if you use certain words.
Moving along from censoring words to images… Known for its sexually explicit content, #OnlyFans announced the other day that they will no longer allow sexually explicit content! We discuss their mean and stupid choice to bite the hand that strokes them. And TODAY they reversed their decision (they must have been listening to this show!) & they WILL allow sexually explicit content… for NOW. Though some creators are rejoicing, others are pulling out anyway, as OnlyFans has proven itself to be a fickle pimp.
From OnlyFans to Afghanistan… pulling out is good, but pulling out is messy. We should never have let Dubya and Dick lie our way into invading that Graveyard of Empires 20 years ago, but 40 years back, the U.S. (under Jimmy Carter) was already financing the Mujahedeen against the Soviets (who actually empowered Afghan women the most). The American invasion(s) and occupation were no good for anyone or anything except the weapons business.
We also talk about Weimar-ish Quarreling Lefties and how the Bonobo Way might help Make Friends Before the Fascists Gas Us All; the MAGAt Horse Dewormer Follies; the Orgasmic Pleasures and Challenges of Senior Sex; Cougar Dating; Witchy Girlfriends; Foot Fetish Fun and GasMaskGirl Kink. Which brings us to this week’s amazing Bacchanalian throwback show, “Hot Summer Kink with GasMaskGirl!” With the Domina Delta Variant on the loose, the gasmask—or some kind of mask—is not *just* a kink, it’s a lifesaver!
Watch the Bacchanal (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read more about everything here: .
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): The Pink Duct Tape Dialogues
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Slipping into a slinky pink latex, I pledge my love & send my regrets to DomCon, the Comic-Con of Kink and the Met Gala of Fetish, where I was so excited to be Mistress of Ceremonies and see all my favorite FemDoms who I’ve been missing like crazy all year. But these are crazy times, and as much as I long to whip it good with fellow kinksters, I’m not about to challenge Domina Delta Variant to a wrestling match. Not even a friendly erotic catfight. So My Pomeranian Familiar, Chico, & I send our best wishes for fab play parties & classy classes. Speaking of classes, I suggest DomCon offer a class in “Duct Tape Bondage for Flight Attendants,” & I’m only half-kidding. Apparently, the most effective method for handling unruly passengers—of which there are a lot lately—is to duct tape them in their seats. Maybe they like it (freedom is the greatest aphrodisiac, but restraint is a close second). But don’t be harassing your beleaguered flight attendants just so they’ll tie you up!
Fortunately, Capt’n Max & I don’t have to duct tape anyone on the Love Train, but when we turn the live Reddit cam on me, the Redditors call me a hot MILF, Mistress, Goddess, sexy Auntie, etc., my favorite being “Jane Goodall in Vegas.”
Which brings us back to bonobos, including our amazing new “Survival of the Friendliest” interview, and how there are no ammosexual incels in Bonoboville. Unfortunately, there are quite a few ammosexual incels in Humanville. One of them, Trump supporter Jake Davison, just mass-murdered five people, including his own mother, before turning his (legal owned) gun on himself in the first mass shooting in the U.K. in 11 years. How can the Bonobo Way treat our growing ammosexual incel virus (it’s very contagious)?
We also talk about the awful pain but long-overdue necessity of U.S. military forces pulling out of Afghanistan—which we never should have invaded in the first place. Defense Attorney Brian from Kentucky calls in to suggest that I, being a sex-positive feminist, should take up arms to help oppressed Afghan women, but loses momentum when I ask what to do about oppressed Saudi women? Let’s share our wealth, not our firearms and bombs. Let’s make like bonobos, not baboons.
And we update you on our response to last month’s unconstitutional Police Raid on F.D.R. studios. Over 20 years ago, when we were raided by the LAPD on equally bogus pretexts, we created “The Dildo Dialogues.” This show is “The Duct Tape Dialogues.” Plus les choses changent, plus elles restent les mêmes…
We also have a kinktastic DomCon Bound (2018) throwback show to get you into a spanking-hot DomCon mood, if you’re brave enough to go this year. Or, if you’re a Covid-Sissy like me, just savor those vicarious thrills. If you’ve ever been to DomCon before, it will certainly trigger wonderful memories—with mammaries!
Watch the DomCon Bound Bacchanalia (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read more about everything here:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.

Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Is your dog smarter than you? Can bonobos show you how to share your love? And what did Darwin really mean by “Survival of the Fittest”? That only the strong survive in the race to the top? Or does “fittest” really mean friendliest and, in a way, sexiest? If so, what does that say about the history and precarious future of humanity?
In this fascinating, fun, science-rich Bedside Chat of the Coronapocalypse (#25), I interview Duke University Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, Dr. Brian Hare, & award-winning journalist/research scientist, Vanessa Woods (married bonobo and dog experts whom I’ve known over ten years!) about their amazing new book “Survival of the Friendliest: Understanding Our Origins and Rediscovering Our Common Humanity.”
Learn the natural, evolutionary secrets of our closest Great Ape cousins, the Make-Love-Not-War bonobos, and our four-legged best friends, our very own amazing dogs, that will help you be a friendlier, sexier, more peaceful and sustainable human being… AND help save the world from imminent Anthropocene dissolution!
Also featuring Chico the Pomeranian Power Puppy, Congo the Retired Service Dog (Golden Lab Mix) and a lot of friendly bonobos in the wild, at Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary and in the San Diego Zoo.
Save the bonobos! Donate to bonobos .org
Need to talk? Call the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime 24/7: 626.461.5950

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Sex, Politics & Horsepower
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
From Horseracing to Horseplay to Horse Abuse to Hot Sex on Horseback to Anthropocene Horsepower taking us for a Ride into Jacked-Up Ammosexual War Without Peace & Various Climate Crises (Drought! Floods! Fires!), the F.D.R. Love Train penetrates the Tunnel of Love at 7000 Horsepower on a Hot Night. Yeeha! “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” (Cowgirl-Style), & Listen Up for another Great Ride—Straight from the Horse’s Mouth… with Horseradish: Choo-Choo!
And we continue to mock the Billionaire Dicks in Space Race (over a million horsepower!), and we mourn the victims of the 76th Anniversary of (perhaps) the Worst of America’s many Ammosexual War Crimes, Dropping the A-Bomb on Hiroshima. Plus We Deliver the Good (and Bad) News about Senior Sex; Lesbian Peach & Apple PussyFruits; Our Recent Ridiculous, Unconstitutional, Illegal, Erotophobic Police Raid; the Deadly Drunk-Driving Accident in Front of Bonoboville; Vaxxing News & Anti-Vax Blues in the Still-Raging Coronapocalypse; Pleasure, Pain & Orgasm; #GoBonobos for American Shero Cori Bush; Free Britney from Her Demonic Daddy! Free Assange! Free Yourself…
And stick around for this week’s Bacchanalian post-show throwback, our “Last Show in the Old DTLA Speakeasy” featuring Porn Stars, Comics, Artists and Realtors, including Kat Dior, Selma Sins, Jayden Lee, Natalie Moore. Joe Munkey-Barz, Selena White, Isiah King James IV (now Super Pornstar Isiah Maxwell), Lotus Lain, Moe the Monster, Fawnia the Realtor, Daryl Wright, JuxLii, Amanda, Pappi, Chris Gore, & My Caricature of the Night by Stripperella Comic Book Artist Anthony Winn. Watch the show (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read more about everything:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Sex, Sleazy Cops, Republican Brains & the Great Unvaxxed
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
This show wins a Reddit’s “Party Train” award, which is fitting as we love to “Party Like Bonobos.” Though we aren’t throwing our famous bacchanals these Coronapocalyptic days, we still have love—for each other and for you, my darling listener. But this week’s Love Train is a Runaway Train, partly because I want to run away from the horrors of modern life, climate catastrophe, resurgent Coronapocalypse, massive economic inequity, eviction crisis, tightening sexual repression, looming specters of fascism and the deadly domestic war games of my fellow ammosexual Americans, some of whom are the police. It’s also partly because “Runaway Train” is a great old Soul Asylum song that actually helped some people find their way home.
Of course, we can’t run away from our problems, but the goal is the journey on the Runaway Party Love Train.
Brothers & Sisters, Vaxxed or Unvaxxed, all are welcome aboard (it’s just a virtual train). Though it wasn’t part of our plan, “To Vax or Not to Vax?” evolves into a central question of this ride, with two callers on utterly opposite sides. It’s the Vaxxed vs. the Great Unvaxxed (kind of like The Great Unwashed) on F.D.R. Capt’n Max and I are vaxxed (we’re not dumb), but we are willing to listen and try to understand.
In a related effort to understand (okay, and also laugh at) our fellow looney Americans, we dissect the “Republican Brain”—and brains, since some are raving ammosexual MAGAts, and a few are old-school (also ammosexual)—recalling our amazing show, Sex & the Republican Brain, which happens to be this week’s throwback bacchanal with Republican Brain author Chris Mooney, as well as a bunch of fabulous porn stars, kinksters and fetishists, plus the “Orson Wells of Fetish Filmmaking,” Michael Simmons, who is inspired to call in to this show. While he’s very pro-vaccine, another old friend, Kristen Rocks, calls to say why he’s not “anti-vax,” but he won’t get vaxxed. And here we all are in the Anti-Vaccination Nation. See why I want to hop a Runaway Train?
We also talk about our recent unconstitutional keystone-cops-ish police raid and our plans to sue!
Watch the illuminating and orgiastic “Sex & the Republican Brain” show (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read all about the sleazy police raid:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Slightly shocked and quite incensed by the recent, ridiculous, groundless and rather prurient *police raid* of F.D.R. broadcast studios, we hop on the Love Train to share the story and our plans to respond to this illegal assault. We also talk about other stuff, like Bezos shooting his trash-spewing cock-rocket into the suborbital cosmos for the latest episode of Billionaire Sperm Wars in Space, while Musk buys Planet Uzi (with Dogecoin?). The rich are human beings like the rest of us—they’re just morbidly obese with money. F.D.R. is a radio weight loss program for Da Rich.
One of the main topics of this ride is the torrid tale of the “Grindr Priest,” Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill, head of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, sworn to celibacy and caught picking up cute dudes on Grindr. It’s a perfect storm of issues involving sex, spyware, Church-proscribed celibacy, privacy and hypocrisy.
We also cheer fellow Jews for Palestine Ben & Jerrys; recount Ken Silverstein’s interview with me—still shaking from the raid!—on his podcast Washington Babylon; Incel Issues & Polyamorous Possibilities; Bennifer kisses vs. ours; DomCon coming; navigating this weird bend in the Coronapocalypse (ok, it’s all weird); and then it’s back to our Arcadia Keystone Cops police raid, the assault on our business, the handsy frisking and the official yet illegal “inspection” of our building and our bodies. At least, nobody got killed or hurt. Just a little light molestation under color of law. Stay tuned for our response to this unconscionable invasion…
And stick around for this week’s sapiosexual, multi-orgasmic post-show throwback, “Sexual Intuition & the Motorbunny” featuring “How to Get Laid Using Your Intuition” author Susanna Brisk, ultra-hot porn star Elle Voneva, voluptuous FemDom Jenna Rotten and more! Watch the show (along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube), and read all about the pervy police raid:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
As life on Earth is rapidly being incinerated, flooded, suffocated, blown apart and fried alive, the world’s two richest space cadets—Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk—plus another fly boy billionaire with less billions (SIR Richard Branson)—are “ejaculating their ego rockets” into space to determine the answer to this apparently important question: Whose dick, aka rocket, is bigger, stronger and faster? Though seriously folks, who wants a fast dick? And who needs this Billionaire Dicks in Space Race?
Comparing 2021’s Astral Cockfight with 2003’s Cockfight at the Baghdad Corral with bonobos penis-fencing (the bonobos win!), we come up with Blue Balls on the Moon, Sperm Wars in Space, what a waste. Of course, Bezos is no stranger to phallic exhibitionism; remember National Enquirer editor David Pecker’s pic of Bezos’ pecker? But how many pics of Bezos’ Pecker did David Pecker pick? Say that three times and you’ll fly to the moon.
We also investigate the out-of-control ammosexual LAPD; ending the U.S. embargo against Cuba; orgasms for older folks (that be us!); edging for onanists; DomCon coming(!); big hoses and wet buckets; my meeting with Neil Degrasse Tyson (and his astrophysical view of the Billionaire Space Dicks); the Coronapocalypse resurfacing with the Pandemic of the Unvaccinated; the Perma Wars and the MIC; and sex, sex and more sex—it’s better than war and won’t hurt the Earth (procreation notwithstanding)! Free Britney (she’s almost free)! Free Assange… before it’s too late.
In honor of the sweltering season, this week’s wild bacchanalian throwback is Hot Summer Power Plays, featuring a kinky bevy of sexy porn stars, rappers and Sanctuary Dommes and switches. Read the journal and watch the show, along with other videos we can’t show you on Youtube: https://drsusanblock .com/fdr-billionaire-space-dicks
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): PULLING OUT in Love & War
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Traveling through soaring heat, flooding subways and the surging variants of Climate Change, I just make it onto the Love Train as it’s pulling out of the station, and as it happens, PULLING OUT—in love and war—is our theme for this wild ride.
As birth control, pulling out is a risky, but if the condom breaks, it can be just what you need. Also, pulling out is the preferred way to male climax in porn; how else can you see the “money shot”? As for relationships, lots of people who fall in lust later discover they're not compatible, and then it's best to pull out.
When it comes to war—specifically the U.S. “perma-war” in Afghanistan—pulling out is just what we need. Moreover, it’s what Afghanistan needs, so F.D.R. is celebrating! But pulling out takes discipline. Even then, it’s messy. The Taliban are awful, but endless occupation is worse. Maybe if nobody invades their country for a while, Afghanistan will return to peace. Meanwhile, the U.S. should provide a way for our Afghan allies, translators, etc. (especially women) to escape the almost inevitable civil war and/or wrath of the Taliban.
On this show, I talk about my personal connection to Afghanistan, having traveled through Kabul, smoked the world’s best hashish in Mazar-I-Shariff, climbed to the top of the Bamian Buddha and ridden horseback around Lake Band-I-Amir. Later, I even had sex on a horse (not WITH the horse—ON the horse, with my equestrian lover behind me) and more eargasmic tales of orgasmic adventure.
Capt’n Max, Unscene Abe and I also compare torture in the NXIVM sex cult with Guantánamo and in Dubya’s old fraternity, and reminisce about “ART BOMBS: American Libertines for Peace” (held between the White House Frat House bombing Afghanistan and Iraq), our art show at El Teatro in Cannes, France.
Speaking of France... Happy Bastille Day! Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité! Joyeux Quatorze Juillet! Don’t miss our amazing bacchanalian, baguette-spanking-hot, after-show throwback celebrating the Storming of the Bastille and the French Republic’s birthday with a touch of ooh-la-la, “Bastille Day Burlesque” in Bonoboville.
Read the journal and watch the hot “Burlesque Bastille Day” and other videos we can’t show you on Youtube:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.