
Tuesday May 23, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Banned on Facebook - & IG!
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Censorship is on crusade! “Dr. Susan M Block” is Banned on Facebook & “DrSuzy1” is Banned on Instagram! Four days after META congratulated me on having so many followers that I needed two-step verification, it shut me down—& shut me out—suddenly & “permanently,” executing me virtual self by AI (Artificial Ignorance) firing squad & ejecting me into a virtual mass grave filled with millions of other wrongfully suspended accounts. Why? As is often the case, no reason was given except that I “Violated Community Standards.” In fact, Marky Z’s cop bots violated my Free Speech, tearing down my peaceful, loving little garden in his vast toxic META fiefdom, adding the insult of “violation” to the injury of termination, cutting me off from friends, family, fans, fellow Yalies, colleagues & community. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! They beat me up! But they didn’t beat me down… First, I am not totally banned: my Facebook group, Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy, and Bonoboville accounts are still up. It’s my personal “Susan M Block” Facebook profile & DrSuzy1 IG account that are erased. But Karma’s coming for Marky & the Block Curse which took down YouTube Censor-in-Chief Susan Wojcicki is already messing with META. Multiple SUZY Award winner Chris G calls in on this FDR promising to fight for my restoration (a long shot) with his own hashtag #JusticeforDrSusanMBlock ! Burt calls in to say everybody sick of censorship should join Bonoboville.com! All Social Media Refugees are welcome! We also talk with Brady about two kinds of AI: Artificial Ignorance & Ammosexual Incels (which is worse)? MORE Bad News: Vice TV is going bankrupt—& just before they were scheduled to release our special with our beautiful Bacchanalian Bonoboville Reunion! Last Week, the Vice Producer declared me a star. Now Vice is declaring bankruptcy, & that Producer Isn’t returning our phone calls! So, I declare 2023 to be my Media Annus Horribilus. Well, onward & forward into our next adventure: the iconic & controversial DEEP THROAT is coming to LA for its 50th Anniversary & I will moderate talkback panels after the two Deep Throat screenings in LA: Friday, June 2nd: Laemmle Royal in West Los Angeles and Saturday, June 3rd: 910 WeHo in West Hollywood with a VIP party after the screening! Come One, Come All or Just COME! Make Kink Not War! Follow The Bonobo Way Way of peace through pleasure. Merry Masturbation Month! Give yourself a hand! More prose & shows: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-banned-on-facebook
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Kinsey defunded as Perma War is super-funded? So, there’s no cash for the sexology that heals, but billions for the war machine(s) that kill—abroad & at home. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Founded by Dr. Alfred Kinsey whose Kinsey Reports helped stimulate the Sexual Revolution, the Kinsey Institute of human sexuality and relationships research is peerless. As fellow sexologists, we support Kinsey’s government funding, though its corporate financing will make up for the state’s shortfall. However, it just shows the Neo-Puritan Crusade against sex education is in full swing. Neither FDR (F*ck Da Rich) radio nor the Dr Susan Block Institute are funded by any government nor corporate entity - just by our Phone Sex Therapy services which YOU can access! Just call 213-291-9497 anytime. Since we're not corporate nor government-funded, we can “speak easy” in our Speakeasy about sex & politics in ways you won’t hear anywhere else. On this broadcast, David aka “Hybrid Bonobo,” utilizes this opportunity to make Confession to his Mother Confessor (Me) & though it’s not real therapy (that’s private), it IS therapeutic & healing for him to reveal a taboo pleasure he’s kept secret all his life. Speaking of PLEASURE, we love it. Not that awful sex-negative “Pleasure” movie - oh no! But Janelle Monáe's very sex positive "Age of Pleasure" album’s "Lipstick Lover" is sensational & just in time for Masturbation Month! BUT (not butt) YouTube (not Janelle Monáe) is hypocritical for censoring me for showing less than JM because, apparently, a lot of Cash Monáe can buy you Free Speech. We also discuss the Patriot Front, a bunch of Ammosexual Incels cosplaying as “Clockwork Orange” Droogs. And we congratulate courageous E. Jean Carroll for making Trumpty Dumpty Fall off his Wall—to the tune of $5 million! AND we get set for "Deep Throat"—the iconic & very controversial porn film, part of the Sexual Revolution, Cinema History & Watergate, which is commemorating its 50th anniversary with a West Coast tour featuring director Gerard Damiano’s adult children, a director’s cut 5k restoration & ME moderating the post-screening panel. Be there & Be Bonobo for a better world for all. Check out more Pro-Bonobo prose & DrSuzy-Tv shows: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-kinsey

Friday May 12, 2023
Sex Calls: @DrSuzy Reverse Cowgirl Positioning
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Do you like exciting sexual positions - but also want comfort? Fiancés "Robert and Angie" both enjoy sex "from behind," aka doggie-style. Now Robert would like to "do" Angie in a twist on the Reverse Cowgirl Position involving her sitting on top of him, her back facing his chest but, he says, "it's hard for her." Actually, says Angie, "it hurts," and Robert doesn't want to hurt her! So, they call internationally renowned sexologist and sex therapist Dr. Susan Block for advice in "Reverse Cowgirl Positioning." Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Acknowledging Angie's pain, Dr. Block addresses the general discomfort and danger of Reverse Cowgirl. Moreover, Robert's method of doing it gives Angie no leverage or control of his level of penetration. Adding inches to the problem, they both confess, Robert is rather well-endowed! Since Angie does like sex from behind and wants to give this a try, Dr. Block suggests they "do" it in steps, first assuming regular Cowgirl, face-to-face with Robert on his back and Angie on top, getting in the groove with lots of lube. Once Angie is very comfortable and Robert is very hard, she can try swiveling around to Reverse Cowgirl, taking her time and taking control, using her thigh muscles to adjust how deeply Robert penetrates her, so it never has to hurt. Then... Giddyap! Ride 'em Cowgirl! "Reverse Cowgirl Positioning" is a vintage clip from the "SEX CALLS" broadcast archives of The Dr. Susan Block Show (circa 1998). This is NOT a call with actual therapy clients; those are absolutely private and confidential. This is a caller on Dr. Block's Saturday night live show. For info, call us at 626.461.5950. To SEE this clip uncensored, go to https://drsusanblockinstitute.com/reverse-cowgirl/
Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497. We're here for you.

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
It’s the Month of Masturbation & a Garish Coronation, but Ammosexual Incels are shooting up the Nation! How about Universal Health Care instead of all these Perma Wars & Company Stores, Bully Cops & Censor Bots & Guns, Guns, Guns!? Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Why don’t we go The Bonobo Way instead of the Way of Gun? So commences our royal ride with a volley of words from my latest Pro-Bonobo Anti-Gun manifesto, “Ammosexul Incels: A Primer” Sadly, it is also timely, as just before broadcast, there’s another tragic mass shooting in Allen, Texas, which Governor Greg Abbot calls “unspeakable,” but that’s just because HE can’t speak about it with his mouth stuffed with NRA cash. But Capt’n Max & I speak about it here at the Speakeasy, along with several Callin callers, including Joe on Universalism, David on Bonobo Love vs Gun Violence, & Burt on how the Ammosexual Incels, worsened by economic inequity, are killing us. So goes our 100th F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) broadcast, an auspicious milestone which we don’t even realize on-air, as we’re too busy mourning the shooting victims & laughing at Tampax King Charles III’s gaudy Coronation, steeped in murderous, slave-trafficking British colonial history, the most eargasmic moment being Scottish Celtic fans singing “You Can Stick Your Coronation Up Your Arse!” Speaking of eargasms we celebrate Masturbation Month 2023 with praise for the mystery lady having a big orgasm at the LA Philharmonic performance of Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony. Also: Please No War with China! Coming up: the 50th anniversary 4k restoration screening of the historic film, Deep Throat Also coming soon: our Bonoboville Reunion on VICE TV! Go Bonobos for E. Jean Carroll’s winning case Against Lying, Denying Pussy-Grabber Trumpty Dumpty who incriminates himself in his own testimony! Merry Masturbation Month 2023! Be Bonobo: Make Kink Not War... Go Bonobos for Love! Read more prose & check out all the great DrSuzy-Tv shows: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-coronation-masturbation-ammo
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Sex Calls - @DrSuzy How to Orgasm with Your Husband
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Can YOU climax during intercourse? Watch “How to Orgasm with Your Husband,” a vintage but timeless clip from the "SEX CALLS" broadcast archives of The Dr. Susan Block Show (circa 1998) featuring internationally renowned sexologist and sex therapist Dr. Susan Block counseling a young wife named "Lauren." Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Why is it that so many women can have orgasms with ease through solo sex, but not via intercourse with their partners? How can you integrate self-pleasure into lovemaking? How do you stop worrying about what society or your parents might think of your solo sex? Why do we often hold our breath during sex? How does breathing deeply *into* your pelvis help you to experience orgasm? How do kegel or pubococcygeus (PC muscle) exercises help? Why is it easier for most women to experience orgasm from clitoral stimulation than vaginal penetration? What are "eargasms," "toegasms," and "nipplegasms"? Why is the clitoris, the "pearl of the oyster,” somehow involved in almost any female genital orgasm? Other topics: fear of losing control; being patient with yourself and taking the time that you need, self-love embarrassment; sex as an art form, sex as a spiritual practice and sex as a team sport; "achieving" vs. experiencing orgasm; squeezing and releasing the pubococcygeus (kegel) muscles; why the idea that an orgasm from just penetration is somehow better than a clitoral orgasm just an "Old Husband's Tale"; the importance of lubrication and cunnilingus for female orgasm. This is NOT a call with actual therapy clients; those are absolutely private and confidential. This is a caller on Dr. Block's Saturday night live show. For more information, call us at 626.461.5950. For more on this show, go to https://drsusanblockinstitute.com/orgasm-husband/
Have a question about marital sex? Or is there something else you need to talk about that you can't talk about anywhere else? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497. We're here for you.

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy Ecosexual Earth Day (with Jelly Bean Sex Toys)
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Love the Earth You Make Love On! That’s our jam as we ride FDR (FuckDaRich) through Earth Day The Bonobo Way 2023. First stop: The first Earth Day in 1970 when we gathered together in Fairmount Park, Philly, & all 30,000 of us vowed to protect our Mother the Earth from human greed & corporate trash. Now, 53 years later, our habitat on Earth is worse than ever, roiling with climate catastrophes, permawar & waning respect for science. But we’re still trying!
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Shoutout to Dr. SerenaGaia, whose "Ecosexuality" book (for which I wrote the intro) inspires us to find erotic stimulation in conservation. April’s also Ape Awareness Month, so give what you can to Lola ya Bonobo & the Bonobo Conservation Initiative to help save the bonobos from extinction. Earth Day food seems like berries or kale... but it’s also National Jelly Bean Day, says Chris calling in to share tips for using jelly beans as sex toys! It’s fun, but doesn’t change the fact that America’s Jelly Bean President Ronald Reagan was one of our worst—even worse than Tricky Dick Nixon who actually created the EPA shortly after the first Earth Day. Speaking of pollution, Elona Musky’s Earth-Polluting Rocket Explosion lasted longer than he ever did (says Grimes). New Bestselling Book: “How to Lose $13 Billion in One Day” by Elon Musk + New TV show with (now-fired-from-FOX) Tucker Carlson “Please Help Me Procreate!” More Social Pollution: Neo-Puritan Neo-Nazis are hacking Porn Star accounts with anti-sex antisemitic memes (thanks for the tip Hartley Pleshaw!) trying to join forces with Laila Mickelwait’s Exodus Cry & Trafficking Hub against consenting adult sex work. Btw, Judaism is NOT Zionism (for me, they’re almost opposites). Appreciation for Drag Queens (including Rhonda DeSantis!) + My Fellow Yalie Sam Alito might be the worst of the Most Corrupt U.S. Supreme Court ever! Free Assange! Make Kink Not War, Celebrate Earth Day everyday with outdoor orgasms, fresh fruit kisses & no more war. Read more prose & see some amazing ecosexual shows: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-earth-day

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy The Great 31st Wedding Anniversary RV Adventure
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Love, Lust, Trust & Going Bust on Wheels, my Charming Prince Max & my attempt to “celebrate” our 31st Wedding Anniversary with a "Great RV Adventure” turns into a big MISadventure. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! The best-laid plans may not get you laid the way you planned… & the flimsier your plans, the more likely they’ll fall through rather than come true. Of course, “the goal is the journey” & there were a few fabulous moments—& lots of love (always love)—on this ill-fated (& mostly unplanned) voyage from Bonoboville to nowhere & back. Hop on the Love Train & listen to the gory, glorious & hilarious details. Let’s just say, I’m glad abortion’s still legal in Cali, but an aborted anniversary celebration was not on my wish list. And I’m really glad that we followed our other motto, “Make Love First to Make Love Last” or we’d still be horny. Speaking of horns, Brady calls in as “Hannah” (doing Digital Drag) to discuss the different horned & horny reincarnations of Pan from the Church-demonized Satan to Baphomet revered by the Medieval Knights Templar to horny housewives to horny old goats--& then Kdot tries to get my goat—though the consensus is that I’m The G.O.A.T... Baaaah! Of course, we talk longterm love and marriage (great for us, but not for everybody & there’s nothing wrong with being single, poly, etc.) on this show as well as the mounting horrors of all the wars (at home in our streets & supermarkets) & abroad as the American War Machine fights on (though I’m starting to think Putin’s on Lockheed Martin’s payroll) + Why THEY Make Us CONSUME at the Company Store; What Makes a Great Threesome; How to Heal Performance Anxiety; Quentin Tarantino’s Erotophobic Foot Fetish; Vice TV’s “Sex Before the Internet” with me talking HBO’s “Real Sex”; Dating vs. Marriage; YouTube Still Censoring Me & Many Others; Make Kink Not War; Make Love Not War; Go Bonobos & Stop the Killing; Spread the Wealth; F*ck Da Rich; Eat The Rich; Be Bonobo & Follow The Bonobo Way of Female Empowerment, Male Well-Being, Sharing, Caring, Bonobo Conflict Resolution & Peace through Pleasure; from the Capitalocene to the Bonobocene… with a lot more Happy Endings! Read more prose & check out more DrSuzy.Tv shows: https://drsusanblock.com/fdr-31st-anniversary-RV-adventure
Need to Talk Privately? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime at 213-291-9497. We're here for you.

Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Sex Calls: @DrSuzy Female Ejaculation Concerns
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
In "Female Ejaculation Concerns," I counsel "Laurie" about the wonders (and terrors) of female ejaculation, aka squirting, the orgasmic release of fluids from the urethra. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Female Ejaculation is what I call the "Holy Water" of female sexuality or as the Tantrics, say, "Amrita." But many people, like Laurie, have questions about it. Is it real? Is it normal? Is it common? Is it *really* just a golden shower? Can any woman ejaculate? Why don't more women actually do it? How do the partners of women who squirt feel about it? “Female Ejaculation Concerns” is a vintage clip from the "SEX CALLS" broadcast archives of The Dr. Susan Block Show (circa 1998). This is NOT a call with actual therapy clients; those are absolutely private and confidential. This is a caller on my Saturday night live show. For more information, call us at 626.461.5950. To see the video of this call, go to https://drsusanblockinstitute.com/female-ejaculation-concerns/
Have a question about female ejaculation or is there something else you need to talk about that you can't talk about anywhere else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime at 213-291-9497. Experience Phone Sex Therapy. We're here for you. For more on how to squirt or help your partner squirt, go to: https://drsusanblockinstitute.com/squirting-world