The Dr Susan Block Show

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Make Kink Not War: @DrSuzy The Bonobo Way at DomCon LA 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Happy Kink Month 2022 ! Rattled by battles, wars and more wars, including the wars on women, I’ve taken this little jingle as my light in the dark, my mantra against the madness and a bit of a gag (pun intended) in the gloom: Make Kink Not War!
A twist on that oldie but goodie, Make Love Not War, it’s the peaceable kinkster’s battle cry*… but what does it mean in the real world—on the battlefield, in the bedroom, the boardroom, the classroom, the dungeon, the RV, the protest march or the play party? What can we learn about our own ability to "Make Kink Not War" from the kinkiest apes on Earth, the #bonobos, the FemDoms of the Wild, the only great apes who never kill each other? How can we *be more bonobo and what it’s got to do with the transformative, healing, peaceful power of #kink?
Find out in Version 6.0 of The Bonobo Way at #DomCon LA, the Met Gala of Latex and the Comic-Con of Kink (with the Ted Talks of BDSM), founded and directed by the marvelous Mistress Cyan (who gave me my first consenting-adult birthday spanking in 2004, the same year she founded DomCon): Make Kink Not War: Be Bonobo.
Kick off Kink Month 2022 with a spanking hot sexual revelation. Take a front row seat in my Master Class (Mistress Class?) in kinky anthropology, ranging from our current abominable wars and war fantasies to the inspirational worlds of the kink-normative, femocratic bonobos and the peaceable kinksters of DomCon: the fabulous FemDoms, Mistresses, Goddesses, Dominatrixes, Dommes, Doms, submissives and switches, all of whom “Make Kink Not War.”
Read More Prose and Watch the Uncensored Shows:
Need to talk about YOUR Kink(s) PRIVATELY? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re Here for YOU.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy FALL Out of Line
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s a Rough Ride on the Love Train without Capt’n Max's baritone in my earphone (he’s there, just not on-air), but “the show must go on,” so on I go, as we “Fall Out of Line” & into a fiery & flooded #Fall Equinox with a Climate-Changed Heat Dome in Heaven & Pakistan & Puerto Rico underwater…
Meanwhile the Capitalocene #MegaMachine keeps pumping that gas & poisoning tap water, now “filtered” from human sewage laced with chemicals like SSRI’s that lower your #SexDrive.. Listen to the Tale of Will, addicted to the antidepressants ruining his libido, & how I help him get it up again! Happy #SelfLoveSeptember! And Happy Bi Week aka Bisexuality Week! Need a sex toy for that?
Welp, a dildo & lube-filled truck lost its load—perhaps a delivery for Big Willie, #PrinceofPegging Heir to #TampaxKing Charles III finally winding up the endless Dead Queen Cosplay, as half the fans of Harry the Spare want to #AbolishtheMonarchy, the other half to reestablish it in Montecito with #PrincessMeghan on the throne. And oh, the British Royal Crime Family’s history of war, colonialism, slavery, theft & genocide is bad enough, but what’s with these giant phallic bearskin capped Dicks on Parade? I love phalluses, but not covered with fur, let alone the fur of Canadian black bears which, though not endangered, should not be murdered for a hat (& I love hats)…
Big Furry CockHats might make you look silly, but an “improperly” worn Hijab can get you killed by Iranian #MoralityPolice as happened to Mahsa Amini; we support the brave protesters against Islamofascism—which is at least as bad as Israel’s Judeofascism & America’s NeoPuritan Christofascism... At least notorious #NeoPuritan Ken Starr is dead, & oh, how much damage was done by this Poster Boy for Right-Wing Hypocrisy, & oh how much fun we had awarding him 1998 “Pornographer of the Year”… And oh how glad we are now to see Ca. Atty Gen Rob Bonta impede LA Sheriff Villaneuva’s Deputy Gangbang of So Cal citizens… In tRump News: Proving QAnon has achieved a Coup Anon in his brain, the Trumpus declares he can declassify top secret documents “just by thinking about it”…. We also talk about Kanye-Never-Reading-A-Book vs. Me reading Fabian Scheidler’s End of the Megamachine: A Brief History of a Failing Civilization, the MM consisting of 4 Tyrannies: 1) military 2) economy 3) religion & 4) #LinearThinking, #4 being my personal weakness, as evidenced by this show... FREE ASSANGE! Get well, Max! Be Bonobo. #ListenUp!
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Need to talk PRIVATELY? Experience #PhoneSexTherapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Kenneth W. Starr: A Pornographer for Our Times @DrSuzy
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Ken Starr passed away last week, so I'm re-releasing this comic, erotic and very historic, turn-of-the-21st century Dr. Susan Block Show throwback, taking you onstage at the World Pornography Conference where I presented the 1998 Boobie Award for “Best National Pornography Production” to Kenneth W. Starr, the notorious neo-Puritanical Independent Counsel who spearheaded a ruthless witch hunt, power grab and smear campaign against then-President Bill Clinton, climaxing with the release of The Starr Report—like a hot money shot that lands in your eye or perhaps up your nose.
“Never has a piece of common porn so captured the hearts, minds and gonads of so many Americans, even those of us who really don’t care who swallows the presidential semen.” I proclaimed to my audience of professors, porn stars, lawyers and reporters hosted by Annie Sprinkle and Candida Royalle. “Never has the mainstream American media proven itself to be such a fantastic public relations machine for a single porn production, broadcasting every rumor and innuendo in this sperm-swirling storm of gossip, intrigue and sanctimonious outrage.” If you lived through it, you know how it dominated the news, and #KenStarr was the instigator, chief voyeur and Grand Inquisitor.
I also take you into my broadcast bed for an intimate after-party at the Villa Piacere where Capt'n Max and I explore the juicy details of the #StarrReport with such luminaries as Dr. Betty Dodson, Richard Pacheco, Kat Sunlove, Jack Hafferkamp, LaSara, KISS and Tod Hunter. Also at the Pornucopia: Dr. Vern Bullough, Dr. Carol Queen, Al Goldstein, Roy Karch and Veronica Vera.
This special episode captures a truly historic moment, including footage from the day a coerced and terrorized Monica Lewinsky testified before a Grand Jury, and reactions to the Starr Report and Boobie Award, including live interviews with KTLA5 and KNBC4. At a time when most Americans were becoming more open, tolerant and sex-positive, Ken Starr and his team of reactionary young ninjas (including a fledgling Brett Kavanaugh and Ann Coulter) didn’t succeed in their intended coup d’état (or as Joe Conason called it, "Coup de Twat"), but they did turn the clock back on sexual freedom, and now we have QAnon and a powerful majority on the Supreme Court (including Kavanaugh!) literally forcing their extreme #NeoPuritanical ways on the rest of us.
This video first aired uncensored in 1998 on public access TV stations around America. Of course, this version is censored for Youtube (we don't want our account shut down). So...
Read More Prose & Watch the Amazing UNCENSORED Show(s) on #DrSuzy-Tv:
Need to talk PRIVATELY? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Queens, Crimes, Sex & Circuses
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
The Queen is Dead. Goddess Save the Queens! And a Happy Self-Love September to all who mourn, celebrate or simply don’t give a fig. As the Love Train rolls out of the second Elizabethan Era into the Great Neo-Feudal Unknown, we receive the news that Queen Lizzie’s dead… but are we ready for His Majesty, the Tampon King, inserting himself into the center of this extravagant cosplay circus of power, opulence and international thievery with a history of colonialism and genocide, known to all as the British Royal Family? Will Charles III be more like Charles II (“the Merry Monarch”) or Charles I (executed by the Roundheads of Parliament)? What about Harry and Meghan and the Prince of Pegging? What about the poor, the people whose human rights “The Firm” has trampled, their ancestors killed, enslaved, colonized, burglarized and brutalized for The Crown? These are our fellow humans whose "job" it is to embody the idea that some people are born into privilege and should live in luxury and rule by birthright whilst the rest—that means you and me—should kneel, obey, pay-pay-pay and enjoy the gossip rags. The Brits worship their Crown Royals like the ancient Greeks did their Gods and Goddesses, but why do Americans care about the Queen? Why do we care about the Kardashians? What is it about “influencers”? Hollywood? Personality politics? What is at the root of these often toxic cults of celebrity? And what about tRump? Sir Donald, Baron of Bullshittery and the never-ending Trump Crime Family Circus give the Royal Crime Family a run for their stolen money in pulling off the “Greatest Grift on Earth,” juggling Top Secret documents, leaping through fiery lies, and inciting armies of clowns, many of them heavily armed and dangerous. No Big Top is big enough for so many clowns, so they are running and shooting through the streets. And did we mention the HEAT? Climate Catastrophes are here… Mid-show, Bob calls in from Oregon to get out of the HEAT, ask a few questions about self-pleasure, share his amazing ejaculatory prowess and celebrate Self-Love September with a Live On-the-Air Self-Loving orgasm! Capt'n Max, aka Prince Maximillian Rudolf Leblovic di Lobkowicz di Filangieri (deposed on both sides) also honor Queens of all kinds, Queen Bees, Queenly Bonobo Matriarchs and Drag Queens. Unlike the Proud Boys (who are obsessed with them), we curtsy to really fine Drag Queens.
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Need to talk PRIVATELY? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Happy Labia Day @DrSuzy
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Happy Labia Day 2022! Labor Day became “Labia Day” for the FIRST TIME on this September 5, 2015 show live from Bonoboville on DrSuzy.Tv. Why Labia Day? Unlike May Day, Labor Day was never a truly authentic holiday for labor, aka the working class. So, we decided to read between the lines—and lips—of Labor Day to find a similar, onomatopoetic, but far more bonoboësque name for this early September day off from the daily grind, as I opened up my Womb Room for our very first Labia Day (puns intended)!
Thus, a great, new holiday blossoms like a Georgia O’Keeffe flower in the verdant Garden of Bonoboville, as we celebrate those ubiquitous, but mysterious and always absolutely fabulous, fleshy doors to female pleasure and wonder… and labor. A lady’s nether lips “go into labor,” along with the rest of her reproductive system, in giving birth. Other times, they tease, please, open, close, squirt and explode in orgasmic ecstasy.
It's particularly poignant to re-release this historic Dr. Susan Block Show celebrating female genitalia in all its glory, power (power to the labia!) and vulnerability, now in 2022, when sexuality is under attack and American women’s Constitutional right to abortion has been ripped away from us by a radical right wing Supreme Court that probably never looked up-close at a nice pair of labia in their NeoPurtian lives.
Little did we know the repressive future on our first Labia Day featuring the delightful Dayton Rains showing off her world-famous labia in multiple positions, expertly licking my lucky labia and, in that great U.S. presidential intern tradition, smoking a cigar through her labia! Dayton’s exhibition inspires the rest of us to exhibit our own labia, along with the Wondrous Vulva Puppets, and a bottle of yummy Kinky Liqueur incorporated into our traditional Bonoboville Communion rites. Our First Labia Day also features Biz Bonobo, Chelsea, Ikkor the Wolf, Luzer Twersky and his puppy (no, not her labia).
Of course, Youtube, which is not Labia-Positive, won’t let us show you our labia. So this version is heavily censored. But you might enjoy the slideshow of PG images from Labia Day mixed with our friendly advertisements. I know, it’s not the same. So, if you love labia, I suggest you watch the First Labia Day uncensored here (youtube also won’t let us provide links, so you have to figure it out):
Need to talk PRIVATELY? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy Spanking the News
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
With the “Show Me” State of Missouri now in a “Spank Me” State of Misery—bringing corporal punishment, aka beating children, back to public schools (!), we feel it’s a good time (once again) to differentiate “erotic spanking” or impact play—which is a great form of recreational kink for consenting adults—from punitive spanking or paddling, which is a terrible way to “discipline” children. Nevertheless, school districts in the Great States of MO, TX, LA & more are once again spanking children who “misbehave.” This, even as they ban books, dumbing down the next generation from top to tush. Not everyone on the Love Train agrees with Capt’n Max & Me that spanking kids is wrong (such a divisive issue!), but we resolve our conflict in a Bonobo Way when I give our Birthday Gal Ana—a consenting adult—a celebratory Birthday Spanking right on the air. Joining us in Twitter Spaces, Chris G from NJ celebrates his graduation, spreading The Bonobo Way of Peace Through Pleasure, and riding our F.D.R. “rocket” into the wonders of space (outer and inner)! We also talk student loan forgiveness (the GQP doesn’t like it because they want #BodiesBodiesBodies and for YOU to be so poor you have to join their military); “The Beauties & Bautista” live from the Soul of Old DTLA; Jeff St. Claire & Jean-Jacques Rousseau on spanking; how we can get Biden to Free Assange and why we’re not sorry to see Liz Cheney go—even though she tried to take down tRump. So do we! And here we are, spanking and trying to beat Trump again and again—in words and pictures—as the FBI, the DOJ, the State of NY and even FOX-TV take turns spanking Trumpty Dumpty who will soon—hopefully, finally—have a great fall. Crrrrack!
Read more prose and watch the show(s):
Need to show off (like Missouri), get spanked or just talk PRIVATELY? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Beauties & The Bautista @DrSuzy Wrestle with Desire
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s a tag team smack-down in the Womb Room with the amazing Dave Bautista, aka “The Animal,” aka “The Beast,” in one corner, and a Bevy of Beauties in another. Dr. Suzy is referee in this erotically epic contest of libido-wrestling, muscle-flexing, stripping, pole-dancing, BJ tournaments, orgasm races and a wild, face-to-crotch, upside-down, WWE maneuver known as the Batista Bomb. Though Bautista keeps his pants on (but not his shirt!), we “unleash the Beast”… in a Bonobo Way. Broadcast live 12/10/2011 on DrSuzy.Tv, Dave was just shifting from “Batista” (his WWE Champ name) to Bautista (his real name), promoting his acting role in The Man with the Iron Fists, a stepping stone toward playing the iconic Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy. A real-life Angel (Angela Sommers) puts The Animal to the test, plus Destiny Dixon, Samantha Saint, Victoria White and Daisy Delight all put up a good fight for Bautista’s beleaguered libido—and put on a spectacular show—but does it work or does the Champ stays true to his GF? Watch and find out! Also includes Anthony Winn, co-creator of Stripperella with the late great Stan Lee, creating new art (of Dr. Suzy!), and the Speakeasy rocks out into a wild after-party of sex, fun and wrestling with naked angels… because aren’t wrestlers and porn stars—the beauties and the beasts—among the greatest real-life comic book characters we know?
Read Dr. Suzy’s blog:

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy TRUMP NUKES… & Sustainable Sex
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Deal Makers and Dictators of the Global Marketplace: COME to Mar-A-Lardo for the Deal of the Millennium: Trump Nukes! Yes indeed, our Conman from Queens, aka “FPOTUS,” has hawked Trump Steaks, Trump University, Trump Vodka (Putin’s fave), Trump Wine (aka Trump Whining), Trump Airlines, Trump Casinos, the Trump Presiduncy (misspelling intended), all mega-failures and con-jobs. And now here’s the Trump thing to end all Trump things…and maybe all life on Earth: Trump Nukes!
No, not Trump Nudes (Putin has those). We’re talking (on this show) about the Top Secret Nuclear Documents uncovered in the Trump Raid, and whether or not—having pocketed $2 Billion in oil-soaked Saudi cash from his BFF, MBS (aka Mohammed Bone Saw) for his “private equity firm” —former First Son-in-Law Jared Kushner is the Mole.
We also talk Religious Fascism and the attack on Salmon Rushdie, freedom of expression and JK Rowling. Mid-show, a random caller turns out to be a poster boy for irreligious, antifascist, male-male, purely recreational and very sustainable sex: “Justin” calls in looking for phone love as he enjoys self-love. Speaking of dicks, we also learn that Kate’s nickname for the #PrinceofPegging is “Big Willie,” and we bid farewell to Jeffrey “Zoom Dick” Toobin (he should have called us for Phone Sex Therapy) now finally finishing--I mean leaving CNN.
I also share a bit of intriguing correspondence about bonobo female reproductive choice, alpha male reproduction, beta male recreational sex and the Bonobo Way of peace through shared non-reproductive pleasures with my favorite primatology couple, Dr. Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods, authors of Survival of the Friendliest ( Wow, talk about sustainable sex!
And of course, Capt’n Max and I celebrate the Trump Raid—just the tonic for toxic Post-Trump Sex Disorder!—with a little orgasmic sustainable sex of our own. Yes, it’s sustainable! The only Big Oil involved is a big jar of coconut oil.
Read more prose and watch the uncensored shows:
Need to Talk? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497. We’re Here for YOU.