The Dr Susan Block Show

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
FDR (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Mythical Wishboner
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Taking the scenic route—from the mythical village of Bonoboville to the dairy farms of upstate New York by way of Atlantis, from the terrible tragedy of Colorado’s Club Q to the incel dream of Don’t Worry Darling (a great Date Night movie!) to the mountains of central Italy, birthplace of the great grandparents of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the phony “cafone” of fascism—our Love Train travels through time… Last week’s FDR was a VOTER Boner, but now Herschel Walker’s saying, “this erection is about the people.” Meanwhile I win our Spanksgiving wishbone-snap… does that make me a Wishboner?
On a serious, tragic note, we mourn the victims of the Club Q massacre the heroes who stopped the killer, especially the trans woman who put her high heel to valiant use. No praise for the #ClubQ killer’s Dad, Aaron Brink, an adult performer who’s more worried about his son being gay than a mass murderer.
We also take Callin calls from Lance in upstate New York who’s obsessed with Atlanteans as aliens and wants to start a workers coop for ex-prisoners, and with Schnarf in the Bronx by way of Puerto Rico who has a bunch of questions about masturbation, penis size, exhibitionism and insecurity. We go into overtime trying to reassure Schnarf that his equipment is big “enough," and hopefully he sees the light... Thanks to the evil machinations of the Megamachine of capitalism, conquest and competition, nothing is ever “enough.” It’s pretty powerful, but it can still be defeated, or at least avoided, at least in small mythical villages, by the power of sharing pleasure, the Bonobo Way.
Peace on Earth. Pleasure for All. Step away from the #MegaMachine. That’s my Mythical Wishboner-winning wish for the Holidaze!
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Need to talk PRIVATELY? Experience #PhoneSexTherapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re Here for YOU.

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
FDR (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Happy Thanksgiving & Slappy Spanksgiving 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Season’s Beatings! On Thanksgiving, we give thanks, & on Spanksgiving, we give spanks. It’s Our Duty to Spank Booty on Spanksgiving. Historically, SPANKSgiving is more reality-based than THANKSgiving. Those musket-wielding Pilgrims were less likely to share food with the Wampanoag Natives than slaughter them, kickstarting the North American genocide. Thanks, but no thanksgiving.
But every day was SPANKSgiving among those sadistic Pilgrims & Puritans who administered frequent spankings, paddlings, whippings, “stocks & bonds,” tar & feathering, “public disgrace” & witch-hanging. Of course, these were nonconsensual atrocities, & we decry Neo-Puritan GQP efforts to bring them back (i.e., via corporal punishment in schools)! BUT consenting adults can enjoy Spanksgiving roleplay along with impact play, as Capt’n Max & I have a spanking good time exploring on this show. Later, I get stuffed from both ends, & I hope you do too!
We also spank 3 Turkeys in the News: 1) We tried to stick a fork in it in 2020, but the Trump Turkey is still squawking—& running—in 2024. Merrick, please put this gobbler in a cage! 2) Another juicy—& leaky—Turkey in the News is neo-Puritan Supreme Court Injustice Sam Alito (A-leak-o?); thanks to whistleblower Rev. Robert Schenck, we now have MORE proof that Alito leaked his own decisions—including Hobby Lobby & Dobbs—to Rightwing activists, Alito (A-leak-o?) leaks are now staining what’s left of the Court’s reputation with curdling Christofascist gravy. 3) Then there’s that Turkey of a Billionaire Elona Musky, aka Space Karen, aka Twitter-destroyer Elon Musk, currently setting our beloved Tweety-Bird ablaze like one of his defective Teslas bursting into the Flames of Hell.
Back to Thanksgiving, which can be a delicious reunion with those we love, but also tough to digest, stressful, hypocritical & downright nauseating, where we have to repress our real feelings for fear of triggering Uncle MAGAt’s Loser trauma which might trigger his finger on that AR-15 that he has a Second Amendment Right to bring to dinner. Well, we can always just stay home and choke our chickens instead of swallowing their turkey and taking their crap. Spank the Monkey! See why I give spanks… as well as thanks? Spanksgiving puts Thanksgiving into perspective. Bottoms up! Turn the whole plutocratic, ecocidal oligarchy upside down & spank its naughty behind. Too bad the NRA doesn’t profit from spanking paddle sales. Feast or fap, stuffed, spanked or spent, have a good one (& follow the Bonobo Way)!
Read more prose & watch the amazing Spanksgiving shows:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about anywhere else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.

Friday Nov 18, 2022
SEX CALLS: Kinky Newlyweds with @DrSuzy
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Internationally renowned sex therapist and Sexologist-of-the-Year Dr. Susan Block talks with “Kinky Newlyweds” Irene and Evan about how to balance lust with trust, power play, marriage, BDSM, bisexuality, threesomes, Tantra, exhibitionism, boundaries and privacy.
“Kink Newlyweds” is a vintage clip from the "SEX CALLS" broadcast archives of The Dr. Susan Block Show (circa 1998). This is NOT a call with actual therapy clients; those are absolutely private and confidential. This is a caller on Dr. Block's Saturday night live show. For more information, call us at 626.461.5950. For current shows and other events, visit us at
Have a question, confession or fantasy, but need to talk privately? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497. We're here for you. Visit us:

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy VOTER Boner!
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
We're popping our political corks on the Love Train as the 2022 midterm tallies flow in, our election erections wet with waves of blue, love, laughter, liquor, socialist hope, sexual fantasies and erotic compassion for our so-called “enemies.” Yes indeed, we’ve got Voter Boners! Being a She/Her, I have a Voter Ladyboner (a Lady Voter-Boner?). As a sexologist, I’m mindful of the twisted effects of humiliation—even in metaphor—but I must say, the MAGAts got cuckolded—and not in the fun, consensual way. So we celebrate the Dems winning the Senate (yes, they’re also corrupted by pro-war corporate oligarch donors, but the fascist thugs of Coup Anon are worse), Trumpty Dumpty falls off his wall (again), Gangster Sheriff Villaneuva loses his badge & much more (though watch out for billionaire Elona Musky's buddy Peter Thiel’s megalomaniacal “investments” in politics). Joining our Blue Wave Block Party with a splash is “Most Bonobo Couple,” DaLove & Belive, naked and singing, plus a vivacious Russian/Ukrainian model named Julia—her traumatic tales reminding me of one thing none of the candidates much discussed: the War in Ukraine! Speaking of war, NOW is the time to make peace; it’s The Bonobo Way. Make Kink Not War! We also talk with Chase, a self-described “Christian” calling in from the bloodred swamps of Mississippi, who voted straight scarlet and goes to Church… but still wants to party with us. Well, wouldn’t you?
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Need to talk PRIVATELY? Experience #PhoneSexTherapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the #DrSusanBlock Instituteanytime: 213.291.9497. We’re Here for YOU.

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s almost Capt’n Max’s birthday, so we celebrate my beloved prime-mate, partner and husband of over 30 years, Prince Maximillian R. Leblovic di #Lobkowicz di #Filangieri, life-long sex revolutionary, pioneer in First Amendment freedoms and reader-written publishing—which evolved into what we now call “social media—a great designer and a really great kisser. Va-va-va-voom! Capt’n Max is my “V” without the violence, as we “remember, remember the 5th of November” from “V for Vendetta,” that classic, cinematic celebration of masked revolution.
It's also the 8th anniversary of The Bonobo Way (with over 50 five-star Amazon reviews), more evolution than revolution, as well as conflict resolution via peace through pleasure, female empowerment, male well-being, sharing, caring and a Bonobo Sutra of erotic activities. Eight years ago, I wrote #TheBonoboWay and gave it to Max for his birthday. Now, our latest Bonobo Way offering is Make Kink Not War: Be Bonobo at DomCon 2022, with “Peace, Love & Bonobos” at Yale coming soon!
It's also our first FDR of Naughty November, 2022, and third live Callin show, as the birthday festivities turn into a Block Party exploding into freewheeling, far-reaching, deep-diving, sexy, lefty, bonobo-evolutionary, media-therapeutic talk radio. Joining us live are Daniele Watts, aka DaLove—and it’s her birthday too!—and Chef Belive with many erotic and traumatic confessions, revelations and adventures to share in the crisp, not-so-clean, Naughty November air. We also take Callin calls from Dale and Schnarf about kink, love, fantasy, so-called "hypersexuality" and “sex addiction,” eargasms, toegasms, desire, release, struggle and the perennial allure of “Strangers in the Night.”
And it's Native American History Month, coming up on Spanksgiving, coming up on the last Saturday before one of the craziest most polarizing Election Days in the history of the USA, meaning it’s lesser-of-two-evils time, meaning get out and vote for the damn Dems! If it’s Wednesday, it’s too late. Just stay home and trip out. But if it’s Tuesday get your ass up. Play ball. Don’t just play with your balls. We don’t have a perfect democracy, we have an oligarchy, and we have war. It’s awful, but it could be worse. Much worse.
We also mourn Twitter, now being ruined by Elon Musk quicker than tRump ruined our country. This whole "Elona Musky" Twitter horror show is a great example of why we need a wealth tax. In the meantime, we slip, slide, fumble, fuck, fight, dance, laugh, cry and trip along to our dystopian destinies, hopefully mitigated by the Bonobo Way.
So... Happiest of Birthdays to the Very BEST of Husbands, my big bonobo, my little Prince, Capt’n Max. As deep is our trust, so wide is our lust, you’re my best friend forever, but you’ll always be my hot sexy Stranger in the Night.
Read more prose & watch the shows:
Need to talk PRIVATELY? Experience #PhoneSexTherapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re Here for YOU.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Halloween Fantasies & Very Scary Realities
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
All aboard FDR's Second Coming on Callin - Vergin’-No-More! Though we’re vergin’ on #Halloween, opening with My Samhain Ode to Sexy Witches, B*tches, Belladonnas & Scary Sex (consenting adults only please!), a Halloween Fever Dream that takes you Over the Moon on My Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom (great for roleplay, pegging, spanking & good vibrations)… But frightful goblins lurk all around us: Melting Himalayas releasing ancient viruses; upcoming elections portending fascism & violence; people shooting, trampling & beating each other with hammers; the planet heating up, but it could all instantly cool down to nuclear winter, as we’re vergin’ on Armageddon, H-bombs poised for mutual annihilation on both sides of the madness. Now more than ever, we need to Make Kink Not War. Can we “be bonobo” before it’s too late?
Not yet fried alive, we wave farewell to Jerry Lee Lewis (Max was a Jerry Lee tribute artist) whose “Great Balls of Fire” is soaring up to rock & roll heaven or dropping down to honkytonk hell. Another scary reality is Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover. Twitter is not a truck. If someone doesn’t take the wheel, Elon is going to drive his new Twitter truck into a tree. Meanwhile, Musk’s buddy Kanye learned how “going Death/Def Con 3 on Jewish people” translates to losing more than half a billion dollars in a day. #GoBonobos for the Semitic convergence of Old Hollywood & new track shoes. Free Palestine! AND for a comic erotic trick-or-treat, the Pope confesses HIS Halloween fantasies of “#nuns (watching) porn”… Another scary reality: black-robed ghouls on the Supreme Court’s Catholic supermajority stoning American women’s rights to death. Let’s impeach 6 out of 9, starting with Supreme Injustice Clarence Thomas whose wife, Ginni Thomas, is one of leaders of the (still ongoing) Coup Anon Insurrection - & let’s take heart in Iran’s ongoing “Women, Life, Freedom” rebellion against the Ayatollahs, the Persian version of our Supreme Injustices. Meanwhile, racism & greed from our caught-on-tape LA City Council intersect with Sheriff Villaneuva’s murderous deputy gangs. Our Kangaroo Court Arcadia City Council may be smaller, but it’s no better.
We also take a couple of Callin calls from Joe who really resonates with our sex-positive, no-Bernays, no bull message, & Wally who jokes about the great & powerful, one-eyed Halloween Monster threatening to bust through his zipper. Trick or treat!
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Need to talk PRIVATELY? Experience #PhoneSexTherapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re Here for YOU.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
FDR: ”Vergin’ on Callin” with @DrSuzy and Capt’n Max
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s our FIRST #Callin show, but when I spell out v-i- r-g- i-n, I get censored by the Megamachine. So, I’m “Vergin’ on Callin,” meaning it’s Capt’n Max‘s & my FIRST TIME on a brand spanking new platform (for us): Callin! There’s a first time for everything, but there’s only one first time for anything (you never get to have a second first time), so we make it special… with spooky mid-Kinktober tricks, treats & Season’s Beatings!
Spooky can be kooky, but Halloween is the eve of the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos), so we say RIP to KAY PARKER, my beloved friend & the ultimate MILF/Mom Fantasy as Barbara Scott in #Taboo + BARBARA EHRENREICH, great bonoboësque author of “Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy” which inspired my notion of “communal ecstasy.”
We also send bonobo sisterly support to my late great Counterpunch publisher Alexander Cockburn’s niece, OLIVIA WILDE, “Don’t Worry Darling” director & ex to Tao Ruspoli & Jason Sudeikis, now with Harry Styles - to namedrop a few - & being unfairly targeted by neo-Puritanical media misogynists. We all know the MSM loves to serve up sex with a side dish of shame, but it hurts all the same…
Other topics: Free Assange... Cancel Kanye... Free Palestine... Coup Anon fascist thuggery & E. JEAN CARROLL’s sticky case against the Donald... Alexandra M. Hunt’s “Right to Sex”... Though “God Forbid: The Sex Scandal that Brought Down a Dynasty” calls JERRY FALWELL, JR. & hotwife Becki “freaks” for their #cuckold relationship with the pool boy – they’re not freaks; they’re just redblooded Christofascist hypocrites..
And we take calls from Callin’ers who don’t even “call,” but just press a little icon to talk. First, Shardoll on corporal punishment in schools (always wrong) vs spanking consenting adults (can be great!) + porn star Stormy Daniels’ way to discipline Trump Baby - spank him with his Forbes Cover! We also talk with Jeff who loves Chris Ryan, Sex at Dawn & Civilized to Death almost as much as we do, & sounds like he could be Vergin’ on The Bonobo Way. Though he’s listened to several other shows on Callin, FDR is the FIRST where he actually “called in,” so he’s a Vergin’ too… & CallIn is lookin’ promisin’ for FDR!
Read more prose & watch the shows:
Need to talk PRIVATELY? Experience #PhoneSexTherapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re Here for YOU.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
F*ck Da Rich: @DrSuzy BONOBO KINKTOBER Capt’n Max is Back!
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Season’s Beatings and a Happy Bonobo #Kinktober to you and your familiars.
All Aboard FDR for a trippy trip through the Tunnel of Love—which was pretty spooky a couple of weeks ago, when Capt’n Max fell off the tracks, derailed by a monster infection that we’ve been battling ever since. Fortunately, Max comes roaring back this show, ranting against censorship and Republican religiofascism, and declaring his nostalgic love for “Bullet Bras.” I say better to wear a bullet bra than bullets in your bra and an AR-15 over your shoulder. Speaking of shoulders, IG is censoring shoulders now, and GoogleAds is censoring the word “cuckold.” Meanwhile, in Iran, the outrageous “Morality Police” are fueling the hijab rebellion: Women, Life, Freedom! Amen and AWOMEN.
We’re also celebrating Kinktober with the RELEASE of Make Kink Not War: Be Bonobo, Version 6.0 of The Bonobo Way at Domcon LA. Shout-out to my Counterpunch colleague Kollibri terre Sonnenbaum for his engaging Twitter thread *converting* a “War-Is-Human-Nature” (it’s not) tweeter to the Bonobo Way! And to Steve Jobs' lame and probably fake last words! And to our media ménage à trois: three different “Hollywood” documentaries with and about HBO and Vice coming soon…
As we broadcast live, protests for Wikileaks’s journalist Julian Assange rise up around the world, including thousands of people surrounding British Parliament in a “Human Chain” of support to #FreeAssange, whom we have supported since 2010. So… Let’s Go Brandon! Stop torturing an innocent journalist! #FreeSpeech advocates on the Right and Left Free Speech all fervently support Assange, yet Democrat and Republican LEADERS all fail to defend him. They are equally awful about the war, which rages on with poopin’ Putin turning 70 in his bunker, as Russian draft dodgers flee, and Ukrainians blow up bridges with American war toys to the ammosexual delight of Youtube viewers at home. No sex toys allowed on YouTube - Just war toys and war games that kill real people. And you wonder why our society is so sick?
As the Love Train leaves the station, Max enjoys a nice chocolate (a traditional aphrodisiac) that happens to be cannabis-infused (a double aphrodisiac), so by the time we arrive, we are off the rails, inspiring a night of orgasmic senior sex like we haven’t had in… a couple of weeks! Wheeee! #GoBonobos for Make-Up Sex!
Read More Prose & Watch the Show(s):
Need to talk about YOUR kink(s) PRIVATELY? Experience #PhoneSexTherapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We’re here for YOU.