The Dr Susan Block Show

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Stormy St. Paddy’s Mermaids
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Erin Go Bragh—or go Bragh-less (free the nip!)—and Kiss Me, I’m Irish! Well, aren't we all Irish around St. Patrick's Day? Get in the mood with a little St. Paddy's Day Foreplay, The Bonobo Way on this lucky, lusty FDR, still making love through the March Madness. St. Paddy’s is pretty sexy with all that kissing, drinking, pinching and more drinking—though the original "Patrick" was a celibate “saint” (no word on the size of his shillelagh)—and it’s still Womens Month 2023, so we honor a great woman (and sex worker) Stormy Daniels. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Stormy spanked tRump's rump (before sitting—briefly—on his little mushroom), and now she’s spanking him with the law! Prosecutors are poised to indict Trumpty Dumpty for paying Stormy hush money. Will they do it this time? Or will Teflon Don slip through the hands of justice—as he has for crimes far beyond the Stormy Scandal—yet again? Speaking of "stormy," somehow we wind up in a tsunami of discussion about fish, smelling like fish (down there), mermaid sex (watch out for the scales) and how Starbucks’ two-tailed mermaid is like Pr. Max's Filangieri family crest. Swimming along the atmospheric river of the Stormy theme, Stormy Rayn calls in for advice on how to have “rough sex” with her boyfriend, eliciting kink tips, scratching talk, choking warnings (it's very risky, so approach with caution, if at all!) and some surprise twists... The Ides of March was a bad day for Caesar, but it could be good for you, because it’s Steak and a Blowjob Day! Have a juicy one... And in Censorship News: YouTube bots are still censoring us, and Elon Musky has pussy-phobia, having just censored the p-u-s-s-y in last week's “Pussy Cookie” show on Twitter. Speaking of censorship, stop censoring people's lives: Free Assange! Free Palestine!... Pop question: Why do we wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? According to Celtic myth, wearing green acted as camouflage as you traipsed through the verdant forests of the Emerald Isle, making you invisible to leprechauns who, though magical, are kind of nasty. Like mini-Trump pussy-grabbers, they sneak up and nonconsensually pinch you if they can see you; that is, if you are not wearing green. Luckly, it’s all a good excuse to party like a bonobo in St Paddy’s green panties and leprechaun lingerie on our green-as-grass Love Train rolling along from the Capitalocene to the Bonobocene... Read more prose and check out some of our incredible bacchanalian St. Paddy’s shows on DrSuzy-Tv and, with a little luck, you'll join us in-person one St. Paddy's Day soon:

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Pussy Cookie March Madness
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Happy Women’s Day! Purim Sameach (if you celebrate)! And a belated Happy Sex Workers Day! All are connected as Purim is the only Biblical holiday starring a woman, Queen Esther, who also happens to be a high-end (royal), high-risk (execution looms) sex worker.... Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! This is NOT Your Bubbe's Purim... Anyway, on Purim, the "Jewish Mardi Gras," we eat hamantaschen, which I learned in Sunday school represented the villain Haman’s hat, but since these triangular fruit-filled pastries are shaped like an open vulva, complete with cherry-filled vagina hole in the middle, I call hamantaschen “pussy cookies” - honoring the power of the pussy and the triumph of Queen Esther and her ”Weapons of Mass Seduction” that saved the Jews from genocide. And on this show, we celebrate Esther and other examples of female power—including sexy environmentalist Erin Brockovich trying to help East Palestine—and we also support the other Palestine, as well as the Israeli protesters against Netanyahu’s yahoo “judicial coup” and the terrible Zionist settler attack on Palestinian Huwara, Jenin and other Israel apartheid victimes. We also talk with several callers about March Madness, cunnilingus, redwings, menstruation orgasm as a painkiller, “Blood Sugar Sex Magik” (Red Hot Chili Peppers), other kinds of Sex Magic, bellydancing, lube, teasing, censorship, cops, bots, circumcision, polyamory, bonobos & The Bonobo Way + turning the Capitalocene into the Bonobocene. And foot massage. Did I mention that the way to many a woman’s heart is through her feet? For Women’s Month, give a woman a foot massage… even if that woman is YOU. Read more prose & see some great uncensored Purim Bacchanalia shows:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
“We had Joe Biden’s State of the Union last week. We had Vladimir Putin’s address. Well, those were just amateurs. Today you’re going to get what we consider to be the most important state of the union – State of the Sexual Union, I should say – address of 2023, the one and only Dr. Susan Block… sexologist supreme,” says WCAP-980 AM “Active Radio” host Hartley Pleshaw by way of introduction. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! And it's time for our annual BREAKdown of the Year in Sex & Politics and TAKEdown of the worst anti-sex hypocrites, as well as My SOTSU (State of the Sexual Union) address 2023 addressing Love vs. Perma War; Censorship by Bots; Sadistic Ron DeSantis; Hypocrite-in-Chief Donald J. tRump; our Christofacist Supreme Court; Drag Queen hysteria; ammosexual incels on the march; my “Real Sex” interview on Vice TV’s “Sex Before the Internet”; and an updated reprise of my MLK “I Have a Dream”-inspired “I Have a Fantasy” speech, including my fantasy of replacing the Capitalocene, which values PermaWar for profit, with the Bonobocene, which would value The Bonobo Way of female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources, good sex and peace through pleasure. Read more prose and see more shows:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy SOTSU After Dark
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Hop on board the Love Train for my MLK-inspired “I Have a Fantasy” State of the Sexual Union (SOTSU) address 2023 (post-“Active Radio” After Dark edition)... Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! This podcast also features sexy lefty investigations of erotophobic Perma War, circumcision trauma, ammosexual incel issues, sperm donor problems, Block Magic (Ding Dong YouTube CEO/Censor SusanWojcicki’s Gone—thanks to the Block Curse!), “Secret Love Affairs” (out of the Dr. Susan Block Show ancient archives—cheaters and cuckold dreamers—broadcast live 10/4/1992!) hot senior sex (with Pr. Max of course) and The Bonobo Way. Yes indeed, as Dr. Martin Luther King had a “dream”... I have a fantasy that one day, the deadly dystopian Capitalocene will give way to a beautiful Bonobocene era, and we will practice TheBonoboWay of female empowerment (Bonobo Sisterhood!) male well-being (Bonobo Love!) sharing resources (a little socialism) and peace through pleasure … instead of acting like baboons Read more prose and see the uncensored shows:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
All aboard the Love Train (no, not Norfolk Southern Railway) as we ride through the countryside of censorship, war, contamination & the titillating growth spurt of the human penis. Hold onto your joysticks guys, because first we announce an intriguing development in my Kafkaesque tale of unjust YouTubeCensorship. Thanks in part to the Block Curse I placed on her when her dumb bots terminated my channel a few weeks ago, YouTube CEO & Censor-in-Chief Susan Wojcicki has resigned! Woohoo! Not that I’m claiming credit, & I certainly didn’t “harass” her (as her bots accused me) + I’m sure that many curses were placed upon her AND there’s the little matter of her Congressional subpoena for unfair censorship. Hopefully, YT’s new CEO Neal Mohan will support FreeSpeech & reinstate my channel + many others unfairly terminated by SusanWojcicki’s “hallucinating” bots. Giving dumb bots control is also one reason for the East Palestine catastrophe which really bothers us on the Love Train because, well, we love trains. We also love freedom, but not “freedom” for corporations like NorfolkSouthern to run freight cars carrying hazardous chemicals without proper labeling & unequipped with electronic brakes, thanks to GOP deregulation - THAT’s obscene. Finally we talk about the human penis AND the American military both getting bigger. A Men’s Health study found that overall average erect penis length has increased 24%—from 4.8 to 6 inches between 1992 & 2021—WOW. Kdot calls in from Kentucky to ask hopefully if nipples are also getting bigger. No, but this reminds us to shoutout Facebook for potentially freeing the nipple! Then it’s back to dicks, bonobo “penis fencing” & circumcision (just say no to cutting!) Though growth is arguably good for penises it is unquestionably bad for the military—unless you’re a war profiteer. Brady calls in from NY to talk “Rage Against the War Machine” featuring speakers with whom we strongly disagree on other issues, but we support being antiwar. Speaking of the fateful year that the average penis started growing (1992), check out this vintage DrSuzy-Tv episode we just resurrected from 11/8/1992, “The New Voyeurism +Happy Birthday Max” (watch me lick Max’s penis cake): And happy birthday to my Dad—who would have been 112 on this live broadcast—& who taught me to think critically, maybe a little too critically for my own good, but he was a good Dad & I love him. I love you too. Keep making love through the madness, Brothers & Sisters… Read more prose & watch the uncensored shows:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy HEARTS & Floggers +The Bonobo Experience
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
All aboard the Love Train! The Goal is the Journey & We're on a Journey of the Heart through an increasingly Heartless World… as Pr. Max & I ride continue to celebrate & investigate the High Holidays of LoVE chewing chocolate Valentines (thanks Dragon Steel!) on the choo-choo Love Train, exploring Lupercalian history, the original pagan Pan-horned Vday & Pan Paniscus, the Make-Love-Not-War bonobos, for World Bonobo Day Here in Bonoboville, we’ve long celebrated the Lupercal, usually with a flogging bacchanal Better to have your buns beaten consensually on Lupercalia than your heart broken badly on Valentine’s Day. So we give out Kink Ideas like candy & Sex Tips from the Heart (the heart being a symbol, I believe, not of the cardiac organ, but of a well-whipped Lupercalian butt!), & we address the disturbing question: What do incels do on Valentine’s Day? Btw, there are no incels in Bonoboville. Bonobo males are laid back because they get laid! Speaking of bonobos, sexology bodyworker Jason Bartholomew Hall calls in from Nottingham to tell us about the The Bonobo Experience: Spanish Retreat, a real-life gathering of Bonobo Sapiens in Spain’s Valley of Sensations. Also calling in from England is Adam with a humiliation fetish, which reminds us to applaud Dark Brandon for turning the SOTU tables on his MAGAt harassers (they must have a humiliation fetish), which leads into the true meaning of “harassment” & how the heart is a butt targeted by bots, & yes, I’m still under the jackboot of YouTub Censorship & now corresponding with two sympathetic-seeming Googlers, one of whom confessed she is “afraid” to tell me the real reason my channel was terminated, Help! I’m trapped in the Twilight Zone of AI Artificial lgnorance. Well, you can catch me on Sex Before the Internet” (Sex Before the Internet) reminiscing about HBO’s "Real Sex,” now on VICE TV. I open episode 5 with “Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners” from RealSex 25, so don’t miss the beginning (soon to be on YouTube, ironically) And #GoBonobos beyond World Bonobo Day Release Your Inner Bonobo & Share the BonoboL ove. Read more prose & check out our amazing Lupercalia Bacchanalia DrSuzy-Tv shows (from the Heart): to talk PRIVATELY? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute for Phone Sex Therapy anytime: 213.291.9497 We're Here for YOU.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Valentine Lupercalia Bonobo Day Foreplay
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s Valentine’s Season 2023—the High Holidays of Love. Though My #Valentine Pr. Maximillian Lobkowicz-#Filangieri & I had some orgasmic #SeniorSex #foreplay right before this #FDR (#FuckDaRich): “Valentine Lupercalia World Bonobo Day Foreplay” show (thus our dreamy style), I’ve never liked the stress, commercialism and exclusivity of #VDay, one of the reasons I enjoy Lupercalia and World Bonobo Day. So we share the sexy lefty LUSTY whiptastick history of the #Lupercal before it was sanitized, desexualized and commercialized by the Catholic Church, Hallmark, See’s & DaBeers, Being #ProBonobo, we also celebrate #WorldBonoboDay with #BonoboLove honoring humanity’s Great Ape cousins, the #bonobos. We also talk about the upcoming “Sex Before the Internet,” a new series on Vice TV, in Episode 5 featuring Me & Other Luminaries discussing the #SexMagic of HBO Documentary Films “Real Sex” #RealSex & “Radio Sex TV” In other news, “Phony Cafone” Ron DeSantis is banning books & forcing girls to report menstrual periods. Armie Hammer is now telling his side of the Cannibal story which began him being molested by his pastor. Yes indeed. At the dawn of Christianity, the Church Fathers terminated the truth of Lupercalia in favor of the fake news of Valentine’s Day (just as #YouTubeCensorship recently terminated My YouTube account and turned Pan into the Devil! Let’s keep #Pan, the horned horny God of Nature, the #Bonobos (pan paniscus) & the Wild alive. Donate to Friends of Bonobos to help #SavetheBonobos. Read more prose & check out all the lusty Lupercalia shows:

Monday Jan 30, 2023
F.D.R. Radio (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy COPS & BOTS
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & SexualityStill reeling from being #suckerpunched by #Googlebots removing my YouTube channel—I see Memphis cops real-life sucker-punching a man to death, the LAPD suffocating another, other cops shooting others, & more & more cases of Death-by-Cop, & I feel pretty dumb, crying ab out my YouTube channel being erased. What’s a little censorship by bots compared to murder by cops? Well, one leads to the other. The bots that “terminate” our internet lives are the digital version of cops that exterminate people’s real lives. Ironically, bots don’t stop disinformation, & cops don’t stop crime. Both #cops & #bots are the attack dogs of “Da Rich” . The obscene #Capitalocene pits us against each other, Tyre Nichols murdered by fellow black men in a cop gang, my channel killed by a fellow liberal woman named Susan who runs YouTube (though bots did Susan Wojcicki’s dirty work). Pr. Maximillian Lobkowicz di #Filangieri, Abe Bonobo & I continue mourning the #CopCity murder of climate activist Tortuguita as YouTube’s censoring of My CounterPunch colleague Ramzy Baroud’s pro-Palestine videos & Abby Martin’s RT shows as we gag over gay Nazi Nick Fuentes fantasies of women in burkas, as antiwar truth-teller Julian Assange remains in prison, as left & right continue to fight, because “Da Rich” would rather we fight against each other than unite against them. #BonoboSapiens of the World Unite! We need sexual healing The Bonobo Way… Otherwise, repression turns into depression which can turn into lethal expression, mass-shootings that make war zones of our streets, supermarkets, schools & dance halls. The recent Monterey Park Dance Hall mass-murder hits close-to-home for us geographically, as well as emotionally. I've often recommended ballroom dancing to men who want to get close to women in an erotic yet respectful way. What a shame that one old #ammosexual’s frustration turned a haven for romance & dance into a death chamber. But this #FDR (#FuckDaRich) ride isn’t all death & politics; Brady calls in asking for help assessing a date’s sexual interest & wondering what does it mean when a prospective lover tells you they’re #Asexual? We have a great time answering (as you will listening), as well as celebrating Bonobo Adriana’s Flirty-30th birthday, the sexual-healing power of bare boobs, the release of another #SexCalls video, “Bisexual Monogamy,” & more… So, cuddle up to your favorite sexual healer (even if that sexual healer is you! Love yourself…) and listen.
Need to talk PRIVATELY? Call the #TherapistsWithoutBorders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute for #PhoneSexTherapy anytime: 213.291.9497 We're Here for YOU.
Read more prose & see the uncensored shows: