The Dr Susan Block Show

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy Ecosexual Earth Day (with Jelly Bean Sex Toys)
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Love the Earth You Make Love On! That’s our jam as we ride FDR (FuckDaRich) through Earth Day The Bonobo Way 2023. First stop: The first Earth Day in 1970 when we gathered together in Fairmount Park, Philly, & all 30,000 of us vowed to protect our Mother the Earth from human greed & corporate trash. Now, 53 years later, our habitat on Earth is worse than ever, roiling with climate catastrophes, permawar & waning respect for science. But we’re still trying!
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Shoutout to Dr. SerenaGaia, whose "Ecosexuality" book (for which I wrote the intro) inspires us to find erotic stimulation in conservation. April’s also Ape Awareness Month, so give what you can to Lola ya Bonobo & the Bonobo Conservation Initiative to help save the bonobos from extinction. Earth Day food seems like berries or kale... but it’s also National Jelly Bean Day, says Chris calling in to share tips for using jelly beans as sex toys! It’s fun, but doesn’t change the fact that America’s Jelly Bean President Ronald Reagan was one of our worst—even worse than Tricky Dick Nixon who actually created the EPA shortly after the first Earth Day. Speaking of pollution, Elona Musky’s Earth-Polluting Rocket Explosion lasted longer than he ever did (says Grimes). New Bestselling Book: “How to Lose $13 Billion in One Day” by Elon Musk + New TV show with (now-fired-from-FOX) Tucker Carlson “Please Help Me Procreate!” More Social Pollution: Neo-Puritan Neo-Nazis are hacking Porn Star accounts with anti-sex antisemitic memes (thanks for the tip Hartley Pleshaw!) trying to join forces with Laila Mickelwait’s Exodus Cry & Trafficking Hub against consenting adult sex work. Btw, Judaism is NOT Zionism (for me, they’re almost opposites). Appreciation for Drag Queens (including Rhonda DeSantis!) + My Fellow Yalie Sam Alito might be the worst of the Most Corrupt U.S. Supreme Court ever! Free Assange! Make Kink Not War, Celebrate Earth Day everyday with outdoor orgasms, fresh fruit kisses & no more war. Read more prose & see some amazing ecosexual shows:

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy The Great 31st Wedding Anniversary RV Adventure
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Love, Lust, Trust & Going Bust on Wheels, my Charming Prince Max & my attempt to “celebrate” our 31st Wedding Anniversary with a "Great RV Adventure” turns into a big MISadventure. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! The best-laid plans may not get you laid the way you planned… & the flimsier your plans, the more likely they’ll fall through rather than come true. Of course, “the goal is the journey” & there were a few fabulous moments—& lots of love (always love)—on this ill-fated (& mostly unplanned) voyage from Bonoboville to nowhere & back. Hop on the Love Train & listen to the gory, glorious & hilarious details. Let’s just say, I’m glad abortion’s still legal in Cali, but an aborted anniversary celebration was not on my wish list. And I’m really glad that we followed our other motto, “Make Love First to Make Love Last” or we’d still be horny. Speaking of horns, Brady calls in as “Hannah” (doing Digital Drag) to discuss the different horned & horny reincarnations of Pan from the Church-demonized Satan to Baphomet revered by the Medieval Knights Templar to horny housewives to horny old goats--& then Kdot tries to get my goat—though the consensus is that I’m The G.O.A.T... Baaaah! Of course, we talk longterm love and marriage (great for us, but not for everybody & there’s nothing wrong with being single, poly, etc.) on this show as well as the mounting horrors of all the wars (at home in our streets & supermarkets) & abroad as the American War Machine fights on (though I’m starting to think Putin’s on Lockheed Martin’s payroll) + Why THEY Make Us CONSUME at the Company Store; What Makes a Great Threesome; How to Heal Performance Anxiety; Quentin Tarantino’s Erotophobic Foot Fetish; Vice TV’s “Sex Before the Internet” with me talking HBO’s “Real Sex”; Dating vs. Marriage; YouTube Still Censoring Me & Many Others; Make Kink Not War; Make Love Not War; Go Bonobos & Stop the Killing; Spread the Wealth; F*ck Da Rich; Eat The Rich; Be Bonobo & Follow The Bonobo Way of Female Empowerment, Male Well-Being, Sharing, Caring, Bonobo Conflict Resolution & Peace through Pleasure; from the Capitalocene to the Bonobocene… with a lot more Happy Endings! Read more prose & check out more DrSuzy.Tv shows:
Need to Talk Privately? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime at 213-291-9497. We're here for you.

Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Sex Calls: @DrSuzy Female Ejaculation Concerns
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
In "Female Ejaculation Concerns," I counsel "Laurie" about the wonders (and terrors) of female ejaculation, aka squirting, the orgasmic release of fluids from the urethra. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Female Ejaculation is what I call the "Holy Water" of female sexuality or as the Tantrics, say, "Amrita." But many people, like Laurie, have questions about it. Is it real? Is it normal? Is it common? Is it *really* just a golden shower? Can any woman ejaculate? Why don't more women actually do it? How do the partners of women who squirt feel about it? “Female Ejaculation Concerns” is a vintage clip from the "SEX CALLS" broadcast archives of The Dr. Susan Block Show (circa 1998). This is NOT a call with actual therapy clients; those are absolutely private and confidential. This is a caller on my Saturday night live show. For more information, call us at 626.461.5950. To see the video of this call, go to
Have a question about female ejaculation or is there something else you need to talk about that you can't talk about anywhere else? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime at 213-291-9497. Experience Phone Sex Therapy. We're here for you. For more on how to squirt or help your partner squirt, go to:

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy 31st Wedding Anniversary Easter Resurrection
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
It’s Our 31st Wedding Anniversary! Join us as we begin our celebration of Three Decades +One Year of Lawfully Wedded Love, Lust & Bonobo Revolution with a couple of effervescent Senior Sex orgasms & a rollicking ride on FDR through the Tunnel of Love along The Bonobo Way. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! And speaking of joyful trips through your lover’s love tunnel, take a tip from your elders (Mickey Mouse & Minnie Me): Make Love FIRST if you want to Make Love LAST. That is, when celebrating a romantic milestone, try to have sex at the start of your big day, night or week, just in case—after a heavy meal or a little fight—it doesn’t work out for later. If it does, you can always do it again… & again! That’s how we roll down the Love Train tracks—from the collapsing Capitalocene to the Bonobocene of our wet dreams—all while getting ready for our Great 31st Anniversary RV Adventure up the Left Coast to parts unknown... Other subjects of scintillating conversation on this auspicious podcast: The Resurrection of Jesus & Return to His Heavenly Father vs. the Resurrection of Persephone & Return to Her Holy Earth Mother; Trumpty Dumpty Falls (pretty hard this time!) & Stormy Daniels Rises (she’s the only one in this torrid tale who’s been telling the truth all along); Balancing Lust with Trust (like Juggling 3 Balls, a Banana & a Sharp Knife); The Jesus-Dionysus Connection; Corrupt Couple of the Week: Ginni & Clarence Thomas; Ammosexual Incel Problems; Billionaire Harlan Crow’s “Nazi-Sexual” Problem; “Gun Safety” for Gun Nuts; The Cross & the Sword + Great New Novel “The Girl & the Sword” by Fellow Yalie Gerald Weaver; Mickey Mouse & Minnie Me vs. Meatball Ron DeSantis; YouTube Censorship; Religious Abuse; Judaism is NOT Zionism; Go Bonobos for the Tennessee Three; Why Priests are More Dangerous than Drag Queens (though Priests are kind of like Drag Queens); Steven Donziger vs. Chevron; Stop Cop City; Free Assange; Make Kink Not War; Support the Real Bonobos! +Lots more on this ride, as we continue to protest the murderous Megamachine, while celebrating long-term love & banging like bunnies... Read more prose & watch some awesome bacchanalian uncensored anniversary shows:
Need to talk privately? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497. We’re here for you.

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Trumpty Dumpty has fallen (again) and maybe THIS time, all his cult’s Handmaids and MAGAt Men can’t put this Mango McMuffin back together again. Yes, the “Anointed One” is now the Indicted One. And no, it’s not a Witch Hunt. It’s a "Pussy Ass Bitch" Hunt (with a hat tip to “Filthy Mouthed Wife” Chrissy Teigen). Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Shoutout to Cyrus Vance Jr., esteemed member of my Yale class, who started up the Stormy Daniels case that Alvin Bragg is now running. “The Goal is the Journey,” as always, but as Stormy supporters since 2017—and tRump Resisters since the 1980s—we’re hoping for a Happy Ending… On this FDR, we also review the 2021 film "Pleasure"—which was NOT a pleasure, to say the least (even though our porn biz friends Axel Braun, Dana DeArmond, Tee Reel and Mark Spiegler are great in it). In fact, it is a grossly violent, misleadingly horrific portrayal of the porn industry. Listen to our review, and don’t see it; or at least, be forewarned it is NOT a date night movie!. Meanwhile in Censorship News: my YouTube channel is still terminated. Twitter is shadow-banning words of all kinds, as corporate social media censorship rises and our pro-bonobo freedoms go into free fall. Good News: China just made peace between Saudi Arabia & Iran. Now let’s make peace with China! Also, our Vice special featuring our Bonoboville Reunion is coming soon. So is 1973 porn phenomenon Deep Throat (want to sponsor an LA screening? Call Max: 626-461-5950)… In Obituary News: We bid a sad RIP to three friends: Max Hardcore, Goddess Phoenix Steele and Papi, aka David Harold Hunt. And we bid you happy Spring Holidays! Ramadan Mubarak! Happy (early) Easter! Pesach Sameach (Happy Passover)! “Kdot Hussein” calls in and, though he’s kind of religiously opposed to my belief that happy bonoboësque cuckolds make for a more peaceful world, he does agree with me that Zionist Israel’s oppression of Palestinians has got to stop, and we bond over Hebrew prayers and My Midrash on the origins of Matzah (hint: it has more to do with running from medieval European pogroms than ancient Egyptian pharaohs). For my Christian friends, I explain, matzah is similar to the wafer, the Body of Christ without the Christ, with the divine ability, when broken, to create infinite crumbs all over your table, your clothes and probably your bed. So have some matzah and remember it’s a mitzvah (good deed) to have sex on Passover. Though most rabbis say the sex mitzvah is only for “husband and wife," I, Rabbi Dr. Susan bin Block say it’s okay as long as it’s between enthusiastically consenting adults (or just yourself)—but don’t mix the sex mitzvah with the passover matzah, or you’ll wind up with crumbs in your holiest of holes. For more prose & uncensored shows, go to
Need to talk privately? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497.
We’re here for you.

Friday Mar 31, 2023
SEX CALLS: Bisexual Monogamy With @DrSuzy
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
In “Bisexual Monogamy,” I talk with a young couple in love, both bisexual, yet he wants to be monogamous and she wants to be free to explore other women and even threesomes. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Subjects of discussion with " Alex and Mark" include relationships, bisexuality, monogamy, nonmonogamy, ethical hedonism, physical attraction, emotional commitment, self-pleasure and teaching your partner how to please you: “You can give pleasure by giving freedom to be with other people,” is one of my more quotable quotes from this call. Also intercourse vs. outercourse and orgasm repression: “It seems that you don’t want to close off your options, so you close off your orgasm,” is another one of my quotable observations. “Bisexual Monogamy” is a vintage clip from the “SEX CALLS” broadcast archives of The Dr. Susan Block Show (circa 1998). This is NOT a call with actual therapy clients; those are absolutely private and confidential. This is a caller on my Saturday night live show. For more information, call us at 626.461.5950. To watch this show on video, go to:
Need to talk privately? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497. We’re here for you.

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Sex Calls: High Maintenance Roleplay
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
In “High Maintenance Roleplay,” I counsel "Steven and Regina," a young man and older woman in a four-year relationship, about fantasy roleplay, relationships, taboos, resentment vs. obsession, shaving and waxing vs. natural hair, being demeaned vs. being respected, Cougar problems, physical hygiene, spanking, the importance of differentiating between real life and fantasies, adult dress-up, playing doctor, domination, bondage, making love on the dining room table, conscious kink, variety, using BBQ tongs as pleasure toys, and appreciating your partner for who they really are, even though you like to fantasize. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! “High Maintenance Roleplay” is a vintage clip from the "SEX CALLS" broadcast archives of The Dr. Susan Block Show (circa 1998). This is NOT a call with actual therapy clients; those are absolutely private and confidential. This is a Sex Calls caller on our Saturday night live show. For more information, call us at 626.461.5950. For current shows and other events, visit us at
Have a question, confession or fantasy, but need to talk privately? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497. We're here for you. Experience Phone Sex Therapy. For more, go to

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy Spring Fever Follies
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Happy Spring Equinox! Blooming with wildflowers, the Birds & The Bees, the mating bonobos & the dating humans, our Love Train roars into Spring 2023. And the sun shines on Bonoboville for about two beautiful days... before it rains AGAIN. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Dry old So Cal is now as WET as a hot wife’s panties. But hey, it’s like our wet & WILD Spring Showers female ejaculation shows! Whatever the weather, it’s time for a Bonobo Spring Cleaning: Out with the old Capitalocene & in with the Bonobocene of Peace through Pleasure - in all kinds of weather. We’ve also got Spring Fever for Trumpty Dumpty being indicted this week (or so we hear) thanks to our heroine whom we’ve been cheering on since 2017: Stormy Daniels! Go Bonobos for Stormy spanking tRump's Rump with an indictment! With Putin’s War Crimes arrest warrant, maybe these two can share a prison cell somewhere (anywhere!) & resurrect their old bromance. Or they can get bailed out by Silicon Valley Bank that TFG deregulated to collapse. What do the SVB failure & East Palestine disaster have in common? Drumpf deregulation! Speaking of Palestine(s), we support the Israel Protests & we’re glad to see more Jews for Palestine (like us) involved. Stop the Apartheid! In Censorship News: We're still trying to resurrect our unfairly terminated YouTube Channel (Spring is time for Resurrection), and I also hear from one of my Sex Therapy clients that Cuckold Erotica is being censored. Censorship is getting worse with AI (artificial ignorance) - much worse! We also take several calls on this show about primeval Spring Cleaning involving pollen—plant jizz (or Jazz)--& we answer this question: Does Porn Imitate Sex or Does Sex Imitate Porn? + We talk about Spring Sex on Magic Mushrooms, St. Paddy's sins against the Pagan Druids, Pinching vs Massage & more! Read more prose & spring into Spring with our Bacchanalian Vernal Equinox shows: to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.