The Dr Susan Block Show

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy A Midsummer Night’s Dreamy Speakeasy
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
We're speaking easy at the Speakeasy this Midsummer night, or as easy as we can speak with corporate censorship silencing our dreams & messing with our minds, as we take on the issues of the day… It actually is “Midsummer” night as we broadcast live on our “Midsummer Night’s Dreamy Speakeasy,” with an Elizabethan hat tip to William Shakespeare... Midsummer is for lovers, so Capt’n Max & I kick it off with a June Honeymoon of senior sex, morning orgasms & love. All we need is mead! Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality!FDR stands for #FuckDaRich, but #EatTheRich is *in* thanks to Orcas who haven’t yet eaten rich people, but seem to be eating their yachts… Meanwhile, the Titan gobbled up 5 rich guys & imploded with a giant Belch of Death. Burt calls in to say how this ridiculously dangerous “submersible” was made of Radio Shack parts, run by a joystick & a Bluetooth. Titan's CEO was determined to *penetrate* the impenetrable Titanic—like a dude determined to seduce a woman who’s rejecting him—AND named his damn company “Oceangate”— like he knew he’d soon go the way of Watergate, Gamergate & Heaven’s Gate. Tragically, as everyone searched for a few fat cats, 100s of migrants drowned like rats… RIP Daniel Ellsberg, the GOAT of “whistleblowers” & one of my heroes, from his courageous release of the Pentagon Papers, through his bombshell “Doomsday Machine” expose of a chilling reality not too far from Stanley Kubrick’s wild Dr. Strangelove, to his recent support for Julian Assange & many antiwar whistleblower causes… Another Kubrick film, “Eyes Wide Shut,” a midsummer night’s cinematic wet dream that’s *really* a critique of capitalism, comes up as we talk about Hunter Biden, recently outed for ass-grabbing (Trump’s not the only one, but Hunter’s not running for Prez) at SNCTM (a sex club modeled on Eyes Wide Shut), by SNCTM founder Damon Lawner who was then kicked out of his own club for outing Biden! As a sex therapist, I understand confidentiality is key… & it makes me wonder, what kind of “group therapy” goes on at SNCTM? We also discuss Putin almost getting toppled (or did he?) by Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin at the stroke of Midsummer, creating a media-induced frenzy of confusion; just stop this war & all Perma War! Wonder if Trumpty Dumpty would hide Putin in the shitter with the secret docs if Prigozhin’s putsch comes to shove… On the lighter—& saltier—side, Rich calls in to extoll my Birthday Bacchanal & inquire about the history of Bonoboville Communion & Waterboarding, The Bonobo Way with Agwa, +Tequila Toe Shots & Shrimping Cocktails! Shardoll calls in to let me know I'm so “hot” I’d “rock a bikini,” even though—or because—I'm a Cougar… Then “Plumpy Chunks” asks I've ever “partied” with Alisha Klass & yes I have(!)—along with her then BF Seymore Butts… Shardoll asks about bonobos & The Bonobo Way, whereupon I expound upon my favorite subject: the Make Love Not War Make Kink Not War great apes… Bonoboville is antiwar for many reasons, chief of which that war kills people and ruins the earth, but also the expense, the latest insane example being Pentagon garbage cans costing over $51K each—way to throw our tax money into the trash! Happy belated Juneteenth, America’s most profound celebration of reality-based freedom, commemorating the hard-fought, long-overdue freeing of some 250,000 slaves that built this great nation on real estate stolen from the Natives, whose descendants are still discriminated against in this supposed land of the “free”—which brings us to “freedom”—Free Love Free Speech & the costs of freedom. Freedom isn’t free, & in the Capitalocene, it costs more & more… Meanwhile, the City of Arcadia continues to harass us with “Mattress Madness,” but we are standing up for our rights (& yours) in Court this Friday, AND I am still banned on Facebook, IG & YouTube! Sign the petition to restore my accounts: !
Until we meet again, Happy Midsummer Night’s Dreamy Trails to you, from the Capitalocene to the Bonobocene through the Tunnel of Love… Read more prose & see the uncensored shows:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy Birthday Pride Party Show
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
It’s My Birthday—a dangerous time!—but I'm surrounded by old friends, new lovers, rainbow kisses, condom balloons, bare boobies, birthday-spankable tushies & so many cakes, I could open a bakery + My Best Gift: Capt’n Max.
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! It really is the best of times & the worst of times (with a hat tip to Charles Dickens)... In the WORST category: Censorship is rising & my personal accounts on YouTube, Facebook & IG have been unjustly terminated. In the “best” category: My friends are trying to get them restored. CSLBU Art Lecturer & “Most Well-Rounded Kinkster” SUZY Award winner Rhiannon Aarons creates a petition for it (sign it now!) AND offers up her terrific tatas as an altar for an auspicious delicious Birthday Bonoboville Communion with Agwa + Chris calls in to rally #JusticeforDrSusanMBlock as “Bonobo Missionaries” Chef Belive & Daniele Watts call in to sing & share their red wing love + their new “Door Hash” service, & Brady calls with Birthday Sex Magick, declaring himself “as censored as a nipple.” Also in-studio on FDR is GasmaskGirl with Kyla Keys looking gorgeous in a gasmask, but even better without one, & I give her a bare-butt birthday spanking! Stunning Lilith Kat (with sexy Tes Presley) gives me a PG Bonoboville Communion from her wrist (& licks it from mine!), & says that, sadly, her FB & IG accounts were also wrongfully disabled. With Lilith & Rhiannon in Dominatrixes Against Donald Trump, everyone’s celebrating Trumpty Dumpty getting indicted! John Barrymore of the Barrymore Dynasty (including sister Drew Barrymore) adds his wit & wisdom on AI (artificial ignorance), & my oldest Bonoboville friend (since 1986), Janelle Hopkins says she was censored by FB for “fake news." It’s a Censorship Pandemic! Other guests include IKKOR The Wolf singing “She Bad” as some Bonobovillians spin around the stripper pole (Thx to Dre, we have a new pole!) & Mark Brown—The Best Hairdresser Ever—brings a potpourri of rainbow birthday desserts, including big phallic pretzels to deep-throat with Pride! Yes, it is another Rainbow Pride Birthday—a Birthday Pride Party Show—in solidarity with the LGBTQ comrades now under attack by Proud Boys (“Shouldn’t PROUD Boys have PRIDE?”) We also say bye to Ted Kaczynski aka the Unabomber, found dead in prison on my birthday—proving you don’t have to be a dumb Proud Boy to be a brute; you can be a mathematical genius—but soon, it’s back to the Bday Bacchanal. I also wish a Happy Bday to Fellow Gemini & F.D.R. engineer Abe Bonobo &, after much pride party fun, games & love-love-love, I slip out of my rainbow lingerie & into my Birthday Suit for a big birthdaygasm - and many more! Whether you take ‘pride’ in your birthday or not, it’s good for you! Statistics show that people who have the most birthdays live the longest. Read more prose & watch my uncensored “Birthday Pride Party Show”:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday May 30, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy Deep Inside DEEP THROAT
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Streaming through the Tunnel of Love, we go DEEP INSIDE “Deep Throat,” one of the most iconic, profitable & controversial American films ever made… as we welcome “Deep Throat” auteur director Gerard Damiano’s son, Gerard Damiano, Jr., & daughter, Christar Damiano, commemorating Deep Throat’s 50th anniversary with 4k restoration “Director’s Cut” screenings, talkback panels & parties around the world! Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Deep Throat helped spark the Sexual Revolution & “Porno Chic,” became a household name & code for the Watergate informant who exposed President Richard Nixon. Yes, Tricky Dick tried to shut down “Deep Throat,” but “Deep Throat” shut down Tricky Dick! It also made a huge star out of Linda Lovelace, who later revealed she was abused by her mother, & then by her husband Chuck Trayner. Though Linda never said she was abused on the set of Deep Throat, anti-porn feminists like Catherine McKinnon blamed porn. According to the Damianos, the opposite was true; Linda was a victim of Chuck, but never abused on set; indeed, she found freedom & self-esteem in being treated like a star. From abused child to battered wife to celebrated porn star to anti-porn Born Again Christian & then back to a form of porn just before her lethal car accident, Linda’s story is complex, so many mistakenly think she was abused on the “Deep Throat” set, & some screenings were canceled or picketed, though most have been warmly welcomed. Now it’s LA’s turn, & I will be Moderator for Talkback panels on Friday 6/2 at Laemmle Royal in West LA (with Nina Hartley & Herschel Savage!) & Saturday 6/3 at 910WeHo in West Hollywood. Actor Barry Miller—who attended Warren Beatty & Jack Nicholson’s 1976 fundraiser to help Deep Throat fight “obscenity” charges—will attend, + intimacy coordinator Erin Tillman & fetish model Lux Lives will be on my 910WeHo panel, with a post-panel VIP party featuring AGWA & Absinthe Absente to pour down our deep throats! Speaking of beverages, check out the “Deep Throat” Coca Cola scene to see where US. Supreme Court (In)Justice Clarence Thomas probably picked up his fixation with “pubic hair on my Coke can”… Have a Merry Masturbation Month climax, enjoy this FDR (F*ck Da Rich) while you still can & join Me, Max, the Damianos & More Sex Positive Allies at Deep Throat in LA! More here:
Need to talk privately? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday May 23, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): @DrSuzy Banned on Facebook - & IG!
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Censorship is on crusade! “Dr. Susan M Block” is Banned on Facebook & “DrSuzy1” is Banned on Instagram! Four days after META congratulated me on having so many followers that I needed two-step verification, it shut me down—& shut me out—suddenly & “permanently,” executing me virtual self by AI (Artificial Ignorance) firing squad & ejecting me into a virtual mass grave filled with millions of other wrongfully suspended accounts. Why? As is often the case, no reason was given except that I “Violated Community Standards.” In fact, Marky Z’s cop bots violated my Free Speech, tearing down my peaceful, loving little garden in his vast toxic META fiefdom, adding the insult of “violation” to the injury of termination, cutting me off from friends, family, fans, fellow Yalies, colleagues & community. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! They beat me up! But they didn’t beat me down… First, I am not totally banned: my Facebook group, Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy, and Bonoboville accounts are still up. It’s my personal “Susan M Block” Facebook profile & DrSuzy1 IG account that are erased. But Karma’s coming for Marky & the Block Curse which took down YouTube Censor-in-Chief Susan Wojcicki is already messing with META. Multiple SUZY Award winner Chris G calls in on this FDR promising to fight for my restoration (a long shot) with his own hashtag #JusticeforDrSusanMBlock ! Burt calls in to say everybody sick of censorship should join! All Social Media Refugees are welcome! We also talk with Brady about two kinds of AI: Artificial Ignorance & Ammosexual Incels (which is worse)? MORE Bad News: Vice TV is going bankrupt—& just before they were scheduled to release our special with our beautiful Bacchanalian Bonoboville Reunion! Last Week, the Vice Producer declared me a star. Now Vice is declaring bankruptcy, & that Producer Isn’t returning our phone calls! So, I declare 2023 to be my Media Annus Horribilus. Well, onward & forward into our next adventure: the iconic & controversial DEEP THROAT is coming to LA for its 50th Anniversary & I will moderate talkback panels after the two Deep Throat screenings in LA: Friday, June 2nd: Laemmle Royal in West Los Angeles and Saturday, June 3rd: 910 WeHo in West Hollywood with a VIP party after the screening! Come One, Come All or Just COME! Make Kink Not War! Follow The Bonobo Way Way of peace through pleasure. Merry Masturbation Month! Give yourself a hand! More prose & shows:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Kinsey defunded as Perma War is super-funded? So, there’s no cash for the sexology that heals, but billions for the war machine(s) that kill—abroad & at home. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Founded by Dr. Alfred Kinsey whose Kinsey Reports helped stimulate the Sexual Revolution, the Kinsey Institute of human sexuality and relationships research is peerless. As fellow sexologists, we support Kinsey’s government funding, though its corporate financing will make up for the state’s shortfall. However, it just shows the Neo-Puritan Crusade against sex education is in full swing. Neither FDR (F*ck Da Rich) radio nor the Dr Susan Block Institute are funded by any government nor corporate entity - just by our Phone Sex Therapy services which YOU can access! Just call 213-291-9497 anytime. Since we're not corporate nor government-funded, we can “speak easy” in our Speakeasy about sex & politics in ways you won’t hear anywhere else. On this broadcast, David aka “Hybrid Bonobo,” utilizes this opportunity to make Confession to his Mother Confessor (Me) & though it’s not real therapy (that’s private), it IS therapeutic & healing for him to reveal a taboo pleasure he’s kept secret all his life. Speaking of PLEASURE, we love it. Not that awful sex-negative “Pleasure” movie - oh no! But Janelle Monáe's very sex positive "Age of Pleasure" album’s "Lipstick Lover" is sensational & just in time for Masturbation Month! BUT (not butt) YouTube (not Janelle Monáe) is hypocritical for censoring me for showing less than JM because, apparently, a lot of Cash Monáe can buy you Free Speech. We also discuss the Patriot Front, a bunch of Ammosexual Incels cosplaying as “Clockwork Orange” Droogs. And we congratulate courageous E. Jean Carroll for making Trumpty Dumpty Fall off his Wall—to the tune of $5 million! AND we get set for "Deep Throat"—the iconic & very controversial porn film, part of the Sexual Revolution, Cinema History & Watergate, which is commemorating its 50th anniversary with a West Coast tour featuring director Gerard Damiano’s adult children, a director’s cut 5k restoration & ME moderating the post-screening panel. Be there & Be Bonobo for a better world for all. Check out more Pro-Bonobo prose & DrSuzy-Tv shows:

Friday May 12, 2023
Sex Calls: @DrSuzy Reverse Cowgirl Positioning
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Do you like exciting sexual positions - but also want comfort? Fiancés "Robert and Angie" both enjoy sex "from behind," aka doggie-style. Now Robert would like to "do" Angie in a twist on the Reverse Cowgirl Position involving her sitting on top of him, her back facing his chest but, he says, "it's hard for her." Actually, says Angie, "it hurts," and Robert doesn't want to hurt her! So, they call internationally renowned sexologist and sex therapist Dr. Susan Block for advice in "Reverse Cowgirl Positioning." Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Acknowledging Angie's pain, Dr. Block addresses the general discomfort and danger of Reverse Cowgirl. Moreover, Robert's method of doing it gives Angie no leverage or control of his level of penetration. Adding inches to the problem, they both confess, Robert is rather well-endowed! Since Angie does like sex from behind and wants to give this a try, Dr. Block suggests they "do" it in steps, first assuming regular Cowgirl, face-to-face with Robert on his back and Angie on top, getting in the groove with lots of lube. Once Angie is very comfortable and Robert is very hard, she can try swiveling around to Reverse Cowgirl, taking her time and taking control, using her thigh muscles to adjust how deeply Robert penetrates her, so it never has to hurt. Then... Giddyap! Ride 'em Cowgirl! "Reverse Cowgirl Positioning" is a vintage clip from the "SEX CALLS" broadcast archives of The Dr. Susan Block Show (circa 1998). This is NOT a call with actual therapy clients; those are absolutely private and confidential. This is a caller on Dr. Block's Saturday night live show. For info, call us at 626.461.5950. To SEE this clip uncensored, go to
Need to Talk PRIVATELY? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497. We're here for you.

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
It’s the Month of Masturbation & a Garish Coronation, but Ammosexual Incels are shooting up the Nation! How about Universal Health Care instead of all these Perma Wars & Company Stores, Bully Cops & Censor Bots & Guns, Guns, Guns!? Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Why don’t we go The Bonobo Way instead of the Way of Gun? So commences our royal ride with a volley of words from my latest Pro-Bonobo Anti-Gun manifesto, “Ammosexul Incels: A Primer” Sadly, it is also timely, as just before broadcast, there’s another tragic mass shooting in Allen, Texas, which Governor Greg Abbot calls “unspeakable,” but that’s just because HE can’t speak about it with his mouth stuffed with NRA cash. But Capt’n Max & I speak about it here at the Speakeasy, along with several Callin callers, including Joe on Universalism, David on Bonobo Love vs Gun Violence, & Burt on how the Ammosexual Incels, worsened by economic inequity, are killing us. So goes our 100th F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) broadcast, an auspicious milestone which we don’t even realize on-air, as we’re too busy mourning the shooting victims & laughing at Tampax King Charles III’s gaudy Coronation, steeped in murderous, slave-trafficking British colonial history, the most eargasmic moment being Scottish Celtic fans singing “You Can Stick Your Coronation Up Your Arse!” Speaking of eargasms we celebrate Masturbation Month 2023 with praise for the mystery lady having a big orgasm at the LA Philharmonic performance of Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony. Also: Please No War with China! Coming up: the 50th anniversary 4k restoration screening of the historic film, Deep Throat Also coming soon: our Bonoboville Reunion on VICE TV! Go Bonobos for E. Jean Carroll’s winning case Against Lying, Denying Pussy-Grabber Trumpty Dumpty who incriminates himself in his own testimony! Merry Masturbation Month 2023! Be Bonobo: Make Kink Not War... Go Bonobos for Love! Read more prose & check out all the great DrSuzy-Tv shows:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Sex Calls - @DrSuzy How to Orgasm with Your Husband
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Can YOU climax during intercourse? Watch “How to Orgasm with Your Husband,” a vintage but timeless clip from the "SEX CALLS" broadcast archives of The Dr. Susan Block Show (circa 1998) featuring internationally renowned sexologist and sex therapist Dr. Susan Block counseling a young wife named "Lauren." Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Why is it that so many women can have orgasms with ease through solo sex, but not via intercourse with their partners? How can you integrate self-pleasure into lovemaking? How do you stop worrying about what society or your parents might think of your solo sex? Why do we often hold our breath during sex? How does breathing deeply *into* your pelvis help you to experience orgasm? How do kegel or pubococcygeus (PC muscle) exercises help? Why is it easier for most women to experience orgasm from clitoral stimulation than vaginal penetration? What are "eargasms," "toegasms," and "nipplegasms"? Why is the clitoris, the "pearl of the oyster,” somehow involved in almost any female genital orgasm? Other topics: fear of losing control; being patient with yourself and taking the time that you need, self-love embarrassment; sex as an art form, sex as a spiritual practice and sex as a team sport; "achieving" vs. experiencing orgasm; squeezing and releasing the pubococcygeus (kegel) muscles; why the idea that an orgasm from just penetration is somehow better than a clitoral orgasm just an "Old Husband's Tale"; the importance of lubrication and cunnilingus for female orgasm. This is NOT a call with actual therapy clients; those are absolutely private and confidential. This is a caller on Dr. Block's Saturday night live show. For more information, call us at 626.461.5950. For more on this show, go to
Have a question about marital sex? Or is there something else you need to talk about that you can't talk about anywhere else? Experience Phone Sex Therapy. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497. We're here for you.