The Dr Susan Block Show

Friday Aug 25, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) Talking to Max
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality!

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy ViCE & ViRTUE
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Our Vice views are climbing on a stairway of virtue - past 125,000 views! Virtue? Yes, my phone sex therapy practice, Bonobo Way philosophy & bacchanals, all explored on Vice has many virtues... Though SOME commenters deplore my “wickedness”with the absolute certainty of the deeply ignorant, incurious, erotophobic & Christofascist. Such is the Apocalyptic battleground between ViCE & ViRTUE currently being waged in “Dr. Suzy’s Phone Sex Therapy” on Vice TV’s comment section, our main topic of discussion on this rollicking ride with me, Capt’n Max, Bonoboville Reunion stars Danièle Watts & Chef BeLive +Fahim who fears for my safety when he sees the vivid threats to my life from the more virulent crusaders… Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Many of these crusaders are what Orwell called "Thought Police," intent upon punishing people for their taboo thoughts, dreams & fantasies, bringing to mind an old Twilight Zone episode, "A Penny for Your Thoughts," about a bank executive who can read people’s minds & mistakenly accuses a daydreaming co-worker of planning to rob the bank. "We do things without thinking about them at all,” he realizes. “And we think things without having the slightest intention of doing them"… Food for thought, eh? Having just seen Oppenheimer, Daniele wishes Oppy had experienced a bit of my Phone Sex Therapy. “If only Oppenheimer had found release in explosive orgasms rather than exploding atoms”… Brady just saw the Vice doc & gives it an A+: “That is one of the best Vice pieces ever…It’s a classic already… Bonoboville looks like Paradise on Earth. I’m very impressed actually… Ya’ll are the real deal. Ya’ll are making sex a less toxic, more positive thing for everyone on planet earth”… Amen & Awomen! In our RIP corner, we bid farewell to “The Fantasticks” writer Tom Jones… At age 16, I played “The Girl” (Luisa) in a camp production of this longest running musical of all time (1960 – 2002). And just in case you don’t know, I've been nominated for the 2023 Urban X Award for “Most Popular Sex Educator.” And Max & I will attend the Urban X Awards at the Globe Theater in DTLA Sunday. Come one, come all or just come. Unless you’re one of our threatening Vice trolls, in which case, please don’t come! Just stay home & masturbate. It’s a virtue. Check out more of my prose & shows:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy We’re On Vice TV!
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Tuesday Aug 08, 2023
Our Vice TV piece has finally dropped with a huge splash in the YouTube ocean, creating ripples of love—& toxic tidepools of hate—around the world… Love us or hate us, we’ve garnered over 95.000 views with 1.5K thumbs-up in just four days! Thanks Vice TV for a job well done under duress—Vice went bankrupt, but was saved by George Soros! The result is that “Dial ‘O’ for Orgasm: Dr. Suzy’s Controversial Phone Sex Therapy” is a fantastic & unique documentary in many ways... though there are many ways in which I don’t like about it, but I'm not complaining. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! It certainly lives up to Vice labeling it "controversial" in the YouTube version’s comments section, where 500 comments (and counting) range from great praise to violent threats against me & Bonoboville, calling for our arrest, eternal damnation & execution by “firing squad”! It's a little scary, but Max & I have fun responding to all the rage, outrage, disgust, condemnation, denigration, slut-shaming, elder abuse, misogyny, thought-policing & horror with as much humor & Bonobo Love as we can muster…We also take 4 great calls on this podcast: 1) Chris G., 2) Kasey T-Girl, 3) Rhiannon Aarons and 4) Brady… Rhiannon & Kasey are in the ViceTV piece at our Bonoboville Reunion—the Vice edition featuring boobs without nipples… Yes indeed, thanks to censorship: We Are All Barbie Now!... Also on this Love Train ride: Intense responses to my Sinéad O' Connor farewell now on Counterpunch…. Beaten down by being hounded, RIP Backpage co-owner Jim Larkin died by suicide just before his trial… And we honor the 100s of 1000s of Dead on the 78th anniversary of the American bombing of Hiroshima, purposefully murdered by US President Harry S. Truman perpetrating the worst war crime the world has ever known. Tragic how these war criminals are honored by so many, while Sex Educator/s who never hurt anyone are treated with disdain… Well, I am being honored with a “Most Popular Sex Educator” Urban X awards nomination… Manatee group sex on the beach is in season! … And Trumpty Dumpty’s been indicted… again—but is still 39 points ahead of his closest Republican competitor, “throat-slitting” Ron DeFascist… RIP PeeWee Herman, aka Paul Ruebens… And... It’s hot! Global Warming has turned to Global Broiling. Keep hydrated. Stay sane. Air-conditioning may be good for you, but it’s bad for the planet, so make love—or m*sturbate—in a nice tub of ice while listening to this cool and eargasmic F.D.R. and then watch us on Vice TV:
More here:
Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy Bonoboville X-Press
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
It’s a bumpy ride on the Bonoboville X-press which is still censored, disabled, terminated & X-terminated on all major social media X-cept on “X”… X? Yes, our beloved Tweety-bird has been X-ecuted by the world's richest man just to show us that he is X-tremely dumb. It’s X-hausting, & I feel as X-ploited by this (se)X-obsessed narcissist capitalist as anyone, but I'm still hanging in there, and at least I have FDR! But just as I start this show, Capt’n Max gruffly X-presses that he is “unhappy,” while refusing to explain why, so I restart the show without him Then, within a few minutes, he shows up & cheers up. Fellow travelers on this bumpy X-press train include Brady talking about Kanzi the genius bonobo playing Minecraft & asking me for my review of Barbie (I call her "Capitalist Barbie). My suggestion that guys with humiliation fetishes can relate to Ken dolls rings a bell for Brady & leads to a discussion about Matt Walsh, Christofascist “What is a Woman?” commentator into the Adult Baby Diaper Fetish with his “Sweet Baby Gang” of "theocratic fascists." AB/DL isn’t wrong, but Matt “Daddy” Walsh should get some sex therapy so he doesn’t keep inflicting his unresolved erotic issues on the rest of us. Meanwhile, libraries are being turned into prisons for kids & I defend Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace making a sexy little joke at a “prayer breakfast.” In any case, the majority of Republicans still love their racketeering mobster Trumpty Dumpty... Mid-show, I deliver a heartfelt eulogy to Sinéad O’Connor whose amazing rendition of Prince's song "Nothing Compares 2 U" is featured on "Desert Susan". Also calling in: “Most Bonobo Couple” SUZY Award-winners Chef Belive & Daniele Watts featured in many Dr Suzy-Tv shows & bacchanals including our Bonoboville Reunion coming up this Thursday, August 3 (we just found out) on Vice TV special featuring me and my "Liberating Phone Sex Therapy." Watch it at AND check out my pro-bonobo prose & some uniquely amazing shows: to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy Censorship: Left & Right + RIP Tony Bennett
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Who are the worst censors—the Rightwing or the Left? Free Speech is under attack, but who causes more carnage & shuts down more Free Speech in today’s Battle of the Bans? The lunatic ammosexual Religiofascist Right or the faux-“woke” neoliberal corporate Left? In terms of sex, politics, war, peace, “freedom,” universalism, “bonoboism,” art or culture, & in the “commons”—that is, social media— our virtual public squares, who truly honors Free Speech? Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Not that Capt'n Max and I (still Banned on Facebook) definitively answer these questions on this lively show, but we have a great, uncensored time speaking easy at the Speakeasy about them. Throughout civilized history, the Right, especially the Religious Right, has been the worst in terms of censoring facts, reason, diversity, justice & fairness, as well viciously & fascistically censoring millions of people’s very lives. Though liberal Democrat Harry Truman certainly censored a lot of innocent people’s lives in Hiroshima & Nagasaki, just to scare the Soviets. Furthermore, when it comes to censoring me on social media, the Leftwing has been worse than the Right. Though calling the faux woke Silicon Valley corporate billionaires of META, YouTube, Reddit & Spotify—& their AI (artificial ignorance) handmaids—“Left” is an insult to true Lefties like me. Most of our Lefty friends consider Twitter (now X) to be the WORST major social media, but for me, it’s been the best (so far). After all, when you’re being punched, kicked, terminated, ball-gagged and disabled by the “good guys,” & the bad guy offers you a hand—or at least leaves you alone—you appreciate it—Tweety Bird, X or O. Meanwhile, I continue to receive touching letters of solidarity that warm my heart, even as I'm frozen out of the social media Commons, including the latest missives from the late great artist Frank Moore's crew. Meanwhile we are taking Instagram to arbitration AND starting up a union for social media content creators. Join us! We also say RIP to Tony Bennett at the age of 96— fantastic singer & great Lefty who also appealed to the Rightwing, but always stood (& sang) for love, not war. We also pick up five passengers on this Love Train over the course of four fun Callin calls: 1) Joe on Universalism & “bonoboism” (his term for The Bonobo Way), the Right, the Left, the tRump (about to be indicted for the perfect charge, the “mob” allegation of “Racketeering” for his brazen attempt to subvert the 2020 election), interracial sex and p*rn on the floor of Congress (thx for that, Marjorie Taylor Greene, though considering you’re a proven cheater, maybe you shouldn’t be so hypocritical about Hunter Biden’s sexcapades) 2) Chris G., sings a little “San Francisco,” & speaks out against censorship… 3) Dre Day points out that social media takes info from us, but never gives it up to us 4) Finally, BeDaLoveLive, aka Chef Belive & Daniele Watts, featured in many DrSuzy.Tv shows & bacchanals, including our Bonoboville Reunion (soon to air on Vice TV…unless it’s censored like Vice’s documentary about Ron DeSantis’ Guantanamo torture times), talk about their current adventures & being shadow-banned +We discuss Barbie & Oppenheimer openings - Barbenheimer! - even though none of us have seen either film. The most explosive thing about Oppenheimer isn’t the A-Bomb, but Florence Pugh bare boobs! Bonus: she plays a Communist. Free the nipple (Barbie doesn't even have them) & spread the wealth! Speaking of spreading the wealth, if you haven’t already, please help 910 Weho And join Bonoboville & we just might fly you to the moon. Read more of my prose & watch the uncensored shows:
Need to talk privately? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy STRIKE for Love
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
All aboard the Love Train, but don’t cross that picket line! Strike against greed! Yes indeed. At this pivotal moment in Capitalocene history, many routinely exploited American workers in the WGA, SAG-AFTRA, UPS & other unions are on strike. On this episode of FDR, we support the good strikes (go unions!) & oppose the bad strikes—the military strikes, specifically the horrific clusterbombs. There’s also a war on words being waged against me &, of course, YOU. This is not a war OF words, but a war ON words, because corporate social media’s most powerful weapon is to silence us, censoring our words, usually without saying a word about why we can no longer speak. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Now Spotify is censoring my spoken word. Why? Is it something I said? My sexy voice? My leftist politics? Is it because I invented & practice Phone Sex Therapy? Because I'm Jewish? Pro-Palestine? Because I support workers, including sex workers? Neither Spotify, nor Facebook, nor IG, nor YouTube will say. That tends to be the guiding “principle” of corporate social media: Disable the account with no explanation. The disabling of my account(s) is sadly appropriate for Disability Pride Month, & in that spirit, we honor FDR.’s namesake, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, disabled from polio but one of our best Presidents—talk about a great role model for Disability Pride. F.D.R. also stands for F*ck Da Rich &, due to America’s ominous decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine, I was going to call this show "Cluster F*ck da Rich," but self-censored out of fear of being disabled again. Self-censorship is the opposite of self-pleasure. It is a form of self-harm, but seems grimly necessary to keeping one’s social media accounts alive in these Dark Ages of Corporate Censorship. We are still waiting to hear back from the IG lawyer who said META bots *may* have made a mistake in disabling my accounts, but will they admit it? In the Hollywood strikes, CEO hypocrisy & class warfare are on full, dramatic display. Do the CEOs like Disney Chief Bob Iger care? Hardly. It’s the world of “acting,” but they don’t even bother to act like they care. On the other side, we go bonobos for SAG/AFTRA Prez Fran Drescher! Don't miss our Vice TV documentary premiering August 8! And vote for me for the “Most Popular Sex Educator” Urban X Award: Just call me the “Urban Ashkenazi Love Doctor"... Regarding those clusterbombs: I oppose them, but we take a call from Greg in Central Europe who makes a persuasive case for using them--though it doesn’t persuade me! Check out more prose & great uncensored shows:
Need to talk privately? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Between Rightwing Rumble buying up Callin & META’s mega-“positive” (but not SEX-positive) Threads tying up Twitter into Musky knots of nastiness, our little Love Train is on its way from the Capitalocene to the Bonobocene. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Highlights include: Hopeful news on the censorship front! An Instagram lawyer has admitted that IG committed a grievous error in disabling my account! Stay tuned to find out if my wrongfully disabled account(s) are restored, or if I get social-media-suckerpunched once again. Chris G. calls in to give a rousing speech to restore my accounts, & remind us that it’s Disability Pride Awareness Month—which we always celebrate but, having had my social media accounts “disabled,” I'm feeling the solidarity even more this year. Chris himself sets an admirable example for other people with autism, & we are so proud of his SUZY Award-winning activism… David, aka “Hybrid Bonobo,” calls in to talk about my amazing 1996 interview with Harvard anthropology Professor Richard Wrangham +other questions about rare hybrid bonobo-chimp offspring & books about now-taboo sexual practices among our prehistoric ancestors for which I suggest Dr. Christopher Ryan’s classic "Sex at Dawn." Brady calls in with questions about chemicals that kills your sex drive… AND it’s my Mom’s birthday during the live 7/8 broadcast, so I give a little tribute to the wonderful artist, teacher & low-key socialist who would have been 104, if she were alive. RIP John Clark, my old friend (who I met through Dr. Toni Grant), KIEV radio show, ex-husband of great actress Lynn Redgrave & Dad to Janelle Hopkins’ son Derek Wilder. What a character John was! +Our Vice TV documentary on Dr. Susan Block’s phone sex therapy, & featuring our Bonoboville Reunion, will premiere August 8! Go Bonobos for the Urban X Awards & vote for me for “Most Popular Sex Educator”: . Meanwhile, Rumble, the new Far Right internet channel named for dirty street fighting, has purchased Callin. What to do? Instead of dwelling on our differences—which are many— we focus on our common interest in Free Speech… And there’s a Rumble in the Social Media Jungle between Elon Musk’s abused adoptee, Twitter, and Marky Z’s Goody-Two-Shoes brainchild, Threads. We all know what a mess Musk made of Twitter—& it’s getting worse, especially if, like us, you don’t buy Elon’s blood-sucking blue tics. But the Bird is the only major social media site that hasn’t banned me—& it’s always been best for Free Speech on sex-positive topics and images—so we’re still there. The new Threads app is more of a mystery, but we’re there now too, albeit slightly bored. Is Threads an empty suit? Apparently, the new platform is a no-fly zone for news-and-politics AND seems cut from the same erotophobic clothe as IG—relentless self-promoting “positivity” without sex-positivity. Are these Threads the Emperor’s New Clothes? Naked or not, have a Bonobo Summer of Love with great beach-reading: The Bonobo Way! Make Kink Not War! Read more prose & see the uncensored shows: to talk privately? Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) @DrSuzy Freedom and Restraint
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Tuesday Jul 04, 2023
Just a few fireworks & a hot dog into America’s 247th birthday week, Max & I engage in a little 4th of July foreplay on F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) Radio, commemorating America’s freedom from the Madness of King George & also celebrating sexual freedom—even if that means being free to be restrained, chained & whipped like a slave—as fantasy roleplay (with enthusiastic consent only, of course) & meditating on how maintaining the actual slavery system was one profit-driven reason for our much glorified American Revolution against the British who wanted to free the slaves--& actually did in 1807 (Critical Race Theory, anyone?). It’s a mixed bag, this great country of ours, & there’s a lot to criticize, but much to celebrate, & we do. Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality! Let Freedom Reign! “Freedom is the greatest aphrodisiac, but restraint is a close second,” I always say as I call for restraining violence, but defending Free Speech, which includes freedom to speak (that’s why we call this show "Dr. Suzy's Speakeasy") about issues that aren’t so easy to speak about. Unfortunately, my channels & many other voices are now nonconsensually restrained, my personal accounts banned on FB, IG & YT, thanks to AI (Artificial Ignorance).. So, I'm grateful for support like Rhiannon’s petition to “Restore Susan M Block’s Facebook & Instagram Accounts” & GasMaskGirl’s tweet to YouTube to restore my channel Then SUZY award winner Chris G calls in on Callin with another great speech in support of Free Speech. Joe calls in for Universal Health Care, & Shardoll wonders why a strong woman (like myself perhaps) sounds like a Dominatrix (sounds like Shardoll wants to be restrained by a FemDom). He also wants dating tips, so I suggest watching fireworks (though not ecologically friendly or safe) which can be foreplay for explosive sex later. Pro-Tip: “Don’t set off fireworks while holding them in your hand, or you could lose your fingers—& how are you going to finger someone with no fingers?” But it makes a hot date: Orgasms for the Eyes on the 4th of July. Wonder if Shardoll will takes my advice… After all, I've been nominated by the Urban X Awards for “Most Popular Sex Educator”… Fellow Urban X Awards nominees include Sinnamon Love (a great guest on The Dr. Susan Block Show), Glamazon Tyomi, Jet-Setting Jasmine, Pegstress, Madame Carmen, Jessica Drake & Ericka Hart… In these trying times of rising sex education censorship, banning books, defunding Kinsey & firing sex educators just for doing their jobs, it’s a delight to share nomination honors with such a great group. Thank you, Urban X Awards, for honoring our sex educational work & play. Vote for me here: ... And speaking of sex education, RIP “Talk Sex” host Sue Johanson, who just passed away at 93, proving that sex-ed helps you live to a ripe old age. Meanwhile, France is on fire, though between the censorship & fake news, it’s hard to tell what’s really happening. We support protests against the police murder of Nahel Merzouk (a French teen of Algerian descent) & brutal colonial history of France in Algeria, but we decry the incendiary violence. Some Good News: Our Vice TV documentary featuring our Bonoboville Reunion premiers July 18. Thank you for freeing Vice from bankruptcy, George Soros. Speaking of freedom, Free Assange! Censorship is one kind of nonconsensual restraint, but it is mild compared to the horrendous torture & incarceration that Julian Assange has endured. Anyone who values “freedom,” should fight for freedom for Julian Assange, one of the greatest freedom fighters of our times - a great defender of the American idea of freedom - & not even American(!) Go Bonobos for a great holiday! Read more prose & see the uncensored shows: Need to talk privately? Call Our Therapists Without Borders anytime: 213.291.9497. We're here for YOU.