The Dr Susan Block Show

Thursday May 14, 2020
“Dominatrixes Against Donald Trump” (D.A.D.) Puts Out the “Fire and Fury”
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & SexualityBonoboville kicks off 2018 with a bang, a spank and a sweet, sapiosexual Communion, climaxing with Dominatrixes Against Donald Trump (D.A.D.) unleashing a glorious golden shower upon our surrogate Trumpty Dumpty, the Cuckold King,.It’s the first Dr. Susan Block Show of the new year, and after a nice chill holiday, the Fire and Fury is hotter than ever. Fire and Fury is the name of journalist Michael Wolff’s new fly-on-the-White-House-wall book about life with the Prima Donald Trumpanzee, the unscrupulous Trump Crime Family and the crazed, confused and duplicitous White House staff. It’s also the name of one of my articles, The Fire and Fury of the Tiki Torches, penned mid-summer when the bombastic Trumposity was threatening to unleash “Fire and Fury and, frankly, power like the world has never seen before onto his funhouse mirror image, Kim Jong-Un.

Wednesday May 13, 2020
Bedside Chat 7: Happy MILF Day!
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Mother’s Day is MILF Day on Dr. Suzy's 7th Bedside Chat of the Coronapocalypse, as we continue celebrating Masturbation Month 2020 with two sexy guest MILFs—one of whom lactates and squirts for us—and we say farewell to the great Little Richard, Father of Rock ‘n’ Roll and sex revolutionary for our “Tutti Frutti” times.
Guests: The Lebowskis (Bunnie & the Dude) and Avarice Noir

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Bedside Chat 6: Masturbation Month Kickoff 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
What a way to activate the merry Masturbation Month of May! It’s Dr. Susan Block’s 6th Bedside Chat of the Coronapocalypse, inspired by the warmth, egalitarian vision and straight talk in tough times of FDR’s Fireside Chats, kicking off the M Month with a couple of hot “professional masturbators” (porn star Brianna Brooks and “cumedian” Allie Awesome), two Motorbunnies, three Hitachi Magic Wands, several other sex toys, true solo-sex confessions (Testify: "Lord (or Lady), I masturbate & I am not ashamed"), sapiosexual conversation, Coronapocalyptic revelations, a Cinco de Mayo Corona (the beer) Fiesta (¡Viva la Masturbación!), lots of laughs and several heart-pounding orgasms. Sorry for a few technical difficulties, but we even manage to turn them into comedy gold mixed with steamy self-pleasure and stimulating surprises (though this version is censored for YouTube). To watch the whole Bedside Chat uncensored and free, read the show journal and see all the fun photos, go to:
“Merry Masturbation Month 2020! Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Wankers and Monkey-Spankers…If there was ever a year to celebrate, this is it! After all, most of us are locked up in our rooms right now, and with all the rules and recommendations about staying six feet apart, having sex with someone else is challenging (if not impossible), unless you’re sheltering-in-place together. Until we’re out of this Cornona-tastrophe, the safest sex—and one of the best uses of your time—is doing the two-finger tango. Now when you lay on your couch, indulgently jacking or jilling off, you’re not just a useless wanker. You’re a responsible citizen; a cum-decorated soldier in the viral war against humanity and other mammals. Shoot the gun between your legs! It’s a billion times more honorable than ammosexuals trying to compensate for their sexual insecurities by brandishing real guns as they storm government buildings in the midst of a deadly pandemic because their favorite shooting gallery is closed. So… make love to someone you love, even if that someone is you.” ~Dr. Suzy Need to talk PRIVATELY about masturbation, isolation or anything else you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk to us. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497.

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
In Dr. Susan Block's 5th Bedside Chat of the Coronapocalypse, she chats with one of adult film history’s greatest stars, now a Native Cherokee healer, the amazing Hyapatia Lee.

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
BEDSIDE CHAT 4: Betty Boop & Boober Eats in Quarantine
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
It's Dr. Susan Block's 4th Bedside Chat of the Coronapocalypse, inspired by FDR's Fireside Chats, rocking Her Betty Boop Facemask, chatting up SEX & FOOD & Boober Eats (aka Lucky Devil Eats) in Quarantine! Watch it uncensored and free:

Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Celebrating 28 years of love, trust, lust and marriage—the kinkiest kind of human bondage—Dr. Susan Block and Pr. Maximillian Lobkowicz celebrate their 28th wedding anniversary, plus Easter Eve, the 4th night of Passover, Dr. Suzy’s third Bedside Chat of the Coronapocalypse (inspired by FDR’s Fireside Chats) and our thousandth day in Quarantine. Well, it’s not really the thousandth day, not even close; it just feels like it is. But we make up for that with this fun-packed show celebrating the Prince and the Love Doctor’s long-term love affair and featuring three fabulous guests via Zoom: DomCon Glamazon Goddess Phoenix (in her bubble bath) and “Animal Play” FemDom Madame Margherite (by her bondage cross), as well as sexy Amber the Dancer (in her Texas boudoir), plus Sunshine McWane in Bonoboville dressed up as the Easter “Stigmata Bunny.” Plus dozens of purple orchids (Greek translation: testicles), symbol of the 28th wedding anniversary, plenty of matzah, Manischewitz, maror and haroseth, green herbs and stoner herb, more bunnies for Easter, eggs and masks for all,and lots of hand-washing (a Passover ritual and favorite practice of Pontius Pilate) which is all the more meaningful in the COVID-19 era. Watch it uncensored and free + read Dr. Suzy's sapiosexual show blog: http:// drsusanblock . com/ 28th-wedding-anniversary Need to talk PRIVATELY about your marriage, relationship(s), single life, kinky desires, taboo thoughts, quarantine blues, isolation anxieties, holiday sex, erotic fantasies or anything else you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk to us, and it’s absolutely private and confidential. We’re here for you 24/7. Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime you need to talk: 213-291-9497.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s Dr. Susan Block's second Bedside Chat in the Coronapocalypse. FDR held Fireside Chats during the Great Depression and WWII. Dr. Suzy holds Bedside Chats during a different kind of war against an enemy we can’t even see, let alone shoot. Here the Love Doctor, Sunshine, Capt'n Max and crew "mask up" and chat with guests, including porn star Lola Fae and comedienne Keilah Harris, via Zoom, about the best sex in isolation (masturbation!), politics (tRump didn't create COVID-19, but his misinformation and narcissism is making it worse), how Trump is stiffing sex workers who aren't getting any Coronavirus relief, being "Cuomosexual," French-kissing (now riskier than sexual intercourse), the canceled Japanese Penis Festival and whether or not we really want to return to "normal" when we (well, some of us) "get through this." “Do we really want to just get back to 'normal' pollution levels, normal inequality, normal lack of medical care, normal bigotry, normal greed, normal Perma-War, normal climate crisis?" asks Dr. Suzy. "Or do we want to take a different, more sustainable, more sex-positive path, a ‘Bonobo Way’?" We also have some sexy, kinky fun, most of which we can’t show you on this censored-for-YouTube edition. Watch Bedside Chat 2 uncensored and free + read Dr. Suzy's sapiosexual show blog: Need to talk PRIVATELY about your personal isolation issues or anything else you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk to us, and it’s absolutely private and confidential. Need to relieve stress with Erotic Hypnosis? We’re here for you 24/7.
Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497.
ON-AIR LINE: (626) 461-5212 JUMP IN!

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Bedsidechat Coronapocalypse
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
FDR held "Fireside Chats." Dr. Susan Block holds "Bedside Chats." She's been doing them off-and-on since the first Gulf War, and this is her first " Bedside Chat in the Coronapocalypse, a life-and-death event that is changing the world. From her couch (in-studio bed coming soon!) she chats with "Funniest Fundamentalist Refugee" SUZY award winner and "Best Actor" Film Festival winner Luzer Twersky and GasMaskGirl porn star, as well as "Best Bonobo Way Book-Spanking" and "Best Submissive" SUZY award winner Violet Coxxx, on cam as she, Sunshine and Capt'n Max practice Physical Distancing, drink Coronas (don't blame the beer!), doing their best to help you handle Life under Lockdown, LoVE in the Time of Coronavirus, the Best Sex in Isolation (Hint: Masturbation), the Trump Virus, our Heroic Doctors & Nurses, our growing Medical Fetishes, Religion & Coronavirus + more. #GoBonobos #StaySafe #Isolate #Hibernate #Masturbate &, unless you're an "essential worker," #StaytheFuckHome. Click here to watch the uncensored show (free!) and read Dr. Suzy's sapiosexual show journal: Need to talk PRIVATELY about your isolation issues or anything else you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk to us, and it’s absolutely private and confidential. Need to relieve stress with Erotic Hypnosis? We’re here for you 24/7.
Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213-291-9497.
ON-AIR LINE: (626) 461-5212 JUMP IN!