The Dr Susan Block Show

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Unicorns, squirting leprechauns and bonobos—oh my!
From the sapiosexual escapades of Rudy “Oozy” Giuliani’s polyamorous daughter to the concerning complexities of Cuomosexuality to why “Da Rich” BETTER pay a “wealth tax” (with no loopholes!) or Da Rest of Us will just keep getting RAILROADED… this Love Train ride’s a little bumpy, but loads of fun, as we travel through the Tunnel of Love.
We also talk about top-down censorship vs. bottoms-up cancel culture vs. just-plain-old-awful prison (Free Julian Assange!); the ballsy revelations of bonobo handshakes; the baptismal delights of shamrock-squirting MILFs; the shared pleasures of smoking a double bubbler; horrible anti-Asian attacks in the Coronapocalypse; and Prince Maximilian Rudolph Leblovic di Lobkowicz di Filangieri, aka Capt’n Max’s exciting rediscovery of his long-lost royal Filangieri side of the family (not all royals are so reprehensible).
But the jewel in the crown of our conversation is F.D.R.’s sexy celebrity of the week, Caroline Rose Giuliani—proud polyamorous pansexual into ethical nonmonogamy and threesomes—whom I affectionately dub “Poly Giuliani.”
I almost can’t believe I could feel affection for someone named “Giuliani.” But what a difference a generation makes. Though her father is one of the more disgusting, dissembling, ridiculous and yes, ghoulish (BOOdy Ghouliani) clowns of the Trumpenstein Nightmare, Caroline Rose Giuliani is a Rose among thorns, and a UNICORN!
Listen above or click to read more:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. For more information, visit We’re here for YOU.

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Pain & Pleasure Healing
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Was it a COVID-19 vaccine side effect? Or did he throw his back out—and where could he have thrown it? We don’t know, but for the past few days, we tried to heal Capt’n Max’s excruciating pain via an array of “pain-killers”—from easy yet debilitating opioids to the controversial but healthier healing power of sexual pleasure. Feeling the pain? Just say YES to some kind of (COVID-safe and consensual) sex! And yes, thank Goddess, Max is feeling much better now. Praise be to the power and glory of pleasure healing. Amen and AWOMEN. It does a body good.
We have done many shows about the combination of consensual pain and pleasure that is often involved in spanking, as well as other forms of impact play and BDSM. This show focuses more on unwelcome pain (from injury, sickness or a bad reaction to a vaccine) and how to treat it with sexual pleasure healing.
Take the Pain Train to Track Pleasure on the F.D.R. Speakeasy streamliner, where we dine on an array of tasty topics, as well as Gideon’s homemade hamantaschen, aka “Pussy Cookies,” a delicious appetizer for our after-show throwback, Purim Rising 2013 (in solidarity with Eve Ensler’s One Billion Rising), a dazzling, pornstar-studded, orgiastic masquerade that suddenly spiraled into violence unseen before or after in Bonoboville (except that illegal LAPD raid). Fortunately—before anyone could be killed or hurt badly—we defused the conflict in a Bonobo Way.
Why oh why can’t America follow the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure, we wonder as we condemn the recent Biden Bombings. We also laugh (more in fear than fun) at CPAC (now CPAQ) and the Cult of the Golden tRump Love Doll, being worshipped like an idol by a crazy convocation of hypocritical Bible-thumpers. I acknowledge my “ableist” infraction against the “crazy community” in calling the CPAQanon’ers “crazy,” but I can’t think of a better adjective (besides sleazy) for these Gross Oligarchy P*mps (GOP).
We hammer the final coffin nails into “Mean Old Uncle Rush,” now being *showered* with commentary, including a tweet from one of MY idols, Ellen Barkin.
And did I mention sex? When a listener asks about polyamory, we praise this growing movement of natural bonoboësque love. Unfortunately, polyamorous opportunities are limited in the Coronapocalypse, but all is possible in the Erotic Theater of the Mind.
Also: What’s the critical difference between so-called “cancel culture” and censorship, and what’s it got to do with “The People,” aka “the Mob” versus Big Tech, CEOs, celebrities and politicians, aka “Da Rich”? Listen…
Speaking of pain, we send well wishes to “Most Bonobo Celebrity” SUZY award winner, Ashley Judd, whose terrible fall and rescue is a tale of pain, healing and gratitude.
As our Pain Train pulls into the Pleasure Station, I share one last true story of false love, real lust, pain, pleasure and comedy with “Johnny Peyote Seed” at Naropa Institute. The moral of the story is: if your boyfriend pulls you down the stairs by your hair (ouch!)— no matter how *romantic* he is and even if you were cheating on him with your Tantric yoga teacher—get OUT!
Read more and check out the hot pix and videos:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. For more information, visit
We’re here for YOU.

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Pussy Cookie Rush
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
If you loved Rush Limbaugh, don’t get on this train. Then again, you might benefit from listening to a little loving, teasing, eargasmically pleasing and bonoboësque deprogramming from the Great American Dittohead Cult of Rush that begat tRump, Fox News, Alex Jones, Ben Shapiro and a zillion other racist, mendacious, imperialist, slut-shaming, left-blaming, noise machines cheerleading the radical rightwing of the Great Dysfunctional American Family. Speaking of that wing, we also present this week’s Ammosexual Poster Gal, Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, aka Loony Beretta-Brain, with more guns behind her head than I have dildos in my bed.
Ride with us—my beloved train conductor, Capt’n Max, as well as lovely Mariah, Unscene Abe and the rest of the unseen Bonoboville crew—as we chat up the latest sex scandals, including the criminal investigation of Marilyn Manson (will BDSM be on trial?) and HBO’s Farrow-based Woody Allen doc, as well as tease submissive IG listener “MJ Napoli” who claims to fulfill whatever kinky task we command. We also honor Black History Month with a nod to the Black Panthers (too ammosexual for me, but at least they had good intentions) and some cool “Moorish” cantors, “speaking easy” on the Speakeasy bar car about things that aren’t easy to speak about, smoking, sipping and traveling through time.
With Purim, the Jewish Mardi Gras of revelry and hamantaschen, aka “Pussy Cookies,” coming this week, we also celebrate that great royal *sex worker* heroine, Queen Esther, who saves her people from genocide with her Weapons of Mass Seduction. Purim Sameach!
But we begin with a rant against the ever-expanding Big Tech “prison complex,” including “Facebook Jail” (Marky Z. just censored us again, this time for a PG video from 2018) and YouTube’s inexplicable, unappealable judgments, their Dumb Bot Drones shooting down Free Speech from the Left, Right and even the “Center” is censored.
Speaking of censorship, the world’s worst case is now being perpetrated against journalist and Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange. Facebook Jail is pretty bad, but real jail is a million times worse, and the high security Belmarsh Prison where Assange is being held is horrific. Joe Biden can and should drop the ridiculous, literally tRumped-up charges. Free Assange!
Free Britney too. That’s not an urgent, life-or-death matter, like Assange; but enough slut-shaming our Mickey Mouse Club princess. She’s all grown-up and deserves control over her life and finances, just like all the other crazy celebrities have.
Read more and check out the hot pix and videos:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. For more information, visit We’re here for YOU.

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Valentine LUPERCALIA World Bonobo Day 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
It’s Valentine’s Day, Galentine’s Day, Ballentine’s Day (ok, Capt’n Max made that one up), Chinese New Year, National Tortellini Day, Single Awareness Day (a listener tells us about that one) and World Bonobo Day (#GoBonobos!) 2021, and we celebrate them all, especially LUPERCALIA, the original pagan Valentine’s Day that marks the coming of Spring with the race of hormones, the howl of the wolf, the sensual, consensual sting of the whip and the lusty, fun-filled blessings of Pan, the horned, horny, mischievous and ecosexual god of the wild.
Here in Bonoboville, we’ve celebrated the Lupercal, V-Day and all the High Holidays of Love with a fabulous flogging festival, Commedia Erotica reenactments, live music and a wild bacchanalian orgy of orgies for over 10 years. But it’s 2021, and we’re still making our masked and physically-distanced way through the treacherous Coronapocalypse, so it’s just my #1 Valentine and me (plus able engineer Unscene Abe), broadcasting this special, heartfelt episode of F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) radio, featuring one of the greatest stories hardly ever told, the primeval tale of the Lupercal.
We also say R.I.P. to Hustler publisher, Free Speech fighter and “interracial” porn pioneer, Larry Flynt, as well as Chicago 8 (and 7) antiwar activist Rennie Davis, and we roll our collective eyes over the “Gutless Offensive Pathetic” (GOP) refusal to convict twice-impeached Capitol Riot-inciter and all around a-hole, Donald J. Trumpty Dumpty. Not that we expected him to be found guilty by a “jury” of many who are also guilty.
But first our F.D.R. Love Train takes the time warp through the Italian countryside just outside of Rome, and we venture into the deep dark womb-like cave of the Lupercal, where the ancient Holiday of the Heart was born… Can’t get enough of V-Day’s amazing origin story? Read more and check out the hot pix and videos:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497.
For more information, visit
We’re here for YOU.

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Fantasy Tailgating
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Riding the Bonoboville Superbowl Streamliner, tailgate-style, Capt’n Max and I choo-choo with the crew through big games, wild fantasies, brave new realities, Big Tech censorship battles (on YouTube AND Facebook fronts for us this week—how about you?) and comic erotic politics.
All aboard the Speakeasy Bar Car where we dine on celebrity sex scandals (#EatTheRich), from Armie Hammer’s alleged cannibalism fetish to Marilyn Manson’s reported abuse, along with an intriguing statement from Dita Von Teese (a DrSuzy.Tv guest on our Bettie Page show, etc.), plus cuck-calling cuckold Roger Stone’s suspected role in the Insurrection, with an indigestible dollop of Margarine Taylor Greene on QAnon Koolaid-laced Trumpty Dumplings. So… what will prevail: Rightwing Stupidity or Leftwing Timidity? Having been interviewed that morning on WCAP-AM 980 Active Radio with Hartley Pleshaw, who compares the violent Trump Riots to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s peaceful 1963 March on Washington, I’m inspired to deliver my own little “I Have a Dream”-inspired, “I Have a Fantasy” State of Sex 2021 Address. Finally, as the train whistle blows, we wish you a Happy Horny Valentine’s Day, World Bonobo Day, Lupercalia (the original pagan Valentine’s Day), and Kung Hei Fat Choi. Happy Chinese New Year of the OX! #GoBonobos for insights, eargasms and the great Himalayan water buffalo who helped me survive a deadly monsoon.
Rather read than listen? Just heard the whole show, but want more? Go to
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. For more information, visit We’re here for YOU.

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Stocks, Cocks & No Glocks!
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
How can a BJ stop a thief? Is a “short squeeze” a Wall Street ploy or self-pleasure technique? What’s new in cannibalism (#EatTheRich—now on special!)? Which posterior act did former Arizona Governor Mike Huckabee confess to committing with a corn cob? What are the odds that Liz Warren will OTK-spank the QAnon Shaman as he testifies against Daddy Trump? How can you have hot Valentine sex—whether you’re single, in a couple or trouple—in the Coronapocalypse? What great sex worker victory just blessed Brooklyn? What’s up with Subway’s phallic fake tuna on fake bread? How are ammosexual “Proud Girls” Margarine and Lunatic, blessed by Swamp King Drumpf, playing Congress? What the hell-in-heaven’s name is going on, and how can The Bonobo Way help out?
Listen above or below for answers, insights and "eargasms for all" on our latest edition of F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) Radio as Capt’n Max and I talk, laugh, cough stonedly and moan erotically on another great sapiosexual train ride through time. Joining us are train engineer Unscene Abe, Speakeasy dining car attendant Mariah and more Bonoboville fellow travelers, our numbers magically contracting and expanding from eight bonobo sapiens and a dog to thousands of cheering, physically-distanced, masked revelers. So, what are you waiting for? Slip into some sensuous headphones and tune radio erotica and politix like you won’t hear anywhere else….
Rather read than listen? Just heard the whole show, but want more? Go to
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. For more information, visit
We’re here for YOU.

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Are You Libel? Have You Been Dumb-Bot-Droned?
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Whether you’re libel, libeled or just liable to go nuts these days, this show is for you. Actually, it’s for YouTube. But you can listen in (if they don’t censor it). Yes, Youtube is on a censoring rampage, and I am the latest victim of the Dumb Bot Drone Army in Google’s Military-Internet Complex. It’s not as bad as the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex, but it’s joining forces and wreaking damage… as well as damages. Not only did YouTube censor me for no discernible reason, but it also libeled and defamed me. How? I’ll give you a hint: It’s not what you think it is. Listen to this show for the full crazy-making story.
We also celebrate the end of the Trumpus as U.S. Presidunce. Woohoo! We defeated the fascists (for now)! Amen and AWOMEN! Now we have to wrestle with the boring, centrist, capitalist, anti-sex neoliberals, while still holding firm against the fascists. In other words, we have to F*ck Da Rich, and that’s our name, F.D.R. Plus we ask: Who’s worse: Diaper Don or Deadly Dubya? And we talk about Julian Assange (#FreeAssange!), the QAnon Shaman and other Trumpers now turning on “Daddy Trump”; Robbie Martin’s in-depth interview with me, “Sex Workers Battled Big Tech First, Obscenity Laws & Cuckolding in the Trump-era with Dr. Susan Block,” on Media Roots Radio; Capt’n Max’s Mafia Prison Feasts; Ben Franklin (friend of Max’s ancestor Gaetano Filangieri) and Franklin Delano Roosevelt (F.D.R.—that’s us!) in the Oval Orifice + more insights and eargasms, riding that train through time in the Speakeasy bar car. All aboard!
For more, go to https://drsusanblock .com/libel
To listen to the show that YouTube censored, go to
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? You can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. For more information, visit We’re here for YOU.

Monday Jan 25, 2021
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) 4: Fascism & Fetishes
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Warning: Explicit Conversations About Politics, Culture, & Sexuality
Still reeling from the Rape of the Capitol, we are back on the train through 2021. It’s International Fetish Day, so Capt’n Max and I join the worldwide conversation currently swirling around actor/heir Armie Hammer’s alleged “cannibalism” fetish, as well as the more frightening fetish for fascism, “wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross,” now roiling the U.S.A. Between drinks, joints and appetizers (though no grilled toes on this Dining Car), we talk about MAGA and QAnon fantasies vs/ Christian and cannibal fantasies; “eating” pussy vs. tequila toe shots; Ben Shapiro’s “Wet Ass P-Word” vs. Cardi B’s wet ass; “Daddy Trump” vs Charlie Manson (bonus: You’ll hear Capt’n Max’s harrowing and hilarious story of being threatened by the Manson Family, a true tale that inspired a scene in Beverly Hills Cop); MAGAt Exhibitionism vs. Riot Porn; Fa vs. AntiFa; a fetish for fascism vs. the Bonobo Way—and much more!—with Mariah, Unscene Abe and a studio audience of thousands, all masked up and riding that train. Message to tRump: Before you pardon all your Rotunda rapists, pardon Julian Assange! All aboard the F.D.R. Bonobo Way Express, Streamliner Track 4, for eargasms and insights into fascism and fetishes.
More here:
Need to talk PRIVATELY about something you can’t talk about with anyone else? Whatever your politics, culture or sexuality, you can talk with us… Call the Therapists Without Borders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute anytime: 213.291.9497. For more information, visit We’re here for YOU.